The document discusses the approach and mindset needed to find the right job in another EU country. It emphasizes preparing by developing your online profile, networking, researching companies and locations thoroughly. The key is to view it as a journey, be flexible and committed, and focus on developing relationships to find the best fit, seeing opportunities in times of change.
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How to find a job in another EU country?
1. Finding the right job is a journey not a destination The right approach, mindset, tools to finding an job in another EU country
6. The opportunity Change means opportunity Facebook = half a billion citizens and counting Europe as a single market (a competitive advantage) Internet to get information and build networks in advance Need to adapt, rethink
7. "In the future globalization is going to be increasingly driven by the individuals who understand the flat world, adapt themselves quickly to the processes and technologies."
11. Preparation Beyond the CV: Identity 2.0 Get your profile up to date and relevant Linkedin, twitter, blogging, joining online communities (ning) Radical transparency: be yourself! Win the job before it is advertised: internet intelligence Create a relationship early
12. The New Job seekers Toolkit Online job boards Google and Bing (do your homework!) Linkedin (people who work there and will interview) Follow and be followed on twitter Check out what the EU can do 4U
15. Networking Most jobs are won before the interview begins Get to know your enemy Set-up google alert on the company Check your friends of friends Look at all social networks (facebook, linkedin)
18. Find the right match: Look for the company with the right values Look for what they have done Check the country and city where the company is based Travel there first (holidays) Spend some time before the interview Get to know the local market, housing, general information about the new place what matters more location or job? Language issues: understand what it needed and pitch yourself accordingly Check out press release, presentations, youtube videos about where they are heading Understand the context: size, culture, projects Make sure this is the right job for you dont forget winning the wrong job wont make you happy and wont help your long term career Be prepared to invest in a relationship before you get the job Is it a win win?
19. 8 Tips Be flexible: prepare for a journey of exploration Commit (spend some time there first) Be ready to take on what is available to get attention and get on the list Create and develop a relationship Refine your presentation based on how you can add value to the company View every job as a learning opportunity Its about finding the right fit Look for a challenge not a job