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5 Secrets To Successful Aquaponics Revealed
The 5 Secrets to Being Successful With
If you want to be successful with aquaponics there are 5 secrets you need to
Aquaponics is the food production revolution taking the world by storm.
It is a symbiotic relationship of fish and plant allowing you to feed your family
100% organic food all year round from the comfort of your own home.
 Do you like the idea of living greener through a more sustainable lifestyle?
 Do you want to feed your family 100% organic fresh produce all year
 Would you like to save on your food bill putting extra money in your pocket
at the same time?
Are you are nodding right now?
Then as an 8 year auquaponics veteran I can tell you living greener, supplying
your family with fresh produce all year round plus saving money has never been
The simplest and fastest way to make this possible is with aquaponics.
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
With this in mind I want to share with you the 5 secrets to successful aquaponics
in this article.
So with your permission allow me to continue..starting with choosing the right
plants to grow.
Aquaponics Secret #1 - Choosing the Right Plants
It is possible to grow pretty much any fruit or vegetable with aquaponics in
theory BUT
Even though its possible to grow a papaya or a banana tree with aquaponics if
you are an aquaponics beginner its best to start more modestly. You want to
stay away from plants that prefer acid or soil based environments.
The same goes for plants requiring significantly higher or lower pH levels than
neutral 7.0 so we advise against fruits such as blueberries.
Look for plants preferring pH levels between 6.8 and 7.0. These plants will thrive
in a basic aquaponics system allowing optimal nutrient uptake.
Its is possible to take cuttings, seeds or transplants from ordinary soil based
plants you already have in your garden and use them in your aquaponics
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
Aquaponics Secret #2 - Choosing the Right Fish
Choosing the right fish depends on several criteria such as:
Are your fish for eating or strictly ornamental?
Some species of fish are better for eating (Tilapia being very common) whilst
others such a Koi carp are better for ornamental purposes.
What is your environment?
The average temperature of the water throughout the year will affect the species
of fish you can have in your system. If you live in colder climes you may choose
trout as compared to being in Australia where you can choose Barramundi.
How big is your budget?
If you want to keep costs down you can choose goldfish however they arent
recommended to eat. That is why Tilapia is often used in aquaponics because
they are cheap but good eating too.
We recommend keeping things simple when it comes to fish in your system. So
have only one or two breeds of fish and youll find keeping them healthy is a
simpler process.
Aquaponics Secrets #3  Choosing the Right Grow
This is vital, your grow beds are where all your plants will be grown. Making sure
you have the right grow bed will make or break your system.
As a beginner we recommend using a media based grow bed instead of a NFT
(nutrient film technique) or DWC (deep water culture) system.
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
Why? Well for the following reasons:
 It is easier to build a media grow bed system.
 Its cheaper and easier to maintain
 Allows you to remodel and make changes to your system much more
 Gives greater flexibility in plant choice due to having more open space
 The grow bed media will help break down solids and cycle water in the
process which is known as mineralization (its a good thing!)
Aquaponics Secret #4  Choosing the Right Fish
Choosing the right tank is also critical as you can imagine. So lets look at size
As a beginner we would recommend that you start with a tank at least 200 litres
in size. This will allow you to grow fish that are 30cm in length.
Ideally you would start at 1000 litres. The reason being is the bigger the tank the
more leeway you have when it comes to mistakes.
The bigger the tank the slower the system will be affected allowing you more
time to correct any problems.
As for the material you build your tank from, it has to be one that doesnt change
the pH level in any way or is toxic either.
To start with you will want to grow bed volume to fish tank ratio of 1:1 as it will
make your life much simpler. As you get more experienced you can increase
that ratio to 2:1.
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
Aquaponics Secret #5  Water Maintenance
Keeping control of the water in your aquaponics system is essential for optimal
plant growth and maintaining the health of your fish.
You need to keep control of the following;
Temperature  We recommend choosing a fish species that will thrive in the
water in your system will naturally adapt too.
pH Level  The optimal rate is between 6.8 and 7.0 for fish, plant and bacteria.
Check your system at least once a week and adjust accordingly.
Purity  You need to make sure you have no chlorine in your water before
adding it to your system.
Oxygen Levels  You cannot really have too much oxygen in your system.
Levels should never drop below 3ppm (parts per million) but ideally you will want
levels above 6ppm.
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
Aquaponics Secrets  A Conclusion
As an 8 year aquaponics veteran I can tell you the 5 Secrets to Successful
Aquaponics are easy even for a newbie to learn and act upon to keep a system
running nicely.
Aquaponics requires 40% less manual labor than a typical soil garden and can
yield up to 10 times more produce from the same size plot.
If you want to live greener, feed your family healthy organic fresh fruit,
vegetables and fish whilst saving money then joining the aquaponics revolution
is the fastest simplest method to make your wishes a reality then....
Get Our Free Aquaponics Kit Today
I know that you can easily start your own aquaponics system
and be feeding you family healthy organic food within 60
That is why I want to give you a free copy of my info kit A
Quick Introduction to Aquaponics so you can join this food
production revolution today.
For you free copy of our Aquaponics info kit click here right now.
Or you can go ahead and get your aquaponics blueprint today!
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g
Watch Our Free Aquaponics Set Up Video
Watch our free set up video by clicking right here now
...and learn how you can set up an aquaponics system right in
your own backyard so you can:
 Have fresh organic produce all year round
 Feed your family healthy nutritious food with no added
 Save on your monthly food bill
Even if you have few DIY skills using our new guide Aquaponics
Learn more about building your own aquaponics system click here now.
To your aquaponics success,
Neil Farley
B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g

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5 Secrets To Successful Aquaponics Revealed

  • 2. The 5 Secrets to Being Successful With Aquaponics If you want to be successful with aquaponics there are 5 secrets you need to know. Aquaponics is the food production revolution taking the world by storm. It is a symbiotic relationship of fish and plant allowing you to feed your family 100% organic food all year round from the comfort of your own home. Do you like the idea of living greener through a more sustainable lifestyle? Do you want to feed your family 100% organic fresh produce all year round? Would you like to save on your food bill putting extra money in your pocket at the same time? Are you are nodding right now? Then as an 8 year auquaponics veteran I can tell you living greener, supplying your family with fresh produce all year round plus saving money has never been easier. The simplest and fastest way to make this possible is with aquaponics. B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 2
  • 3. With this in mind I want to share with you the 5 secrets to successful aquaponics in this article. So with your permission allow me to continue..starting with choosing the right plants to grow. Aquaponics Secret #1 - Choosing the Right Plants It is possible to grow pretty much any fruit or vegetable with aquaponics in theory BUT Even though its possible to grow a papaya or a banana tree with aquaponics if you are an aquaponics beginner its best to start more modestly. You want to stay away from plants that prefer acid or soil based environments. The same goes for plants requiring significantly higher or lower pH levels than neutral 7.0 so we advise against fruits such as blueberries. Look for plants preferring pH levels between 6.8 and 7.0. These plants will thrive in a basic aquaponics system allowing optimal nutrient uptake. Its is possible to take cuttings, seeds or transplants from ordinary soil based plants you already have in your garden and use them in your aquaponics system. B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 3
  • 4. Aquaponics Secret #2 - Choosing the Right Fish Choosing the right fish depends on several criteria such as: Are your fish for eating or strictly ornamental? Some species of fish are better for eating (Tilapia being very common) whilst others such a Koi carp are better for ornamental purposes. What is your environment? The average temperature of the water throughout the year will affect the species of fish you can have in your system. If you live in colder climes you may choose trout as compared to being in Australia where you can choose Barramundi. How big is your budget? If you want to keep costs down you can choose goldfish however they arent recommended to eat. That is why Tilapia is often used in aquaponics because they are cheap but good eating too. We recommend keeping things simple when it comes to fish in your system. So have only one or two breeds of fish and youll find keeping them healthy is a simpler process. Aquaponics Secrets #3 Choosing the Right Grow Bed This is vital, your grow beds are where all your plants will be grown. Making sure you have the right grow bed will make or break your system. As a beginner we recommend using a media based grow bed instead of a NFT (nutrient film technique) or DWC (deep water culture) system. B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 4
  • 5. Why? Well for the following reasons: It is easier to build a media grow bed system. Its cheaper and easier to maintain Allows you to remodel and make changes to your system much more easily Gives greater flexibility in plant choice due to having more open space The grow bed media will help break down solids and cycle water in the process which is known as mineralization (its a good thing!) Aquaponics Secret #4 Choosing the Right Fish Tank Choosing the right tank is also critical as you can imagine. So lets look at size first. As a beginner we would recommend that you start with a tank at least 200 litres in size. This will allow you to grow fish that are 30cm in length. Ideally you would start at 1000 litres. The reason being is the bigger the tank the more leeway you have when it comes to mistakes. The bigger the tank the slower the system will be affected allowing you more time to correct any problems. As for the material you build your tank from, it has to be one that doesnt change the pH level in any way or is toxic either. To start with you will want to grow bed volume to fish tank ratio of 1:1 as it will make your life much simpler. As you get more experienced you can increase that ratio to 2:1. B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 5
  • 6. Aquaponics Secret #5 Water Maintenance Keeping control of the water in your aquaponics system is essential for optimal plant growth and maintaining the health of your fish. You need to keep control of the following; Temperature We recommend choosing a fish species that will thrive in the water in your system will naturally adapt too. pH Level The optimal rate is between 6.8 and 7.0 for fish, plant and bacteria. Check your system at least once a week and adjust accordingly. Purity You need to make sure you have no chlorine in your water before adding it to your system. Oxygen Levels You cannot really have too much oxygen in your system. Levels should never drop below 3ppm (parts per million) but ideally you will want levels above 6ppm. B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 6
  • 7. Aquaponics Secrets A Conclusion As an 8 year aquaponics veteran I can tell you the 5 Secrets to Successful Aquaponics are easy even for a newbie to learn and act upon to keep a system running nicely. Aquaponics requires 40% less manual labor than a typical soil garden and can yield up to 10 times more produce from the same size plot. If you want to live greener, feed your family healthy organic fresh fruit, vegetables and fish whilst saving money then joining the aquaponics revolution is the fastest simplest method to make your wishes a reality then.... Get Our Free Aquaponics Kit Today I know that you can easily start your own aquaponics system and be feeding you family healthy organic food within 60 days. That is why I want to give you a free copy of my info kit A Quick Introduction to Aquaponics so you can join this food production revolution today. For you free copy of our Aquaponics info kit click here right now. Or you can go ahead and get your aquaponics blueprint today! B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 7
  • 8. Watch Our Free Aquaponics Set Up Video Watch our free set up video by clicking right here now ...and learn how you can set up an aquaponics system right in your own backyard so you can: Have fresh organic produce all year round Feed your family healthy nutritious food with no added chemicals Save on your monthly food bill Even if you have few DIY skills using our new guide Aquaponics Secrets Learn more about building your own aquaponics system click here now. To your aquaponics success, Neil Farley B y N e i l F a r l e y A q u a p o n i c s S e c r e t s . o r g 8