Personal Information
Software Designer
hmm! What can i say about myself?
Jus like ne othr guy nxt door.
Tall, slim, shaggy hair, thoda fair, f**k i dont care whn ppl stare.
Sometymes hapy for what I have, somtymes I dream for what i dont. Sumtymes I shy away frm new things, manytmes i dont even bother.
Well, computers might have spoilt my health- daylong surfing, late night movies, all night games but, thanks to such adiction i've managed to grab a job at an IT company.
bt when i'm not using my cmputer, i watch TV, play wid my nephew&neice, jack my headphones into iPOD listen to ambient, new age, psychedelic rock.I like Playin cricket, once I almost hurt my shoulder while bowlin [hurling] and swore that i wont risk such nuanc
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