The document provides information for mothers about breastfeeding from the WIC clinic in Des Plaines, Illinois. It encourages mothers to breastfeed as it is the optimal choice for nutrition and offers support. The WIC clinic can help with breastfeeding challenges and provides resources on continuing breastfeeding when returning to work or if having difficulties. Breast milk is presented as the most natural and nutritionally perfect food for babies compared to formula.
Gengis Khan lives in Mongolia where many parents have money to send their children to school. He attends Kham-Uulhing School in the city, which provides basic education, using his SUV vehicle to get there. In Mongolia, people are wealthy enough to afford schooling for their children.
Soomaa national park in Estonia has been working with PAN Parks and other organizations in Norway and Iceland on sustainable tourism initiatives since 1993. The seminar discussed how Soomaa promotes locally managed and certified sustainable tourism as a tool for conservation, having received awards like the EDEN award and being recognized as a RAMSAR good practice in wetland tourism. Key actors in Soomaa's tourism include the national park, a tourism DMO, and a cooperation panel, who are working to implement a European indicator system for sustainably managing tourism by defining roles, choosing indicators, and making data-driven decisions.
El relato transmedia ante el reto de Internetmargrandio
Presentaci坦n en las IV Jornadas sobre Ficci坦n en Cine y Televisi坦n bajo el t鱈tulo "La ficci坦n ante el reto de Internet" celebradas en la Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza. 14 de marzo de 2013.
This document discusses the conventions for designing a digipak and provides examples of student digipaks. It notes that there is no clear marking scheme but some things that could be considered include creativity, use of conventions, photography/graphics, font, colors, visual hierarchy, and links to music videos or advertisements. Twenty-five examples of student-designed digipaks are then shown.
El documento describe la historia de la discriminaci坦n y desigualdad que han enfrentado las mujeres en el deporte. Desde la antigua Grecia, donde se exclu鱈a a las mujeres como participantes y espectadoras, hasta los Juegos Ol鱈mpicos modernos, donde no se permiti坦 su participaci坦n hasta 1900. Aunque ha habido avances significativos, a炭n persisten estereotipos de g辿nero y desigualdad de g辿nero en la cobertura y valoraci坦n de deportes femeninos y masculinos.
Developed brand idea, activation & measurement strategy for GM to enter the enhanced bottled water market.
Analisis semiotica videoclip otherside-red hot chili peppersAllyson Mishell
Este documento resume y analiza el video musical "Otherside" de Red Hot Chili Peppers a trav辿s de varias im叩genes clave. Identifica diferentes elementos como 鱈conos, 鱈ndices y s鱈mbolos y explica sus significados. Tambi辿n analiza las relaciones estructurales entre las im叩genes y los cambios de escenario a lo largo del video.
Copy of greek art geometric to archaic to early classicalJoshua Craig
The document provides information on Greek art from various historical periods, including Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic. It includes descriptions of specific artworks along with their dates and locations. Key details are provided about stylistic evolution over time, such as the progression from rigid symmetrical poses in Archaic sculpture to the asymmetrical contrapposto poses of the Classical period. Humanism is also discussed as an important concept in Greek art.
3D imaging works by presenting two offset images separately to the left and right eye. The brain then combines these images into a single 3D perception. There are three main techniques for achieving this: 1) using glasses to separate images from two offset sources, 2) using glasses to filter images from a single source to each eye, and 3) using directional light sources to separate images to each eye without glasses. Polaroid 3D glasses use circular polarization to filter images to each eye from a single source, making them suitable for use with cinema, TV, and other technologies that employ this standard, but not for outdoor use or as sunglasses. Normal TVs cannot display the offset images needed for 3D.
La cumbre del clima de Par鱈s (COP21) reuni坦 a representantes de 195 pa鱈ses del 30 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre con el objetivo de alcanzar un acuerdo global para luchar contra el cambio clim叩tico. El cambio clim叩tico se debe al aumento de gases de efecto invernadero como el CO2 que atrapan el calor en la atm坦sfera y elevan la temperatura media del planeta, poniendo en peligro los ecosistemas. El objetivo es limitar el aumento de la temperatura a menos de 2属C para final
Mateo y Amanda encontraron un peluche m叩gico llamado Margo en una caja en la playa. Amanda descubri坦 que pod鱈a comunicarse con Margo y tambi辿n que las piedras en la caja ten鱈an poderes m叩gicos. Cuando Mateo us坦 dos de las piedras, se cort坦 la luz en toda la ciudad. La polic鱈a investig坦 y llev坦 a Mateo y Amanda a la comisar鱈a, pero ellos escaparon con Margo y las piedras. Al final, Margo regres坦 a su tierra m叩gica form叩ndose un mandala en el cielo.
El documento describe la historia de la discriminaci坦n y desigualdad que han enfrentado las mujeres en el deporte. Desde la antigua Grecia, donde se exclu鱈a a las mujeres como participantes y espectadoras, hasta los Juegos Ol鱈mpicos modernos, donde no se permiti坦 su participaci坦n hasta 1900. Aunque ha habido avances significativos, a炭n persisten estereotipos de g辿nero y desigualdad de g辿nero en la cobertura y valoraci坦n de deportes femeninos y masculinos.
Developed brand idea, activation & measurement strategy for GM to enter the enhanced bottled water market.
Analisis semiotica videoclip otherside-red hot chili peppersAllyson Mishell
Este documento resume y analiza el video musical "Otherside" de Red Hot Chili Peppers a trav辿s de varias im叩genes clave. Identifica diferentes elementos como 鱈conos, 鱈ndices y s鱈mbolos y explica sus significados. Tambi辿n analiza las relaciones estructurales entre las im叩genes y los cambios de escenario a lo largo del video.
Copy of greek art geometric to archaic to early classicalJoshua Craig
The document provides information on Greek art from various historical periods, including Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic. It includes descriptions of specific artworks along with their dates and locations. Key details are provided about stylistic evolution over time, such as the progression from rigid symmetrical poses in Archaic sculpture to the asymmetrical contrapposto poses of the Classical period. Humanism is also discussed as an important concept in Greek art.
3D imaging works by presenting two offset images separately to the left and right eye. The brain then combines these images into a single 3D perception. There are three main techniques for achieving this: 1) using glasses to separate images from two offset sources, 2) using glasses to filter images from a single source to each eye, and 3) using directional light sources to separate images to each eye without glasses. Polaroid 3D glasses use circular polarization to filter images to each eye from a single source, making them suitable for use with cinema, TV, and other technologies that employ this standard, but not for outdoor use or as sunglasses. Normal TVs cannot display the offset images needed for 3D.
La cumbre del clima de Par鱈s (COP21) reuni坦 a representantes de 195 pa鱈ses del 30 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre con el objetivo de alcanzar un acuerdo global para luchar contra el cambio clim叩tico. El cambio clim叩tico se debe al aumento de gases de efecto invernadero como el CO2 que atrapan el calor en la atm坦sfera y elevan la temperatura media del planeta, poniendo en peligro los ecosistemas. El objetivo es limitar el aumento de la temperatura a menos de 2属C para final
Mateo y Amanda encontraron un peluche m叩gico llamado Margo en una caja en la playa. Amanda descubri坦 que pod鱈a comunicarse con Margo y tambi辿n que las piedras en la caja ten鱈an poderes m叩gicos. Cuando Mateo us坦 dos de las piedras, se cort坦 la luz en toda la ciudad. La polic鱈a investig坦 y llev坦 a Mateo y Amanda a la comisar鱈a, pero ellos escaparon con Margo y las piedras. Al final, Margo regres坦 a su tierra m叩gica form叩ndose un mandala en el cielo.