This document summarizes information about various characters from the Star Wars universe such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul. It also discusses the goals and methods of the Product Control team, describing them as fighting against bugs and obscure processes to achieve a galaxy without bugs and peace. The Product Control team's roles are compared to stormtroopers, analysts, and developers working as a team with heart. The document also provides an overview of different modules within the Battleships system and their functions in matching, controlling, ordering forces within the galaxy, and ensuring transition to new entities.
7. Anakin Skywalker
-Even stronger then Yoda
-Enjoys dark things from time to time
-Excel X-Wing pilot before losing limbs
- 33 Ann辿es Lumi竪res
Also known as:
Jerome Bourbonneux
Product Control Squad :
8. Darth Maul
-Not as mean as he looks
- Likes to tast the darker side
-Loves decapitating Stormtroopers
- 27 light years
Also known as:
Laurent Delbar
Product Control Squad:
9. Who We Fight With, Against, For
Other IT Teams
Obscure Processes
New Flows
Legacy systems
Galaxy without bugs
Peace in the galaxy
Agile approach
10. 1. Detroy Bugs
2. Order In the PRD Galaxy
3. Building Bridges
Why we fight:
11. 4. Testing Automated when possible
What we do:
12. Sometimes as stormtroopers, sometimes as an analyst
or a developper But always as a team and with heart!
How we do:
13. Battleships Matching Module:
Matching the external forces of the galaxy with the internal radar
Validation of external forces Intruders will be shot down
Guardians of the order
14. Battleships Control Module:
Checks the Internal forces
Validation of Internal forces
Counsel of the Parlament
15. Battleships Order Module:
Order Module Fast way for the Jedis to check positions
Allows instant authentification of content of the galaxy
16. Battleships Gemstone Module:
Parallel Weapon system with new Entity in the Galaxy - Orchestrade
PC is the benchmark that verifies the new entity
Ensure the transition of power to the new Entity