Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
pune, maharstra India
self employed
lyf is a gift...n we r blessed wid i njoy my al u guys njoy it... n if i find, tht i m nt happy in my lyf thn.... I JUS REMEMBER D 5 SIMPLE RULES 2 B HAPPY.... 1. fReE uR mInD 4rM wOrRiEs. 2. FrEe Ur HeArT 4rM hAtReD. 3. lIvE sImPlY. 4. gIvE mOrE. 5. eXpEcT lEsS.... thtzzz it.... n thtzzz d TrUtH...SO aCcEpT IT....
I have a message for all my friends so true,
I am flying with an obvious clue,
You'll can stop me and I would come to hault,
but the reason should be to the spot.
I have a message with you'll to share,
which you might find very rare.
See your dreams in my hue,
for it might bceome so very true.
You'll are my shade and I am your shade,
let's make this world a pl
Users following Nikhil Thakur