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Organization / Workplace
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Field Work Intern
淡ly ys sak 仆 u仆,亳i仆 仆 mi柹 亳淡 仆 is.. 仆 s淡亳 w仆淡 淡vs y淡u 蔵a亳 s i i亳 y淡u ys.....w仆i 仆 s si biiv i亳 SmIE.....
Finally resolved.......
So this Egg and this Chicken are going at it pretty fast and furious in bed and suddenly the chicken groans, rolls over and lights up a ciggy, looking very content.
The egg rolls to the other side and says "Well, that answers that question!"
Humour is the most ephemeral artistic quality.
It is a world that cannot become dated because it has never existed.
"Reality continues to ruin my life."
"It's n
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