This document provides an overview of fixed point theorems. It defines fixed points as points where a function maps to itself (f(x)=x). Brouwer's fixed point theorem states that any continuous function mapping a closed ball in Euclidean space to itself must have a fixed point. Implications include that there is always a hurricane somewhere on Earth and a method for constructing fixed points by overlaying maps. The hairy ball theorem and Kakutani's fixed point theorem are also discussed.
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Fixed Point Theorems
1. Fixed Point
a gentle
Annual Seminar Week
2. Overview
Some History
What are fixed points(FP)?
The statement of Brouwers Fixed point theorem
o The hairy ball theorem
Coffee cup , hurricanes , and maps
An interesting construction of FPs in a very
restricted case
3. What are fixed points?
Fixed points to a functions are the points where
Fixed point theorems basically say that under
certain conditions , f will have a fixed point
And variations in these conditions give rise to
various fixed points theorems.
4. The obvious fixed point
Every function that maps to itself in one dimension
has a fixed point (a.k.a. the Intermediate-value
x1 x2
5. Generalization to n-dimensions
Brouwers fixed point theorem
Every continuous function from a closed ball of a
Euclidean Space to itself has a fixed point.
Ball => Compact , Convex (not the spherical notion)
Euclidean Spaces -> n-dimensional spaces
obvious examples are 2d spaces , 3d spaces
6. Hairy Ball theorem
You can't comb a hairy ball flat without creating a
8. Some implications
There is always a hurricane somewhere on the
This follows from the hairy ball
theorem and the fact that
wind is a continuous transform .
Brouwers FPT is used by
John Nash
(A beautiful mind)
to prove the existence of
9. Some implications
In computer graphics we sometimes need a
continuous function that generates an orthogonal
vector to a given vector.
The hairy ball theorem implies that there is no such
10. A Stronger FP theorem
Kakutani Fixed point theorem
Constraint in Brouwers FP theorem is modified such
that now the function is mapping to a subset of
itself(closed ball).
11. Geometrical Construction of
fixed point, in a map overlay
Two maps of different sizes of a country are
arranged on a table such that one of them lies on
top of the other and is completely inside it.
FP in this setting would be a point on the table
where both the maps point to the same location.
We use the fact that line joining FP to the vertices
makes the same angle in both the cases with a
corresponding edge of the map
And then some pure geometry !