Key Skills
- Spring Framework (Spring boot, Spring Data MongoDB, Spring Data Neo4j, Spring Soical)
- ORM (Hibernate)
- Servlet, JSP,JDBC,JSF, Primefaces
- Web Services, Rest Services, Amazon Cloud Services
- Tomcat, Apache Web Server, Glassfish
- Maven,Log4j
- Javascript, AJAX, JSON, JQuery
- RDBMS - MySql,postgresql
- NoSQL DB - MongoDB, DynamoDB,Neo4j, ParseDB,
- Eclipse, NetBeans, STS, Sql-Yog, MySql Workbatch
- Swing, JavaFx
- SVN, bitbucket
-Flexible and able to work effectively in a team environment and able to learn new tools quickly.
-Strength : Curious, Time Management skill, Dedicated person towards work