This document provides 7 potential topics for a banking management exam. Students must choose 4 topics to write on out of the following options: the import/export business facilities, the role of the Reserve Bank of India in exchange control with reference to imports and exports, details on the Exim Bank and how it encourages trade, the impact of human resources and technical support on banking, developing human resources in Indian banking, meeting high customer expectations in banking, and factors that control pricing strategy in banking including the RBI. The exam is out of a total of 80 marks and all topics carry equal weight.
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Banking management (1)
Total Marks : 80
N.B. : 1) Attempt any Four cases
2) All cases carries equal marks.
1) Import Export Business is enjoying various facilities. Give in brief information about it.
2) What is the role of Reserve Bank of India in exchange control? Write with special reference to
Import – Export.
3) What do you know about Exim Bank? How it is encouraging import-export trade?
4) Human Resources with technical support has changed the Banking scenario. Give your
5) Development of human resources is the challenge before banking industry. Express your views
with special reference to India.
6) Customer expectations are very high in Banking Industry. Give your comments.
7) Pricing strategy is controlled by external factors as well as RBI. Please define it.