Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Delhi, India
Associate Director
I'm a cOMMOn MaN..with CoMMon qUAlItIeS...
IF u'R uNcOMMOn, U ll find me diFFeReNT.
LOLZ!! Seriously speaking..they say i still have a child within me...and i truly believe that's rare!:)
Im Like A Cigarette…Very Addictive!
Sometimes I Think Im So Romantic I Could Marry Myself!
Candy Is Sweet But My Kisses Are Better!
Dont Be Afraid Of Fear, Let It Be Afraid Of You!
Don't Skip Classes, Just Take The Whole Day Off!
Anger Is Only One letter Short For Danger
Flirting Isnt A Sin…It's A Hobby!
Guys Don't Say Ex…They Say Next!
I Am Multi-Talented I Can Talk And Piss You Off At The Same Time!
I Am Not A Player…I'm The Game!
I Am Independen
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