This document discusses an agenda for a meeting about a scenic byway project. It includes an introduction to the byway project coordinator and partners. It explains that the purpose is to discuss the corridor management plan, which is a grassroots document that outlines a roadmap for preserving and promoting the scenic byway through community involvement. Developing the corridor management plan is an important part of ensuring the long term success of the byway project.
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1. Todays Agenda Intros Byway Project Coordinator, Limestone Bluffs RC&D, attendees What is the Byway Project? Roles & Responsibilities 5-minute break Corridor Management Plan whats that? Ice Breaker lead-in to Vision & Mission Wrap up Q&A
2. Grant Wood Scenic Byway As for my own region its material seems to me to be more sincere and honest , and to gain in depth by having to be hunted for . Grant Wood
4. Provides training & technical assistance Funding Supports our grassroots efforts Iowa Department of Transportation
5. Grassroots, partnership-based program. Encourages economic vitality through tourism. Provides training & technical assistance. National Scenic Byways Program
10. Byways are also Roads with a STORY to tell. Gateways to UNIQUE adventures. Paths to Iowas history & culture. Thoroughfares for travelers seeking an authentic experience.
17. People Small & large communities Volunteers working together Stories and interpretation Community Pride A program of...
18. Community Pride & Cooperation Economic Development Eligibility for grant funding Local and regional partnerships Collaborative marketing Communities working together Scenic Byway Benefits
19. It starts with YOU... Your decisions Your stories Your communities' goals, visions and dreams Your leadership What now?
20. Good planning Goals, Objectives and Vision Community involvement and participation Solid relationships Quality stories Quality communication A successful byway...
21. A REALLY successful byway... Responsibility To your neighbors, your resources, your land and your stories.
24. What is it? The Corridor Management Plan is a Grassroots* document, a roadmap for action. * Developed at the local level by citizens & stakeholders along the byway.
25. A Corridor Management Plan is NOT Top-down land use regulation Superseding local authority Restricting private property rights
26. A Corridor Management Plan is NOT Mandated regulations DOT or federal government regulation of land use outside the roadway right-of-way New taxes Will someone tell us what color to paint our barn? NO!!
35. Who to Include? Communities along the byway All stakeholders Partner organizations Related experts Development is as much about PROCESS as it is PRODUCT !
37. Its written; NOW WHAT? Refer to it often Use it as guidance for byway efforts Share it with your partners Keep it as a living document But most of all. Dont let it SIT on the SHELF gathering DUST!
38. Who puts the plan into action? Even if you are on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
#2: I am Linda Muller, Scenic Byway Project Coordinator with Limestone Bluffs RC&D in Maquoketa. LBRC&D serves 6-county area to assist the people, communities and businesses in those counties to enhance the value of existing and future resources. Which is basically what theyre asking me to do with the byway. I hope to learn a new story about the GW byway or one of the communities that I havent yet heard. INTRO Your name, what community and organization youre from or are representing, one thing you hope to learn today.