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Choices, Choices, Choices, . . .Choices, Choices, Choices, . . .
Part 1: ThePart 1: The
Economics ¨C the study of how individualsEconomics ¨C the study of how individuals
and societies make decisions about waysand societies make decisions about ways
to use scarce resources to fulfill wants andto use scarce resources to fulfill wants and
What does THAT mean?!!??!!What does THAT mean?!!??!!
The Study of EconomicsThe Study of Economics
¨C The big picture: growth,The big picture: growth,
employment, etc.employment, etc.
¨C Choices made by largeChoices made by large
groups (like countries)groups (like countries)
¨C How do individuals makeHow do individuals make
economic decisionseconomic decisions
ECONOMICS: 5 EconomicECONOMICS: 5 Economic
Society (we) must figure outSociety (we) must figure out
WHAT to produce (make)WHAT to produce (make)
HOW MUCH to produceHOW MUCH to produce
HOW to Produce itHOW to Produce it
FOR WHOM to ProduceFOR WHOM to Produce
(who gets what)(who gets what)
WHO gets to make theseWHO gets to make these
What are resources?What are resources?
Definition: The things used to make otherDefinition: The things used to make other
BUT, there¡¯s aBUT, there¡¯s a
Fundamental Problem:Fundamental Problem:
SCARCITY: unlimited wants andSCARCITY: unlimited wants and
needs but limited resourcesneeds but limited resources
Choices, ChoicesChoices, Choices
Because ALL resources,Because ALL resources,
goods, and services aregoods, and services are
limited ¨C WE MUST MAKElimited ¨C WE MUST MAKE
Why Choices?Why Choices?
We make choices about how we spend ourWe make choices about how we spend our
money, time, and energy so we can fulfillmoney, time, and energy so we can fulfill
our NEEDS and WANTS.our NEEDS and WANTS.
What are NEEDS and WANTS?What are NEEDS and WANTS?
Wants and Needs,Wants and Needs,
Needs and WantsNeeds and Wants
NEEDS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we must have to survive,NEEDS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we must have to survive,
generally: food, shelter, clothinggenerally: food, shelter, clothing
WANTS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we would really like toWANTS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we would really like to
have (Fancy food, shelter, clothing, bighave (Fancy food, shelter, clothing, big
screen TVs, jewelry, conveniences . . .screen TVs, jewelry, conveniences . . .
Also known as LUXURIESAlso known as LUXURIES
You can¡¯t have it all (SCARCITY ¨CYou can¡¯t have it all (SCARCITY ¨C
remember?) so you have toremember?) so you have to
choose how to spend yourchoose how to spend your
money, time, and energy. Thesemoney, time, and energy. These
decisions involve picking onedecisions involve picking one
thing over all the otherthing over all the other
possibilities ¨C a TRADE-OFF!possibilities ¨C a TRADE-OFF!
Trade-Offs, cont.Trade-Offs, cont.
done instead of come to school today?done instead of come to school today?
These are all Trade-Offs! Thanks for beingThese are all Trade-Offs! Thanks for being
A special kind of Trade-Off is anA special kind of Trade-Off is an
The Value of the Next Best ChoiceThe Value of the Next Best Choice
(Ex: Sleeping is the opportunity cost of studying for a test)(Ex: Sleeping is the opportunity cost of studying for a test)
Opportunity CostsOpportunity Costs
This is really IMPORTANT ¨C when you choose to doThis is really IMPORTANT ¨C when you choose to do
ONE thing, its value (how much it is worth) isONE thing, its value (how much it is worth) is
measured by the value of the NEXT BEST CHOICE.measured by the value of the NEXT BEST CHOICE.
¨C This can be in time, energy, or even MONEYThis can be in time, energy, or even MONEY
If I buy a
Then I
can¡¯t afford
Q: What is the opportunity cost of buying pizza?
So how do we get allSo how do we get all
this ¡°stuff¡± that wethis ¡°stuff¡± that we
have to decide about?have to decide about?
Decisions, decisionsDecisions, decisions
Production is howProduction is how
much stuff anmuch stuff an
individual, business,individual, business,
country, even thecountry, even the
WORLD makes.WORLD makes.
But what is ¡°STUFF¡±?But what is ¡°STUFF¡±?
STUFF ¨C Goods andSTUFF ¨C Goods and
Goods ¨C tangible (youGoods ¨C tangible (you
can touch it) productscan touch it) products
we can buywe can buy
Services ¨C work thatServices ¨C work that
is performed foris performed for
Factors of ProductionFactors of Production
So, what do we need to make all of this Stuff?So, what do we need to make all of this Stuff?
4 Factors of Production4 Factors of Production
LAND ¨C Natural ResourcesLAND ¨C Natural Resources
¨C Water, natural gas, oil, trees (all the stuff we find on,Water, natural gas, oil, trees (all the stuff we find on,
in, and under the land)in, and under the land)
LABOR ¨C Physical and IntellectualLABOR ¨C Physical and Intellectual
¨C Labor is manpowerLabor is manpower
CAPITAL - Tools, Machinery, FactoriesCAPITAL - Tools, Machinery, Factories
¨C The things we use to make thingsThe things we use to make things
¨C Human capital is brainpower, ideas, innovationHuman capital is brainpower, ideas, innovation
¨C Investing time, natural resources, labor and capitalInvesting time, natural resources, labor and capital
are all risks associated with productionare all risks associated with production
Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
Which Factor of production?Which Factor of production?
THREE parts to the ProductionTHREE parts to the Production
Factors of Production ¨C what we need to makeFactors of Production ¨C what we need to make
goods and servicesgoods and services
Producer ¨C company that makes goods and/orProducer ¨C company that makes goods and/or
delivers servicesdelivers services
Consumer ¨C people who buy goods and servicesConsumer ¨C people who buy goods and services
(formerly known as ¡°stuff¡±)(formerly known as ¡°stuff¡±)
Which Came First?
Production ProcessProduction Process
Capital Goods and ConsumerCapital Goods and Consumer
Capital Goods: areCapital Goods: are
used to make otherused to make other
Consumer Goods:Consumer Goods:
final products that arefinal products that are
purchased directly bypurchased directly by
the consumerthe consumer
SpecializationSpecialization ¨C¨C
dividing up productiondividing up production
so that Goods areso that Goods are
produced efficientlyproduced efficiently
Nike makes shoes, not
Hardee¡¯s makes
hamburgers, not
Division of LaborDivision of Labor ¨C¨C
different peopledifferent people
perform different jobsperform different jobs
to achieve greaterto achieve greater
efficiency (assemblyefficiency (assembly
You do your
job, and I will
do my Job and
we will be more
ConsumptionConsumption ¨C how¨C how
much we buymuch we buy
The DELL store is
empty because¡­.
Everyone is at the
If we INCREASE land, labor, capital weIf we INCREASE land, labor, capital we
INCREASE productionINCREASE production
¨C Many entrepreneurs invest profit back into productionMany entrepreneurs invest profit back into production
If we DECREASE land, labor, capital weIf we DECREASE land, labor, capital we
DECREASE productionDECREASE production
BUT WHY would we ever DECREASEBUT WHY would we ever DECREASE
The Circular Flow ModelThe Circular Flow Model
PRODUCTION, cont. againPRODUCTION, cont. again
A measure of the production of an entireA measure of the production of an entire
country in one year iscountry in one year is
The total peso value of ALL final Goods andThe total peso value of ALL final Goods and
produced in a country in a year.produced in a country in a year.
World GDPWorld GDP
Total GDP 2005
(millions of US dollars)
1 United States 12,455,068
2 Japan 4,505,912
3 Germany 2,781,900
4 China 2,228,862
5 United Kingdom 2,192,553
6 France 2,110,185 a
7 Italy 1,723,044
8 Spain 1,123,691
9 Canada 1,115,192
10 Brazil 794,098
11 Korea, Rep. 787,624
12 India 785,468
13 Mexico 768,438
14 Russian Federation
15 Australia 700,672
16 Netherlands 594,755
17 Switzerland 365,937
18 Belgium 364,735
19 Turkey 363,300
20 Sweden 354,115
21 Saudi Arabia 309,778
Part 2: Costs and RevenuesPart 2: Costs and Revenues
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Cost ¨C the totalCost ¨C the total
amount of money itamount of money it
takes to produce antakes to produce an
item (to pay for ALLitem (to pay for ALL
Factors ofFactors of
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Revenues ¨C the totalRevenues ¨C the total
amount of peso aamount of peso a
company or thecompany or the
government takes in.government takes in.
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Fixed CostsFixed Costs ¨C the¨C the
amount of money aamount of money a
business MUST pay eachbusiness MUST pay each
month or year (like rentmonth or year (like rent
and Capital expenses).and Capital expenses).
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Variable CostsVariable Costs ¨C the¨C the
amount of money aamount of money a
business pays thatbusiness pays that
changes over time (Laborchanges over time (Labor
and Raw Materials).and Raw Materials).
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Total CostsTotal Costs = Fixed += Fixed +
Variable Costs.Variable Costs.
Costs and Revenues - ChartCosts and Revenues - Chart
Marginal CostsMarginal Costs ¨C the¨C the
additional Cost of theadditional Cost of the
NEXT UNIT produced.NEXT UNIT produced.
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
ProfitProfit ¨C the difference¨C the difference
between Total Costsbetween Total Costs
and Revenues. Thisand Revenues. This
is WHY you¡¯re inis WHY you¡¯re in
¨C Profit=Revenues-Total costProfit=Revenues-Total cost
¨C Profit Motive=why you areProfit Motive=why you are
in business---to makein business---to make
(principles of Capitalism)(principles of Capitalism)
Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues
Cost Benefit AnalysisCost Benefit Analysis
¨C weighing the¨C weighing the
Marginal Costs vs.Marginal Costs vs.
the Marginal Benefitsthe Marginal Benefits
of producing an itemof producing an item
or making anyor making any
economic decision. Ifeconomic decision. If
the Benefit isthe Benefit is
GREATER than theGREATER than the
Cost, then businessCost, then business
does it.does it.
Cost-Benefit AnalysisCost-Benefit Analysis
Immediate or short term satisfaction canImmediate or short term satisfaction can
lead to missing the long-term benefits.#7lead to missing the long-term benefits.#7
For ExampleFor Example
Immediate spending on cheap stuffImmediate spending on cheap stuff
instead of long-term savings will lead toinstead of long-term savings will lead to
lower economic prosperity.lower economic prosperity.
Part 3: ComparativePart 3: Comparative
Traditional EconomiesTraditional Economies
Def: EconomicDef: Economic
Questions answered byQuestions answered by
Developing or ¡°3Developing or ¡°3rdrd
Trade and barterTrade and barter
Low GDP & PCI (perLow GDP & PCI (per
capita income = avg.capita income = avg.
Command EconomiesCommand Economies
Def: EconomicDef: Economic
questions answered byquestions answered by
the governmentthe government
Very little economicVery little economic
No private ownershipNo private ownership
Old Soviet Union, oldOld Soviet Union, old
Communist China,Communist China,
Cuba and North KoreaCuba and North Korea
Karl MarxKarl Marx
century Germancentury German
Author of ¡°CommunistAuthor of ¡°Communist
Manifesto¡± and ¡° DasManifesto¡± and ¡° Das
¨C Government shouldGovernment should
control economy andcontrol economy and
distribute goods anddistribute goods and
services to the peopleservices to the people
Founder ofFounder of
socialism andsocialism and
Communism FallsCommunism Falls
Market reforms in China in theMarket reforms in China in the
mid 1970s.mid 1970s.
Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
Collapse of the Soviet UnionCollapse of the Soviet Union
Free Market Capitalism (w/Free Market Capitalism (w/
some Mixed Economies) thesome Mixed Economies) the
only show in town.only show in town.
Free Market (Capitalist) EconomiesFree Market (Capitalist) Economies
Economic questionsEconomic questions
answered byanswered by
producers andproducers and
Limited governmentLimited government
Private property rightsPrivate property rights
Wide variety ofWide variety of
choices and productschoices and products
U.S., JapanU.S., Japan
Adam SmithAdam Smith
century Scottishcentury Scottish
Published ¡°The Wealth ofPublished ¡°The Wealth of
Nations¡± in 1776Nations¡± in 1776
Explained the workings ofExplained the workings of
the free market withinthe free market within
capitalist economiescapitalist economies
Invisible hand of theInvisible hand of the
Adam Smith (cont.)Adam Smith (cont.)
Laissez-faire - Government stays out ofLaissez-faire - Government stays out of
business practices ¡°hands off¡± to let thebusiness practices ¡°hands off¡± to let the
market place determine production,market place determine production,
consumption and distribution.consumption and distribution.
Individual freedom and choiceIndividual freedom and choice
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Competition ¨C moreCompetition ¨C more
businesses meansbusinesses means
lower prices andlower prices and
higher qualityhigher quality
products forproducts for
consumers (US!) toconsumers (US!) to
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Voluntary Exchange ¨CVoluntary Exchange ¨C
businesses andbusinesses and
consumers MUST beconsumers MUST be
free to buy or sellfree to buy or sell
what and when theywhat and when they
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Private Property ¨CPrivate Property ¨C
Individuals andIndividuals and
businesses MUST bebusinesses MUST be
able to get theable to get the
benefits of owningbenefits of owning
their OWN property.their OWN property.
Government doesn¡¯tGovernment doesn¡¯t
control it.control it.
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Sovereignty ¨CSovereignty ¨C
consumers get toconsumers get to
make free choicesmake free choices
about what to buyabout what to buy
and this helps driveand this helps drive
(Demand drives(Demand drives
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Profit Motive ¨C peopleProfit Motive ¨C people
want to make or savewant to make or save
$$$$. Their ¡°Self$$$$. Their ¡°Self
Interest¡± motivatesInterest¡± motivates
Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism
Social Safety Net ¨CSocial Safety Net ¨C
¡°Mixed Economy¡± idea¡°Mixed Economy¡± idea
that says the governmentthat says the government
should NOT allow peopleshould NOT allow people
to suffer in economicto suffer in economic
crisis (natural part ofcrisis (natural part of
Capitalism¡¯s ¡°BusinessCapitalism¡¯s ¡°Business
Cycle¡±), but provideCycle¡±), but provide
security instead ¨C Socialsecurity instead ¨C Social
Security, UnemploymentSecurity, Unemployment
Insurance, etc.Insurance, etc.
Mixed Economy/SocialismMixed Economy/Socialism
Government involvementGovernment involvement
and ownership and controland ownership and control
of property, of decisionof property, of decision
making, and companies.making, and companies.
Government control ofGovernment control of
Social ¡°safety net¡± forSocial ¡°safety net¡± for
Common in Europe, LatinCommon in Europe, Latin
America, and AfricaAmerica, and Africa
John Maynard KeynesJohn Maynard Keynes
The Invisible HandThe Invisible Hand
doesn¡¯t always work.doesn¡¯t always work.
¡°¡°The long run is aThe long run is a
misleading guide tomisleading guide to
current affairs. In thecurrent affairs. In the
long run we are alllong run we are all
dead.¡± or . . . thedead.¡± or . . . the
trouble is people eattrouble is people eat
in the short run.in the short run.
Keynesian Economics (cont.)Keynesian Economics (cont.)
Government shouldGovernment should interveneintervene in economicin economic
emergencies through tax and spendingemergencies through tax and spending
(Fiscal Policy) and changing the money(Fiscal Policy) and changing the money
supply (Monetary Policy).supply (Monetary Policy).
This is done to smooth out the businessThis is done to smooth out the business
cycle (expansion and recession) and keepcycle (expansion and recession) and keep
inflationinflation low.low.
Part 4: Labor IssuesPart 4: Labor Issues
Wages ¨C what companiesWages ¨C what companies
pay employees for theirpay employees for their
labor (usually based uponlabor (usually based upon
an hourly rate).an hourly rate).
Blue CollarBlue Collar
Manufacturing, work withManufacturing, work with
Usually the ¡®labor¡¯ inUsually the ¡®labor¡¯ in
Salary ¨C the amount ofSalary ¨C the amount of
pay a person gets over apay a person gets over a
year (especially foryear (especially for
¡°professional¡± jobs).¡°professional¡± jobs).
White CollarWhite Collar
¡®¡®Office¡¯ jobsOffice¡¯ jobs
Usually control productionUsually control production
When Production DecreasesWhen Production Decreases
DownsizingDownsizing ¨C laying off employees to save costs.¨C laying off employees to save costs.
OutsourcingOutsourcing ¨C sending jobs and manufacturing overseas¨C sending jobs and manufacturing overseas
or contracting to outside companies to save money.or contracting to outside companies to save money.
BankruptcyBankruptcy ¨C government allows business to restructure¨C government allows business to restructure
it¡¯s debt, but now all profits go to paying off debt ratherit¡¯s debt, but now all profits go to paying off debt rather
than to the owners/investors.than to the owners/investors.
Out of BusinessOut of Business ¨C lose all your business, money, and¨C lose all your business, money, and
The current trend in the U.S. is that manufacturing jobsThe current trend in the U.S. is that manufacturing jobs
are decliningare declining
How does ¡®Labor¡¯ protect itself?How does ¡®Labor¡¯ protect itself?
Labor Unions: organization of workersLabor Unions: organization of workers
who have banded together to achievewho have banded together to achieve
common goalscommon goals
¨C Wage protectionWage protection
¨C Workplace safetyWorkplace safety
¨C BenefitsBenefits
¨C Job protectionJob protection
Collective Bargaining and StrikesCollective Bargaining and Strikes
¨C Representatives ofRepresentatives of
the Union and thethe Union and the
company negotiatecompany negotiate
a contract for thea contract for the
workers; usuallyworkers; usually
they rely onthey rely on
¨C When an agreementWhen an agreement
can¡¯t be reached,can¡¯t be reached,
workers stopworkers stop
working to try toworking to try to
force the hand of theforce the hand of the

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  • 1. INTRODUCTION TOINTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICSECONOMICS Choices, Choices, Choices, . . .Choices, Choices, Choices, . . .
  • 2. Part 1: ThePart 1: The BasicsBasics
  • 3. WHAT IS ECONOMICS???WHAT IS ECONOMICS??? Economics ¨C the study of how individualsEconomics ¨C the study of how individuals and societies make decisions about waysand societies make decisions about ways to use scarce resources to fulfill wants andto use scarce resources to fulfill wants and needs.needs. What does THAT mean?!!??!!What does THAT mean?!!??!!
  • 4. The Study of EconomicsThe Study of Economics MacroeconomicsMacroeconomics ¨C The big picture: growth,The big picture: growth, employment, etc.employment, etc. ¨C Choices made by largeChoices made by large groups (like countries)groups (like countries) MicroeconomicsMicroeconomics ¨C How do individuals makeHow do individuals make economic decisionseconomic decisions
  • 5. ECONOMICS: 5 EconomicECONOMICS: 5 Economic QuestionsQuestions Society (we) must figure outSociety (we) must figure out WHAT to produce (make)WHAT to produce (make) HOW MUCH to produceHOW MUCH to produce (quantity)(quantity) HOW to Produce itHOW to Produce it (manufacture)(manufacture) FOR WHOM to ProduceFOR WHOM to Produce (who gets what)(who gets what) WHO gets to make theseWHO gets to make these decisions?decisions?
  • 6. What are resources?What are resources? Definition: The things used to make otherDefinition: The things used to make other goodsgoods
  • 7. BUT, there¡¯s aBUT, there¡¯s a Fundamental Problem:Fundamental Problem: SCARCITY: unlimited wants andSCARCITY: unlimited wants and needs but limited resourcesneeds but limited resources
  • 8. Choices, ChoicesChoices, Choices Because ALL resources,Because ALL resources, goods, and services aregoods, and services are limited ¨C WE MUST MAKElimited ¨C WE MUST MAKE CHOICES!!!!CHOICES!!!!
  • 9. Why Choices?Why Choices? We make choices about how we spend ourWe make choices about how we spend our money, time, and energy so we can fulfillmoney, time, and energy so we can fulfill our NEEDS and WANTS.our NEEDS and WANTS. What are NEEDS and WANTS?What are NEEDS and WANTS?
  • 10. Wants and Needs,Wants and Needs, Needs and WantsNeeds and Wants NEEDS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we must have to survive,NEEDS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we must have to survive, generally: food, shelter, clothinggenerally: food, shelter, clothing WANTS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we would really like toWANTS ¨C ¡°stuff¡± we would really like to have (Fancy food, shelter, clothing, bighave (Fancy food, shelter, clothing, big screen TVs, jewelry, conveniences . . .screen TVs, jewelry, conveniences . . . Also known as LUXURIESAlso known as LUXURIES
  • 11. VS.
  • 12. TRADE-OFFSTRADE-OFFS You can¡¯t have it all (SCARCITY ¨CYou can¡¯t have it all (SCARCITY ¨C remember?) so you have toremember?) so you have to choose how to spend yourchoose how to spend your money, time, and energy. Thesemoney, time, and energy. These decisions involve picking onedecisions involve picking one thing over all the otherthing over all the other possibilities ¨C a TRADE-OFF!possibilities ¨C a TRADE-OFF!
  • 13. Trade-Offs, cont.Trade-Offs, cont. IN YOUR JOURNAL: What COULD you haveIN YOUR JOURNAL: What COULD you have done instead of come to school today?done instead of come to school today? These are all Trade-Offs! Thanks for beingThese are all Trade-Offs! Thanks for being here!here!
  • 14. A special kind of Trade-Off is anA special kind of Trade-Off is an OPPORTUNITY COST =OPPORTUNITY COST = The Value of the Next Best ChoiceThe Value of the Next Best Choice (Ex: Sleeping is the opportunity cost of studying for a test)(Ex: Sleeping is the opportunity cost of studying for a test)
  • 15. Opportunity CostsOpportunity Costs This is really IMPORTANT ¨C when you choose to doThis is really IMPORTANT ¨C when you choose to do ONE thing, its value (how much it is worth) isONE thing, its value (how much it is worth) is measured by the value of the NEXT BEST CHOICE.measured by the value of the NEXT BEST CHOICE. ¨C This can be in time, energy, or even MONEYThis can be in time, energy, or even MONEY If I buy a pizza¡­ Then I can¡¯t afford the movies¡­ Q: What is the opportunity cost of buying pizza?
  • 16. ProductionProduction So how do we get allSo how do we get all this ¡°stuff¡± that wethis ¡°stuff¡± that we have to decide about?have to decide about? Decisions, decisionsDecisions, decisions ¡­¡­
  • 17. PRODUCTION, cont.PRODUCTION, cont. Production is howProduction is how much stuff anmuch stuff an individual, business,individual, business, country, even thecountry, even the WORLD makes.WORLD makes. But what is ¡°STUFF¡±?But what is ¡°STUFF¡±? STUFF ¨C Goods andSTUFF ¨C Goods and Services.Services. Goods ¨C tangible (youGoods ¨C tangible (you can touch it) productscan touch it) products we can buywe can buy Services ¨C work thatServices ¨C work that is performed foris performed for othersothers
  • 18. Factors of ProductionFactors of Production So, what do we need to make all of this Stuff?So, what do we need to make all of this Stuff?
  • 19. 4 Factors of Production4 Factors of Production LAND ¨C Natural ResourcesLAND ¨C Natural Resources ¨C Water, natural gas, oil, trees (all the stuff we find on,Water, natural gas, oil, trees (all the stuff we find on, in, and under the land)in, and under the land) LABOR ¨C Physical and IntellectualLABOR ¨C Physical and Intellectual ¨C Labor is manpowerLabor is manpower CAPITAL - Tools, Machinery, FactoriesCAPITAL - Tools, Machinery, Factories ¨C The things we use to make thingsThe things we use to make things ¨C Human capital is brainpower, ideas, innovationHuman capital is brainpower, ideas, innovation ENTREPRENEURSHIP ¨C Investment $$$ENTREPRENEURSHIP ¨C Investment $$$ ¨C Investing time, natural resources, labor and capitalInvesting time, natural resources, labor and capital are all risks associated with productionare all risks associated with production
  • 20. Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
  • 21. Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
  • 22. Which Factor of Production?Which Factor of Production?
  • 23. Which Factor of production?Which Factor of production?
  • 24. THREE parts to the ProductionTHREE parts to the Production ProcessProcess Factors of Production ¨C what we need to makeFactors of Production ¨C what we need to make goods and servicesgoods and services Producer ¨C company that makes goods and/orProducer ¨C company that makes goods and/or delivers servicesdelivers services Consumer ¨C people who buy goods and servicesConsumer ¨C people who buy goods and services (formerly known as ¡°stuff¡±)(formerly known as ¡°stuff¡±) Which Came First?
  • 26. Capital Goods and ConsumerCapital Goods and Consumer GoodsGoods Capital Goods: areCapital Goods: are used to make otherused to make other goodsgoods Consumer Goods:Consumer Goods: final products that arefinal products that are purchased directly bypurchased directly by the consumerthe consumer
  • 27. CHANGES IN PRODUCTIONCHANGES IN PRODUCTION SpecializationSpecialization ¨C¨C dividing up productiondividing up production so that Goods areso that Goods are produced efficientlyproduced efficiently Nike makes shoes, not hamburgers Hardee¡¯s makes hamburgers, not shoes!!
  • 28. CHANGES IN PRODUCTIONCHANGES IN PRODUCTION Division of LaborDivision of Labor ¨C¨C different peopledifferent people perform different jobsperform different jobs to achieve greaterto achieve greater efficiency (assemblyefficiency (assembly line).line). You do your job, and I will do my Job and we will be more EFFICIENT
  • 29. CHANGES IN PRODUCTIONCHANGES IN PRODUCTION ConsumptionConsumption ¨C how¨C how much we buymuch we buy (Consumer(Consumer Sovereignty)Sovereignty) The DELL store is empty because¡­. Everyone is at the APPLE STORE!!!
  • 30. CHANGES IN PRODUCTIONCHANGES IN PRODUCTION If we INCREASE land, labor, capital weIf we INCREASE land, labor, capital we INCREASE productionINCREASE production ¨C Many entrepreneurs invest profit back into productionMany entrepreneurs invest profit back into production If we DECREASE land, labor, capital weIf we DECREASE land, labor, capital we DECREASE productionDECREASE production BUT WHY would we ever DECREASEBUT WHY would we ever DECREASE production?production?
  • 31. The Circular Flow ModelThe Circular Flow Model
  • 32. PRODUCTION, cont. againPRODUCTION, cont. again A measure of the production of an entireA measure of the production of an entire country in one year iscountry in one year is GDPGDP The total peso value of ALL final Goods andThe total peso value of ALL final Goods and ServicesServices produced in a country in a year.produced in a country in a year. (GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT)(GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT)
  • 33. World GDPWorld GDP Total GDP 2005 (millions of US dollars) 1 United States 12,455,068 2 Japan 4,505,912 3 Germany 2,781,900 4 China 2,228,862 5 United Kingdom 2,192,553 6 France 2,110,185 a 7 Italy 1,723,044 8 Spain 1,123,691 9 Canada 1,115,192 10 Brazil 794,098 11 Korea, Rep. 787,624 12 India 785,468 13 Mexico 768,438 14 Russian Federation 763,720 15 Australia 700,672 16 Netherlands 594,755 17 Switzerland 365,937 18 Belgium 364,735 19 Turkey 363,300 20 Sweden 354,115 21 Saudi Arabia 309,778
  • 34. Part 2: Costs and RevenuesPart 2: Costs and Revenues
  • 35. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Cost ¨C the totalCost ¨C the total amount of money itamount of money it takes to produce antakes to produce an item (to pay for ALLitem (to pay for ALL Factors ofFactors of Production).Production).
  • 36. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Revenues ¨C the totalRevenues ¨C the total amount of peso aamount of peso a company or thecompany or the government takes in.government takes in.
  • 37. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Fixed CostsFixed Costs ¨C the¨C the amount of money aamount of money a business MUST pay eachbusiness MUST pay each month or year (like rentmonth or year (like rent and Capital expenses).and Capital expenses).
  • 38. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Variable CostsVariable Costs ¨C the¨C the amount of money aamount of money a business pays thatbusiness pays that changes over time (Laborchanges over time (Labor and Raw Materials).and Raw Materials).
  • 39. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Total CostsTotal Costs = Fixed += Fixed + Variable Costs.Variable Costs.
  • 40. Costs and Revenues - ChartCosts and Revenues - Chart Marginal CostsMarginal Costs ¨C the¨C the additional Cost of theadditional Cost of the NEXT UNIT produced.NEXT UNIT produced. Margin=Extra Space
  • 41. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues ProfitProfit ¨C the difference¨C the difference between Total Costsbetween Total Costs and Revenues. Thisand Revenues. This is WHY you¡¯re inis WHY you¡¯re in BUSINESS (ProfitBUSINESS (Profit Motive!)Motive!) ¨C Profit=Revenues-Total costProfit=Revenues-Total cost ¨C Profit Motive=why you areProfit Motive=why you are in business---to makein business---to make MONEYMONEY (principles of Capitalism)(principles of Capitalism)
  • 42. Costs and RevenuesCosts and Revenues Cost Benefit AnalysisCost Benefit Analysis ¨C weighing the¨C weighing the Marginal Costs vs.Marginal Costs vs. the Marginal Benefitsthe Marginal Benefits of producing an itemof producing an item or making anyor making any economic decision. Ifeconomic decision. If the Benefit isthe Benefit is GREATER than theGREATER than the Cost, then businessCost, then business does it.does it. Marginal Benefits Marginal Costs
  • 43. Cost-Benefit AnalysisCost-Benefit Analysis Immediate or short term satisfaction canImmediate or short term satisfaction can lead to missing the long-term benefits.#7lead to missing the long-term benefits.#7 For ExampleFor Example Immediate spending on cheap stuffImmediate spending on cheap stuff instead of long-term savings will lead toinstead of long-term savings will lead to lower economic prosperity.lower economic prosperity.
  • 44. Part 3: ComparativePart 3: Comparative EconomicsEconomics
  • 45. Traditional EconomiesTraditional Economies Def: EconomicDef: Economic Questions answered byQuestions answered by customcustom PredominatelyPredominately AgriculturalAgricultural Developing or ¡°3Developing or ¡°3rdrd World¡±World¡± Trade and barterTrade and barter orientedoriented Low GDP & PCI (perLow GDP & PCI (per capita income = avg.capita income = avg. inc.)inc.)
  • 46. Command EconomiesCommand Economies Def: EconomicDef: Economic questions answered byquestions answered by the governmentthe government Very little economicVery little economic choicechoice No private ownershipNo private ownership CommunismCommunism Old Soviet Union, oldOld Soviet Union, old Communist China,Communist China, Cuba and North KoreaCuba and North Korea
  • 47. Karl MarxKarl Marx 1919thth century Germancentury German economisteconomist Author of ¡°CommunistAuthor of ¡°Communist Manifesto¡± and ¡° DasManifesto¡± and ¡° Das Kapital¡±Kapital¡± ¨C Government shouldGovernment should control economy andcontrol economy and distribute goods anddistribute goods and services to the peopleservices to the people Founder ofFounder of revolutionaryrevolutionary socialism andsocialism and communismcommunism
  • 48. Communism FallsCommunism Falls Market reforms in China in theMarket reforms in China in the mid 1970s.mid 1970s. Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Collapse of the Soviet UnionCollapse of the Soviet Union 1991.1991. Free Market Capitalism (w/Free Market Capitalism (w/ some Mixed Economies) thesome Mixed Economies) the only show in town.only show in town.
  • 49. Free Market (Capitalist) EconomiesFree Market (Capitalist) Economies Economic questionsEconomic questions answered byanswered by producers andproducers and consumersconsumers Limited governmentLimited government involvementinvolvement Private property rightsPrivate property rights Wide variety ofWide variety of choices and productschoices and products U.S., JapanU.S., Japan
  • 50. Adam SmithAdam Smith 1818thth century Scottishcentury Scottish economisteconomist Published ¡°The Wealth ofPublished ¡°The Wealth of Nations¡± in 1776Nations¡± in 1776 Explained the workings ofExplained the workings of the free market withinthe free market within capitalist economiescapitalist economies Invisible hand of theInvisible hand of the marketmarket
  • 51. Adam Smith (cont.)Adam Smith (cont.) Laissez-faire - Government stays out ofLaissez-faire - Government stays out of business practices ¡°hands off¡± to let thebusiness practices ¡°hands off¡± to let the market place determine production,market place determine production, consumption and distribution.consumption and distribution. Individual freedom and choiceIndividual freedom and choice emphasized.emphasized.
  • 52. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism Competition ¨C moreCompetition ¨C more businesses meansbusinesses means lower prices andlower prices and higher qualityhigher quality products forproducts for consumers (US!) toconsumers (US!) to buy.buy.
  • 53. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism Voluntary Exchange ¨CVoluntary Exchange ¨C businesses andbusinesses and consumers MUST beconsumers MUST be free to buy or sellfree to buy or sell what and when theywhat and when they want.want.
  • 54. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism Private Property ¨CPrivate Property ¨C Individuals andIndividuals and businesses MUST bebusinesses MUST be able to get theable to get the benefits of owningbenefits of owning their OWN property.their OWN property. Government doesn¡¯tGovernment doesn¡¯t control it.control it.
  • 55. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism ConsumerConsumer Sovereignty ¨CSovereignty ¨C consumers get toconsumers get to make free choicesmake free choices about what to buyabout what to buy and this helps driveand this helps drive productionproduction (Demand drives(Demand drives Supply).Supply).
  • 56. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism Profit Motive ¨C peopleProfit Motive ¨C people want to make or savewant to make or save $$$$. Their ¡°Self$$$$. Their ¡°Self Interest¡± motivatesInterest¡± motivates Capitalism.Capitalism.
  • 57. Principles of CapitalismPrinciples of Capitalism Social Safety Net ¨CSocial Safety Net ¨C ¡°Mixed Economy¡± idea¡°Mixed Economy¡± idea that says the governmentthat says the government should NOT allow peopleshould NOT allow people to suffer in economicto suffer in economic crisis (natural part ofcrisis (natural part of Capitalism¡¯s ¡°BusinessCapitalism¡¯s ¡°Business Cycle¡±), but provideCycle¡±), but provide security instead ¨C Socialsecurity instead ¨C Social Security, UnemploymentSecurity, Unemployment Insurance, etc.Insurance, etc.
  • 58. Mixed Economy/SocialismMixed Economy/Socialism Government involvementGovernment involvement and ownership and controland ownership and control of property, of decisionof property, of decision making, and companies.making, and companies. Government control ofGovernment control of businessbusiness Social ¡°safety net¡± forSocial ¡°safety net¡± for peoplepeople SocialismSocialism Common in Europe, LatinCommon in Europe, Latin America, and AfricaAmerica, and Africa
  • 59. John Maynard KeynesJohn Maynard Keynes The Invisible HandThe Invisible Hand doesn¡¯t always work.doesn¡¯t always work. ¡°¡°The long run is aThe long run is a misleading guide tomisleading guide to current affairs. In thecurrent affairs. In the long run we are alllong run we are all dead.¡± or . . . thedead.¡± or . . . the trouble is people eattrouble is people eat in the short run.in the short run.
  • 60. Keynesian Economics (cont.)Keynesian Economics (cont.) Government shouldGovernment should interveneintervene in economicin economic emergencies through tax and spendingemergencies through tax and spending (Fiscal Policy) and changing the money(Fiscal Policy) and changing the money supply (Monetary Policy).supply (Monetary Policy). This is done to smooth out the businessThis is done to smooth out the business cycle (expansion and recession) and keepcycle (expansion and recession) and keep inflationinflation low.low.
  • 61. Part 4: Labor IssuesPart 4: Labor Issues
  • 62. LABORLABOR Wages ¨C what companiesWages ¨C what companies pay employees for theirpay employees for their labor (usually based uponlabor (usually based upon an hourly rate).an hourly rate). Blue CollarBlue Collar Manufacturing, work withManufacturing, work with handshands Usually the ¡®labor¡¯ inUsually the ¡®labor¡¯ in productionproduction Salary ¨C the amount ofSalary ¨C the amount of pay a person gets over apay a person gets over a year (especially foryear (especially for ¡°professional¡± jobs).¡°professional¡± jobs). White CollarWhite Collar ¡®¡®Office¡¯ jobsOffice¡¯ jobs Usually control productionUsually control production
  • 63. When Production DecreasesWhen Production Decreases DownsizingDownsizing ¨C laying off employees to save costs.¨C laying off employees to save costs. OutsourcingOutsourcing ¨C sending jobs and manufacturing overseas¨C sending jobs and manufacturing overseas or contracting to outside companies to save money.or contracting to outside companies to save money. BankruptcyBankruptcy ¨C government allows business to restructure¨C government allows business to restructure it¡¯s debt, but now all profits go to paying off debt ratherit¡¯s debt, but now all profits go to paying off debt rather than to the owners/investors.than to the owners/investors. Out of BusinessOut of Business ¨C lose all your business, money, and¨C lose all your business, money, and profits.profits. The current trend in the U.S. is that manufacturing jobsThe current trend in the U.S. is that manufacturing jobs are decliningare declining
  • 64. How does ¡®Labor¡¯ protect itself?How does ¡®Labor¡¯ protect itself? Labor Unions: organization of workersLabor Unions: organization of workers who have banded together to achievewho have banded together to achieve common goalscommon goals ¨C Wage protectionWage protection ¨C Workplace safetyWorkplace safety ¨C BenefitsBenefits ¨C Job protectionJob protection
  • 65. Collective Bargaining and StrikesCollective Bargaining and Strikes CollectiveCollective BargainingBargaining ¨C Representatives ofRepresentatives of the Union and thethe Union and the company negotiatecompany negotiate a contract for thea contract for the workers; usuallyworkers; usually they rely onthey rely on compromisecompromise StrikesStrikes ¨C When an agreementWhen an agreement can¡¯t be reached,can¡¯t be reached, workers stopworkers stop working to try toworking to try to force the hand of theforce the hand of the companycompany