Hey..EveryOne..wana noe about me?? erm..Its Hard To sAy it here..im lil talKtiVe to the Person i knWwell ..iF u do MeEt me..dUn eXpect i'll b talkTive.. i Wont..buT afTer 2 or 3 days..it will Come!! Many peEople who met me wIll Say me sombong...oh DaMn!!.. IM NOT!! ,i’m only lil bit sHy to the unknown well PErson. WHen i ReFused To talk n They all c my Outers.. dun JudGe aBook By ItS coVer..Read da Cotent fist!! im nt to dAmn CRazY to all thing, No pErmanent HobIeS..! I'll Do watEver i Like as Long iT is good 4 me and other.. im Not a Perfect person.. i love Ma faMily .I lIke Hang Out But nt Late nitE hang Out..its JuZ nOt Me!! no SmoKing, nO drinking...im Clean..haha ok...Thats aLL!! eNou