The document outlines 10 characteristics of an ideal project manager from the perspective of a translation professional. An ideal project manager 1) does not consistently ask for rush jobs or rate reductions at the last minute, 2) provides clear instructions and materials in a timely manner, 3) addresses translators by name in communications, and 4) supports translators' work rather than immediately taking clients' complaints at face value without the translator's input.
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1. My dream
Project Manager
is someone
By Nora Torres,
Translartisan Translation Studio,
Helping Physicians and Patients Communicate Across Languages
2. 1. Does not consistently ask me
to work on extremely rush projects
on the spur of the moment.
3. 2. Does not
consistently ask
me to lower my
rates, and does
not consistently
intend to pay
less than my
min fee.
5. 4. Does not send me
any job-related
after the agreed
upon time.
6. 5. Does not ask me to
take on a tiny job that
I can do in a jiffy,
and then out of the
blue sends me tons
of reference
glossaries and various
style guides to follow.
7. 6. Always addresses
me by my name
when emailing
a job offer, unless a
mass email is
warranted in special
8. 7. Sends a completed work
order my way as soon as we
have agreed on the terms of
a job or the scope of the job
has been determined.
9. 8. If at all possible,
provides me with
contact information
of one or more
individuals who will
be able to answer job-
related, after-hours
questions promptly.
11. 10. Does not make
a fuss when a
client complains
about a job I have
worked on
before giving me
the opportunity
to defend my
work, or provide
the necessary