Presentation on Twitter101 for business given by Brian Wallace, President of NowSourcing, Inc for Frannet.
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1. Twitter 101
Brian Wallace,
President, NowSourcing, Inc.
2. Overview
What is Twitter?
Do I have time to use it?
How to use it
Do I need to use it?
How often to Tweet
How to reach people on Twitter
How to get followers
How to connect to LinkedIn
3. What is Twitter?
Allows short posts, up to 140 characters
Leads / Conversation / Discussion
Sales (hard sell is a no-no)
Customer Service
Competitor Analysis / Info Gathering
4. What is Twitter?
23 million unique visits
Off web visits
26th largest site in the world (source: Alexa)
5. Do I have time to use it?
If you have time to write 1 email, you have
time for 5 tweets
6. How to Use Twitter
Not just you
Be helpful
Help others
Dont spam
Tweetmeme Buttons
7. How to Use Twitter
Desktop apps
8. Twictionary
At Reply or @reply - a reply to another user
DM direct message
Failwhale graphic that appears when Twitter is over capacity
Hashtags or # using a symbol at the end of a tweet to follow messages in a
series. #followfriday, #musicmonday
Retweet (or RT) repeating anothers tweet
Tweet posting a Twitter message
Twitter Chats becoming more popular real-time discussions on a topical,
regular basis see #prchat, #agchat
Twitterverse the Twitter community
9. Dont Do This
Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty
paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.
Fedex sent email to Board of Directors
10. Do This
We were able to get a good idea of Kevin's skills
and interests just by conversing over Twitter
for several months. While it doesn't remove the
need for interviews, it makes the interview
process more like hiring a friend than hiring a
stranger. -Peter Waldschmidt, CEO of Gnoso
11. Do I Need to Use It?
Only worth doing if youre willing to learn
and put in the time
Still worth getting a profile to protect you &
your companys identity
12. How Often Should I Tweet?
Average across Twitter is 4 per day
Others day 22 is optimal
Your own pace
Times of Day
13. How to Reach People
14. How to Reach People
Search is your friend
Saved searches
Keyword/keyphrase search
Search by location
Refreshes for you
15. How to Get Followers
Not a magic trick
Consistency and relevance is key
Import your contacts
Look across your other networks
Often overlooked: signature block