18. Detail !
core user need end to end!
At Pixarproduction only begins after the
company has critiqued a story in reels, or
roughly animated storyboards, six or seven
times. They edit and reedit before they film.
- The New Yorker
19. Detail !
core use case end to end!
Iterate !
like crazy: sketch,
whiteboard, wireframe,
20. Detail !
core use case end to end!
Iterate !
like crazy: sketch,
whiteboard, wireframe,
Have a POV !
and stick to it!
21. Detail !
core use case end to end!
Iterate !
like crazy: sketch,
whiteboard, wireframe,
Have a POV !
and stick to it!
Talk to users !
but dont get used!
22. Detail !
core use case end to end!
Iterate !
like crazy: sketch,
whiteboard, wireframe,
Have a POV !
and stick to it!
Talk to users !
but dont get used!
Surface matters !
more than you think!
23. Surface matters !
more than you think!
you cannot have depths without surfaces.
They communicate with what is within; between
the two there is always a great dialogue.
Linda Grant
24. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made
creation that ends up expressing itself in successive
outer layers of the product or service.
Steve Jobs