Sex education should be taught in schools to provide students with important knowledge about human development, relationships, and protection from abuse and disease. While some argue it is inappropriate, others believe that if done correctly and at an age-appropriate level, sex education can help prepare students for the realities of life by discussing topics like puberty, relationships, and reproductive health. Both schools and parents have a responsibility to educate youth on these essential topics.
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Sex education in schools
1. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
Should it be taught in schools ?
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2. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
What we Say
Sex education needs to be taught at a younger
age & with more info
Schools and Parents need to be responsible
3. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
It doesnt have to be hard, just like a
healthy class
Gives kids the knowledge of what
could happen and what to do
Sex education if not being taught
correctly. Kids are paying for it
They have a right to know
5. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
What do they need to know?
To protect themselves from Sexual and Child
Human development and relationships
Religious values
6. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
What Islam is telling us ?
At the time of the prophet, Muslims men and
women were never too shy to ask the prophet about
all affairs, including such private affairs as sexual
life, so as to know the teachings and rulings of their
religion concerning them.
As Aisha, the wife of the prophet testified, "Blessed are the women of the
Ansar. Shyness did not stand in their way seeking knowledge about their
religion. ( Termizi).
7. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
What is the right time to be taught?
Elementary, Middle or High School. Why
What will happen in every grade.
8. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
What should be taught?
What is right and what is wrong
Its effective!
Dont Want them to Learn Too Much at first
9. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
The One True Fact is..
On both sides of the argument kids will
learn about sex because its
everywhere, so therefore these things
are held responsible.
10. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
Who should teach?
How to approach
Teachers, can handle teaching, make scene.
Parents, dont depend on school.
11. Should sex education be taught in schools ?
I think that sex education should be
taught in schools because its very
informational, and it prepares
students for reality