Be Your 0wn SeLF
Don't Expect iT To 0thers
.......That's My Principle........
Height : 166cm
A6e : 16years
Shoe Size : 38 - 39
clothing sizes : M / S
Hobbies : PLaying Badminton
Zodiac : Pisces
.I'm 16
..I'm single
My school in vocational school.
I majored in restaurants, because, I like to eat and decorate food.
I was a child to the third of four brothers and my sisters.
..I live in mountain fire 63
.now I'm sitting in class XI
I have a Dream , namely :
I want to go to America, because, I want to see sallju and celebrate Christmas with my family
..My hobbies are : wacthing Tv .. Meal .. sleeping .. maintaining fish and d