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Worried About Money? You bet! 70% of people are living paycheck to paycheck 55% are sometimes or always worried about money - Wall Street Journal
More than 40% of American families spend more than they earn.  (Federal Reserve)  1 in 60 US households filed bankruptcy in 2005.  (Debt Trap Documentary) This number has increased dramatically in 2008
Credit Card Debt The typical household has  $38,000  in debt.  (Consumer Reports Money Book)  On average, today's consumer has a total of  13  credit obligations on  record at a credit bureau. Of these 13 credit obligations, 9 are likely to be credit cards & four are likely to be installment loans.  (myfico.com)
In America, an average of 24% of a persons income goes to paying interest! 75% of the 400 wealthiest people on the Forbes list said the first thing to becoming wealthy is to be debt free.
This is not the way to deal with our finances!
What if you had a financial GPS every month for the rest of your life?
How did this concept start? Overseas Banks  One Account
The Money Merge Account Beta Test  Denver, Colorado   Over 400 homeowners  Progress was tracked for 1 year in hopes their results would be similar results to Australia, and by now the UK and New Zealand. 1997 Accelerated Equity Founded by Skyler Witman and John Washenko in Draper, Utah One of Utahs fastest growing companies for 3 years. In 2002, hired a group of experts to create a program to help homeowners pay off mortgage debt more effectively with little to no change in lifestyle.
After only 1 year on the system 98% of the homeowners were on track to pay off their home in anywhere from 8-11 years!!! In 48 monthsUFirst has grown dramatically with 1000s of new clients every month An average of 42% of a households income goes to paying off debt! The Results:
See What the Experts Are Saying
Sample Loan: John and Rebecca Jones $200,000  Principal balance 6%  Interest rate $1,199  Monthly payment Year 21 Year 10 Year 5 Year 1 Month 2 Month 1 Paid Equity Balance Interest Principal $1,000 $199.10 $999.00 $200.10 $14,389 $2,457 $197,54 $988.77 $210.33 $71,946 $13,891 $186,10 $931.88 $267.22 $143,891 $32,628 $167,37 $838.66 $360.44 $300,947 $99,436 $100,57 $502.89 $696.23
Different Interest Calculations Mortgage Closed end loan Compound interest amortized over 30 or 40 years Interest calculated once a month ALOC Open end instrument Interest calculated on an average daily balance
Why does the largest building in every city have a banks name on it?  Banks pay interest to earn interest.  Banks pay interest at <3% Your checking, savings, cds Earn <3% Banks earn interest at >6% Your loans, credit  cards, mortgages pay >6% How Do Banks Work?
Our System teaches you to make every dollar you make either earn interest or cancel interest!
John and Rebecca Jones $238,700 in Debt at age 40 $121,855 Total Interest Saved with the Money Merge Account Conventional Program 40 years old 30 years to zero $247,764 in interest Money Merge Account  TM System 40 years old 15.3 years to zero $125,878 in interest
Your Debt Credit Card, Checking and Savings Accounts Money Merge Account Program Advance Line of Credit  (ALOC) A Home Equity Line of Credit, Personal or Business Line of Credit, or even a  credit card will work, as long as it has the correct characteristics required by the Money Merge Account program Four Required Components to Pay Off Your Debt in Record Time
NOT a Bi-Weekly Program  NOT a Debt Rolldown Program NOT a Reverse Mortgage  NOT a Concept or Theory NOT a Loan Modification Money Merge Account Program
If you have any kind of debt, you should  NOT have your money  stagnating  in a checking or savings account! Checking Savings Use a different system to strategically reduce debt to Zero using monthly cash flow = Spending Account  Money goes in and out, but little or no interest is earned. = Safety Net  Money is moved here in case we run into hard times.  We usually earn 1  4% interest on this account.
Money Merge account Investment $3500 Money Back guarantee Use the banks money if possible Already calculated into the analysis Little to no change in current standard of living No refinancing of mortgage
Four Key Money Saving Principles Interest Accumulation Interest Float Interest Cancellation 4. Strategic Payoff
1 2 3 4 Start of Month After income deposit $ You deposit your paycheck into your line of credit  Greatly reducing your principal balance
1 2 3 4 Month
1 2 3 4 Month
1 2 3 4 Month
1 2 3 4 Month
1 2 3 Month
1 2 3 Month
1 2 3 Month
Bank Like a Bank Sounds simple, but it is millions of lines of codes and multiple math algorithms hard at work.   Ever since banks opened their doors, they have relied on math and timing to make money work. Now its your turn to bank like a bank. CANCEL INTEREST Computes the optimal time to leverage money  to pay off your debts and cancel interest.
How Would you Pay this off? $10,700 7% Installment Loan $4,800 12% Credit Card $8,000 9% Credit Card $20,000 7% Auto Loan $200,000 6% Mortgage 1 2 6 24 120
Factorial Math 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 6 4 = 24 5 = 120 6 = 720 8 = 40,320 9 = 362,880 10 = 3,628,800 11 = 39,916,800 12 = 479,001,600 13 = 6,227,020,800 14 = 87,178,291,200 7 = 5,040
4. Strategic Payoff  Looks at the characteristics of each debt including Amount owed  Length of debt Interest rate  Calculation of Payment Adjusting Rates
I can do this myself? Sounds too good to be true $3500 is a lot of money to pay
John and Rebecca Jones Liability Structure Debt Amount Rate Payment Term Mortgage $200,000 6% $1199.10 360 Credit Card $8,000 9% $72.00 240 Credit Card $0 12% $0.00 240 Loan $10,700 7% $125.00 120 Auto Loan $20,000 5% $377.00 60 Income Structure Income Expense Discretionary $5,000 $4,800 $200
Strategic Payoff $4,800 $3,989 $4,800
Strategic Payoff $4,800 $6,989 $1,800
Strategic Payoff $4,800 $3,989 $4,800
$3989 interest float payment Cancelled 18 months off mortgage Cancels $18,746.21  Total interest that you will never pay in your life again on your mortgage.      Prepayment Savings Example
Optimizer Package* Customizable dashboard Dashlets Multiple Dashboard setting Text Messaging True Cost Money Folders *Subscription Required (ask agent for details)
Making the Right Decision If you choose to override the system, it will immediately tell you what the impact of your emotional decision will be
What does the $3500 fee include for the Money Merge Account? Personalized Website  Financial GPS + Planning Tool  Coaching Services On-going IT Support Free Updates to software Add new properties or debt The Fee is calculated into the savings so you dont feel it WE GUARANTEE THE RESULTS!
This is not the way to deal with our finances! Unfortunately too many people miss this because they are not looking at reality.
Financial GPS It guides you to: Pay off debts Save for retirement Stay Focused Track success Live Version The Money Merge Account Program Is Your Financial GPS
$121,855 Total Interest Saved with the Money Merge Account Conclusion of John & Rebecca Jones Conventional Program Money Merge Account  TM System 40 years old 40 years old 30 years to zero 15.3 years to zero $247,764 in interest $125,878 in interest
What would you do with your current payments if you did not have them anymore?
Get  Your Own   Personal Money Merge Account Analysis  completed for you  FREE OF CHARGE  As Soon As Possible   to find out how many years of mortgage payments and how many thousands of dollars in interest charges we can eliminate for you!!! You have nothing to lose except Mortgage Payments!!! Will it work for you? The Million $ Question is
United First Financial, its Agents and subsidiaries provide Internet, Web-based software and support services. United First Financial does not provide accounting, tax, legal, real-estate, mortgage, or investment advice. Interested parties should seek and consult with persons or entities licensed and qualified in those areas for advice relating to those matters. United First Financial is not liable or responsible for claims or representations made by any party which are not included in the Money Merge Account Limited Guarantee.
Thank You
John and Rebecca Jones Liability Structure Debt Amount Rate Payment Term Mortgage $200,000 6% $1199.10 360 Credit Card $0 12% $0.00 240 Income Structure Income Expense Discretionary $5,000 $4,800 $200
Month 1
Month 1
Month 1
Month 1
Month 1
+$12 @3% -$199 1. Interest Accumulation Month 2
0% 2. Interest Float Month 2
$3,789 Month 2
Funds Transfer 3. Interest Cancellation
$195,812 New principal loan balance 6% Interest rate   $1,199  Monthly payment   340 Months  (Not 358  Cancelled 18 months) $231,677 Original interest paid - $212,930 New interest paid $18,746.21  Total Savings     Prepayment Savings Example
Month 1
Month 1
Month 2
$3,789 Month 2
&quot;You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.&quot; - Adrian Rogers (1931-2005)

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Mortgage Saving Presentation

  • 1.
  • 2. Worried About Money? You bet! 70% of people are living paycheck to paycheck 55% are sometimes or always worried about money - Wall Street Journal
  • 3. More than 40% of American families spend more than they earn. (Federal Reserve) 1 in 60 US households filed bankruptcy in 2005. (Debt Trap Documentary) This number has increased dramatically in 2008
  • 4. Credit Card Debt The typical household has $38,000 in debt. (Consumer Reports Money Book) On average, today's consumer has a total of 13 credit obligations on record at a credit bureau. Of these 13 credit obligations, 9 are likely to be credit cards & four are likely to be installment loans. (myfico.com)
  • 5. In America, an average of 24% of a persons income goes to paying interest! 75% of the 400 wealthiest people on the Forbes list said the first thing to becoming wealthy is to be debt free.
  • 6. This is not the way to deal with our finances!
  • 7. What if you had a financial GPS every month for the rest of your life?
  • 8. How did this concept start? Overseas Banks One Account
  • 9. The Money Merge Account Beta Test Denver, Colorado Over 400 homeowners Progress was tracked for 1 year in hopes their results would be similar results to Australia, and by now the UK and New Zealand. 1997 Accelerated Equity Founded by Skyler Witman and John Washenko in Draper, Utah One of Utahs fastest growing companies for 3 years. In 2002, hired a group of experts to create a program to help homeowners pay off mortgage debt more effectively with little to no change in lifestyle.
  • 10. After only 1 year on the system 98% of the homeowners were on track to pay off their home in anywhere from 8-11 years!!! In 48 monthsUFirst has grown dramatically with 1000s of new clients every month An average of 42% of a households income goes to paying off debt! The Results:
  • 11. See What the Experts Are Saying
  • 13. Sample Loan: John and Rebecca Jones $200,000 Principal balance 6% Interest rate $1,199 Monthly payment Year 21 Year 10 Year 5 Year 1 Month 2 Month 1 Paid Equity Balance Interest Principal $1,000 $199.10 $999.00 $200.10 $14,389 $2,457 $197,54 $988.77 $210.33 $71,946 $13,891 $186,10 $931.88 $267.22 $143,891 $32,628 $167,37 $838.66 $360.44 $300,947 $99,436 $100,57 $502.89 $696.23
  • 14. Different Interest Calculations Mortgage Closed end loan Compound interest amortized over 30 or 40 years Interest calculated once a month ALOC Open end instrument Interest calculated on an average daily balance
  • 15. Why does the largest building in every city have a banks name on it? Banks pay interest to earn interest. Banks pay interest at <3% Your checking, savings, cds Earn <3% Banks earn interest at >6% Your loans, credit cards, mortgages pay >6% How Do Banks Work?
  • 16. Our System teaches you to make every dollar you make either earn interest or cancel interest!
  • 17. John and Rebecca Jones $238,700 in Debt at age 40 $121,855 Total Interest Saved with the Money Merge Account Conventional Program 40 years old 30 years to zero $247,764 in interest Money Merge Account TM System 40 years old 15.3 years to zero $125,878 in interest
  • 18. Your Debt Credit Card, Checking and Savings Accounts Money Merge Account Program Advance Line of Credit (ALOC) A Home Equity Line of Credit, Personal or Business Line of Credit, or even a credit card will work, as long as it has the correct characteristics required by the Money Merge Account program Four Required Components to Pay Off Your Debt in Record Time
  • 19. NOT a Bi-Weekly Program NOT a Debt Rolldown Program NOT a Reverse Mortgage NOT a Concept or Theory NOT a Loan Modification Money Merge Account Program
  • 20. If you have any kind of debt, you should NOT have your money stagnating in a checking or savings account! Checking Savings Use a different system to strategically reduce debt to Zero using monthly cash flow = Spending Account Money goes in and out, but little or no interest is earned. = Safety Net Money is moved here in case we run into hard times. We usually earn 1 4% interest on this account.
  • 21. Money Merge account Investment $3500 Money Back guarantee Use the banks money if possible Already calculated into the analysis Little to no change in current standard of living No refinancing of mortgage
  • 22. Four Key Money Saving Principles Interest Accumulation Interest Float Interest Cancellation 4. Strategic Payoff
  • 23. 1 2 3 4 Start of Month After income deposit $ You deposit your paycheck into your line of credit Greatly reducing your principal balance
  • 24. 1 2 3 4 Month
  • 25. 1 2 3 4 Month
  • 26. 1 2 3 4 Month
  • 27. 1 2 3 4 Month
  • 28. 1 2 3 Month
  • 29. 1 2 3 Month
  • 30. 1 2 3 Month
  • 31. Bank Like a Bank Sounds simple, but it is millions of lines of codes and multiple math algorithms hard at work. Ever since banks opened their doors, they have relied on math and timing to make money work. Now its your turn to bank like a bank. CANCEL INTEREST Computes the optimal time to leverage money to pay off your debts and cancel interest.
  • 32. How Would you Pay this off? $10,700 7% Installment Loan $4,800 12% Credit Card $8,000 9% Credit Card $20,000 7% Auto Loan $200,000 6% Mortgage 1 2 6 24 120
  • 33. Factorial Math 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 6 4 = 24 5 = 120 6 = 720 8 = 40,320 9 = 362,880 10 = 3,628,800 11 = 39,916,800 12 = 479,001,600 13 = 6,227,020,800 14 = 87,178,291,200 7 = 5,040
  • 34. 4. Strategic Payoff Looks at the characteristics of each debt including Amount owed Length of debt Interest rate Calculation of Payment Adjusting Rates
  • 35. I can do this myself? Sounds too good to be true $3500 is a lot of money to pay
  • 36. John and Rebecca Jones Liability Structure Debt Amount Rate Payment Term Mortgage $200,000 6% $1199.10 360 Credit Card $8,000 9% $72.00 240 Credit Card $0 12% $0.00 240 Loan $10,700 7% $125.00 120 Auto Loan $20,000 5% $377.00 60 Income Structure Income Expense Discretionary $5,000 $4,800 $200
  • 37. Strategic Payoff $4,800 $3,989 $4,800
  • 38. Strategic Payoff $4,800 $6,989 $1,800
  • 39. Strategic Payoff $4,800 $3,989 $4,800
  • 40. $3989 interest float payment Cancelled 18 months off mortgage Cancels $18,746.21 Total interest that you will never pay in your life again on your mortgage. Prepayment Savings Example
  • 41.
  • 42. Optimizer Package* Customizable dashboard Dashlets Multiple Dashboard setting Text Messaging True Cost Money Folders *Subscription Required (ask agent for details)
  • 43. Making the Right Decision If you choose to override the system, it will immediately tell you what the impact of your emotional decision will be
  • 44.
  • 45. What does the $3500 fee include for the Money Merge Account? Personalized Website Financial GPS + Planning Tool Coaching Services On-going IT Support Free Updates to software Add new properties or debt The Fee is calculated into the savings so you dont feel it WE GUARANTEE THE RESULTS!
  • 46. This is not the way to deal with our finances! Unfortunately too many people miss this because they are not looking at reality.
  • 47. Financial GPS It guides you to: Pay off debts Save for retirement Stay Focused Track success Live Version The Money Merge Account Program Is Your Financial GPS
  • 48. $121,855 Total Interest Saved with the Money Merge Account Conclusion of John & Rebecca Jones Conventional Program Money Merge Account TM System 40 years old 40 years old 30 years to zero 15.3 years to zero $247,764 in interest $125,878 in interest
  • 49. What would you do with your current payments if you did not have them anymore?
  • 50. Get Your Own Personal Money Merge Account Analysis completed for you FREE OF CHARGE As Soon As Possible to find out how many years of mortgage payments and how many thousands of dollars in interest charges we can eliminate for you!!! You have nothing to lose except Mortgage Payments!!! Will it work for you? The Million $ Question is
  • 51. United First Financial, its Agents and subsidiaries provide Internet, Web-based software and support services. United First Financial does not provide accounting, tax, legal, real-estate, mortgage, or investment advice. Interested parties should seek and consult with persons or entities licensed and qualified in those areas for advice relating to those matters. United First Financial is not liable or responsible for claims or representations made by any party which are not included in the Money Merge Account Limited Guarantee.
  • 53. John and Rebecca Jones Liability Structure Debt Amount Rate Payment Term Mortgage $200,000 6% $1199.10 360 Credit Card $0 12% $0.00 240 Income Structure Income Expense Discretionary $5,000 $4,800 $200
  • 59. +$12 @3% -$199 1. Interest Accumulation Month 2
  • 60. 0% 2. Interest Float Month 2
  • 62. Funds Transfer 3. Interest Cancellation
  • 63. $195,812 New principal loan balance 6% Interest rate $1,199 Monthly payment 340 Months (Not 358 Cancelled 18 months) $231,677 Original interest paid - $212,930 New interest paid $18,746.21 Total Savings Prepayment Savings Example
  • 68. &quot;You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.&quot; - Adrian Rogers (1931-2005)

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Welcome to the presentation
  • #10: Who is United First Financial? In 1997, Accelerated Equity and Development was founded in the Salt Lake City, Utah area and became one of the fasted growing mortgage brokerage businesses in a three-year period. But the owners saw a recurring situation: their clients kept coming back every 3-5 years to refinance in an attempt to pay off debt that they had accumulatedsecured debt, unsecured debtand to try to get themselves back on their feet with a payment that was manageable. They were trying to dig themselves out of the hole they had created from unmanaged debt, but they were actually digging that hole deeper, tacking more interest right back on to the loan that they had made some degree of headway on. And that is where we are at today. If we feel we can afford the payment, we feel that we can afford the situation. But basically what they were doing was using their homes like an ATM machine. Although business was very good, the owners realized they needed to seek a solution. And in seeking that solution, they developed the Money Merge Account program. In 2005, the Money Merge Account program was launched and test marketed in Denver to astounding results. This led the owners to found United First Financial in 2006. In 24 months, UFirst grew from 10 agents to tens of thousands of agents, affecting tens of thousands consumers financial situations and, inevitably, their lives.
  • #12: Lets also see what some industry experts have to say. The company has been featured in Mortgage Planner Magazine and Broker Banker. Weve been featured in True Wealth and Personal Real Estate Investor, in which we received the Editors Choice award. These magazines are the industry standards, leaders in the mortgage and investment arenas. People look to these magazines for their information, for what is new, what is working, and what is viable in the marketplace. And these editors and writers found it necessary to bring United First Financial and the Money Merge Account program to their subscribers and their readers to let them know the kind of impact we are having in the community and the kind of impact were having on consumers.
  • #16: Have you ever wondered why in most major cities in North America a banks name sits atop them? How have banks build their empire. One strategy banks have used is to pay interest to make interest. Lets take a look at how this works. Banks have multiple ways of collectiong capital. Some of their main ways allow them to pay less than 3% and sometimes all the way down to 0% interest on that money they control. On the flip side banks tend to earn interest through multiple vehicles at an interest greater than 6% percent and sometimes up into the 20% range. Now lets take a look at where banks can get capital at less than 3%. It comes from your check, savings and cds. And on that flip side your loans, credit cards and mortgages are what pay the banks the greater than 6%. The difference of what we earn interest at and pay interest at is known as arbitrage. As we can see here arbitrage can work for or against you so lets take a look at how we can make it work for you.
  • #17: The Money Merge Account System will guide you through making the money you already have and the money you continue to earn work the hardest it can for you ever single day of the year. It will make your money either earn interest or cancel interest.
  • #18: John and Rebecca Jones are out example couple of the average american family. John and Rebecca have achieved the dream of purchasing a home. They have $238,700 in debt and are currently 40 years old. Under their conventional mortgage and debt payment structure they are set to be debt free in 30 years at the rip old age of 70 and pay $247,764 in interest. With the Money Merge Account System we will reduce their payoff term by over 14 years and have John and Rebecca debt free by the age of 55 only paying $125,878 in interest. That is a savings of over $121 thousand dollars with no refinancing and little or no changes to their current standard of living.
  • #19: The Money Merge Account system requires 4 components to operate. The first is your debt which can be consumer debt, credit card debt, mortgages or a combination of all. Second you will need an ALOC or Advanced line of credit. The ALOC can be a Home Equity Line of Credit, a personal line of credit, a business line of credit or even a credit card with a limit of as little as $300. A checking and savings account with any banking institution. And the Money Merge Account coaching and software system.
  • #20: Lets take a look at what the Money Merge Account is not. The Money Merge Account is not a bi-weekly program, a debt rolldown program, a reverse mortgage or just some concept or theory. The Money Merge Account system is a proven mathematical principle using banking strategies to your advantage.
  • #23: The Money Merge Account works off of 4 money saving principles that are 1. Interest Accumulation, 2. Interest Float, 3. Interest Cancellation, 4. Strategic Payoff. As we cover each of theses today in this presentation I will point them out to individually.
  • #32: The Money Merge Account system allows you to start banking like a bank. It will computer the optimal time to leverage money to pay off debts and cancel interest. It may sound simple but it is millions of lines of code and multiple math algorithms hard at works.
  • #33: Now so far we have kept it very basic with just a mortgage. But that is not very realistic so lets take a look at a more realistic scenario and I am going to need you response on this. If you only have 1 debt there is only 1 order to pay that debt off. But if you have 2 debts you can pay off those debts in 2 different orders. In this example john and Rebecca can pay off the mortgage first and then the installment loan or they can pay off the installment loan and then the mortgage. Still sounds sort of easy but did you know if you have 3 debts there are 6 different orders in which you can pay them off. With 4 debts there are 24 different orders and with 5 debts there are 120 different orders in which you can pay off those debts. Which order would you choose to pay these debts off. Did you know that even with the same interest rate there can be a better debt of two to pay off?
  • #35: Our fourth money saving principle is strategic payoff. The Money Merge Account system takes into account the amount owed, length of debt, interest rate and calculation of the payment to determine which debt is the best to pay off first. It even has the ability to dynamically change based on when rates adjust on your debts.
  • #37: Lets take a look at our example couple John and Rebecca and include in their debts. John and Rebecca still make $5000 per month and spend $4800. They still have a $200k mortgage at 6% for 30 years with a payment of $1199.10. But we have now made John and Rebecca a little more realistic. John and Rebecca have a credit card with a rolling balance of $8k a loan with a balance of $10700 and an auto loan with a balance of $20k.
  • #38: Now with $8789 in checking and $1223 in savings The Money Merge Account system is going to calculate exactly where that money is best used while still accounting for John and Rebecca&apos;s upcoming expenses. In the example of John and Rebecca only having a mortgage the system had them pay off the credit card in full with a transfer of $4800. But with other debts that might not be the optimal way to pay off their debt load so it might prompt them to transfer $1600 towards the credit card and $7189 as an advanced funds transfer to their auto loan. This is determined by all of the factors of strategic payoff and the avalable limits on their currents lines of credit and credit cards.
  • #39: Now with $8789 in checking and $1223 in savings The Money Merge Account system is going to calculate exactly where that money is best used while still accounting for John and Rebecca&apos;s upcoming expenses. In the example of John and Rebecca only having a mortgage the system had them pay off the credit card in full with a transfer of $4800. But with other debts that might not be the optimal way to pay off their debt load so it might prompt them to transfer $1600 towards the credit card and $7189 as an advanced funds transfer to their auto loan. This is determined by all of the factors of strategic payoff and the avalable limits on their currents lines of credit and credit cards.
  • #40: Now with $8789 in checking and $1223 in savings The Money Merge Account system is going to calculate exactly where that money is best used while still accounting for John and Rebecca&apos;s upcoming expenses. In the example of John and Rebecca only having a mortgage the system had them pay off the credit card in full with a transfer of $4800. But with other debts that might not be the optimal way to pay off their debt load so it might prompt them to transfer $1600 towards the credit card and $7189 as an advanced funds transfer to their auto loan. This is determined by all of the factors of strategic payoff and the avalable limits on their currents lines of credit and credit cards.
  • #41: John and Rebecca now have a principal balance of $195,812 and are still locked at 6% interest with a payment of $1199.10 but instead of the original term of 358 more months john and rebecca will now pay off in 340 months. Thats a reduction of 18 months and this is only the first advanced funds transfer. They were originally set to pay $231,677 in interest and now will only pay $212,930 for an interest savings of $18,746.21
  • #44: One things I want to make completely clear You are still in complete control of your money. You do not have to follow the optimal order of payoff the money merge account suggests. You can override the system with just the click of a mouse. If you choose to do so though I have to warn you the results can be drastic. The Money Merge Account System will immediately adjust your dashboard dashlets to reflect the changes you have made.
  • #48: Think of the Money Merge Account system as your financial GPS. It guides you to paying off debts, saving for retirement, staying focused and tracking your success. At any point you can check how far you have gone, how far you have left and what your stats have been along the way.
  • #53: We would like to share with you today the Money Merge Account, or MMA. So lets dive right into the information.
  • #54: To understand each of the money saving principles we are going to look at our example couple John And Rebecca Jones. John and Rebecca make $5000 per month net or after taxes and they spend a combined $4800 per month on all of their debts and expenses. This means John and Rebecca only have $200 worth of discretionary income per month. John and Rebeccas liabilities include a mortgage of $200k fixed at 6% for 30 years with a principle and interest payment of $1,199.10. John and rebecca also have a 12% credit card which they have a $0 balance on. For our example John and Rebecca are starting with no available cash in their checking and savings accounts.
  • #55: On month number 1 John and Rebecca start with their $200k mortgage.
  • #56: On the first day of the Month they get paid $5000 that is direct deposited into their checking account.
  • #57: The Money Merge Account System will instantly prompt them to make a transfer from their checking to their savings account so their money can start accumulating interest.
  • #59: Throughout the month John And Rebecca will pay as many of their bill and expenses out of their credit card as they can. In many situations all bills can be paid out of a credit card so for simplicity we will use this as out example.
  • #60: At the beginning of month number 2 a few things have happened I would like to point your attention to. First John and rebecca made their first monthly payment to their mortgage resulting in a decrease of their principal balance by $199. Second their paycheck has sat in their interest bearing savings account and at 3% return has earned them $12 worth of interest. This is an example of our first money saving principle which is interest Accumulation. Next John and Rebecca receive their $5000 paycheck for month number 2.
  • #61: The Money Merge Account System will prompt them to transfer $4800 from their checking to their credit card. Has anyone ever charged some items on a credit card and then paid it off by the end of the grace period? How much interest do you pay on those charges? Thats right 0%. This is an example of our second money saving principle, Interest Float. The ability to use a banks money for free for a period of time while your money gains interest.
  • #62: Now the Money Merge Account system knows there is $5012 in savings and $200 in checking and has calculated for John and Rebecca that it is time to do an advanced funds transfer. An advanced funds transfer is an additional principal payment to one of your debt. This additional money comes from a combination of interest accumulation, discretionary income and interest cancellation not from your budget. The Money Merge Account system has calculated the exact amount of $3789 to be transfer from savings to checking. This amount will be different for ever time and for every person. Chances are that you will never do the exact same funds transfer twice.
  • #63: By Completing the transfer John and Rebecca Jones now have $1,223 in savings and $3989 in checking. The system will now prompt them to transfer $3989 from checking to their mortgage. This transfer is additional principal and will drastically reduce the amount of interest they are scheduled to pay on their mortgage. This is our third money saving principle, interest cancellation. Lets take a look at how much they have saved in the first two months.
  • #64: John and Rebecca now have a principal balance of $195,812 and are still locked at 6% interest with a payment of $1199.10 but instead of the original term of 358 more months john and rebecca will now pay off in 340 months. Thats a reduction of 18 months and this is only the first advanced funds transfer. They were originally set to pay $231,677 in interest and now will only pay $212,930 for an interest savings of $18,746.21
  • #65: Lets start back at month number one. On the first day of the Month they get paid $5000 that is direct deposited into their checking account.
  • #66: The Money Merge Account System will instantly prompt them to make a transfer from their checking to their savings account so their money can start accumulating interest. Throughout the month John And Rebecca will pay as many of their bill and expenses out of their credit card as they can. In many situations all bills can be paid out of a credit card so for simplicity we will use this as out example.
  • #67: At the beginning of month number 2 a few things have happened. First on the right our mortgage has been reduced by $199. The loan has been reduced by . The auto loan has been reduced by . The Savings account has accumulated $12 worth of interest at 3%. They receive their 2 motnhs pay check in the amount of $5000.
  • #68: The Money Merge Account system is now going to prompt John and Rebecca to transfer $3789 from savings into checking.
  • #69: The Money Merge Account system is now going to prompt John and Rebecca to transfer $3789 from savings into checking.