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TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Remco Oostelaar Version 1.0 Testing only gets better
Agenda 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better Why is Cloud Computing The Big Thing What is Cloud Computing?  How will Cloud Computing change testing? How does it effect testing Testing only gets better
Why Is Cloud Computing  The Big Thing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
The IT.org challenge of the 21th century 85% in distributed Computing environments, up to 85% of Computing capacity sits idle. 1.5x explosion of information driving 54% growth in storage shipments every year.  70% on average is spent on maintaining current IT infrastructures versus adding new capabilities. 3.5% of loss in sale, due to supply chain inefficiencies. 75% of the customers are working to improve their Security  息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. September 26, 2006 Customer CIO, Fortune 1000 Company 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Lets take a bit of a broad perspective TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Source: Infinite go to market strategy NL, 2007 50 miljoen users: Phone > 74 y Radio > 38 y Computer > 16 www > 4 Ipod > 3 Facebook 9 months
Where are we standing with Cloud Computing Source: Gartner (August 2010)   息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
The 5 Attributes of Cloud Computing It must be service based  - and  ready to use   Rapidly scalable  - available on demand adding or removing resources as required Shared   - multiple customers sharing the same resources & underlying infrastructure Pay per use  - metered or measured service that can be provided through different pricing plans Web enabled  - connected using internet based technologies TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Service models translation Amazon EC2 BT Google Apps Cordys Force.com MS Azure Google docs Twitter Sales Force 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Types of Clouds examples 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Traditional versus On-demand Pricing Models TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Per Transaction Charging Per  [Month]  Subscription..  Renting Licenses Asset Ownership Traditional  IT  OPEX = operating expense  (Variable Costs to Buyer) CAPEX = capital expenditure  (Fixed Costs to Buyer) Cloud Computing
Why is it not about cost? Cloud Computing will take care of elastic scalability what obvious bring cost-saving, the true significance isn't about saving cost, its about: Taking collaboration Sharing a common information and computational base Collective intelligence Business innovation TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Why is Cloud Computing important Provides new business opportunities in the underlying financial model Try Cheap / Fail Cheap Growth costs related to business growth (revenue) Very short time to market Evolutionary growth model is well supported Low Cost commoditization of IT services TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Testing-as-a-service, Cloud testing or is there more? Cloud Computing and testing
Trends in testing The current keywords in the business are: Business is demanding earlier Time to Market (TTM). Traceability of the quality through the full process of software development. Lower cost of their IT and flexibility within workforce Increased complexity of the ICT ecosystem Maximize consumer value  息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
How will Cloud Computing change testing? 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better Delivery of  Cloud applications Use the Cloud as  an enabler
Use the Cloud as an enabler TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
New ways of testing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Cloud testing Cloud testing is a form of software testing in which Web applications that leverage Cloud Computing environments (Cloud) seek to simulate real-world user traffic as a means of load testing and stress testing web sites. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Cloud testing providers Companies are like SOASTA, LoadStorm, Browsermob are building their business on the philosophy Let's run it again Main business area: Performance testing Stress/Endurance testing Functional testing Regression testing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Crowd sourcing / testing Building a community that can be utilized to executed testing on a large scale with an actual income generation.  息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
Two examples Flash Mob testing is delivering testers from the  Software Testing Club community. Customer needs to deliver a environment. 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better User testing is specially focused on Usability testing. It gives you access to a large panel of users, on-demand. The users are not usability experts however real consumers.
Testing-as-a-service ( TaaS) Testing-as-a-service is the ability to test local or in Cloud-delivered system using testing software and services that are remotely hosted.  Within this you can see two key aspects:  息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
TaaS (fixed cost) Testing as service started with only delivering the resources to the customer that where related to fixed cost. Hosting of specialized test infrastructure  Hosting of  test tooling Outsourcing of the test infrastructure to a third party hosting provider. This approach lowered the direct cost by reducing capex. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Fully on-demand sourcing Testing as a Service offerings Providing the entire range of automated testing services, both on-site and offshore.  Delivering customer-focused test labs for automated testing  Building processes, procedures and methodology for, automated, testing  Providing expertise/hosting in key areas such as Testing Tools, Test Methodology, Security Testing and Availability Testing.  TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
HP Testing-as-a-Service HP delivers application testing services in a highly available, consumable, pay-as-you-go model that provides flexibility in service and pricing.  TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Testing as service (Crowd sourcing) A combination of TaaS and crowd testing. TaaS supplier delivers environment, tools etc.  Human resources will be requested from their community and will be paid based on the  number of defects that they find. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Two examples uTest business model is pretty simple: clients post software to be tested and the community of testers at uTest will test the website. 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. The Mechanical Turk web service enables companies to programmatically access this marketplace and a diverse, on-demand workforce.
Testing Service  Aggregator Supplier who combines a number of Cloud (and potentially non-Cloud) services to form a complete solution on behalf of a customer or customers. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Environment provider Test management provider Resource provider Test level provider Customer Service integrator
How can we make testing better for us?  息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better
TestNet Najaarsevenement,  October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Test  environment Analytics &  Reporting Email, PC, Phone Track and  record defects  System integration  test Acceptance test Regression test usability testing Load, performance test Disaster recovery testing Customer
Remco Oostelaar Test manager Managing consultant: B63 TestForce  Mobile: + 316 45690511 Papendorpseweg 100,  3528 BJ Utrecht, Netherlands

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Cloud Computing Test Net V.1

  • 1. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Remco Oostelaar Version 1.0 Testing only gets better
  • 2. Agenda 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better Why is Cloud Computing The Big Thing What is Cloud Computing? How will Cloud Computing change testing? How does it effect testing Testing only gets better
  • 3. Why Is Cloud Computing The Big Thing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 4. The IT.org challenge of the 21th century 85% in distributed Computing environments, up to 85% of Computing capacity sits idle. 1.5x explosion of information driving 54% growth in storage shipments every year. 70% on average is spent on maintaining current IT infrastructures versus adding new capabilities. 3.5% of loss in sale, due to supply chain inefficiencies. 75% of the customers are working to improve their Security 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. September 26, 2006 Customer CIO, Fortune 1000 Company 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 5. Lets take a bit of a broad perspective TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Source: Infinite go to market strategy NL, 2007 50 miljoen users: Phone > 74 y Radio > 38 y Computer > 16 www > 4 Ipod > 3 Facebook 9 months
  • 6. Where are we standing with Cloud Computing Source: Gartner (August 2010) 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 7. The 5 Attributes of Cloud Computing It must be service based - and ready to use Rapidly scalable - available on demand adding or removing resources as required Shared - multiple customers sharing the same resources & underlying infrastructure Pay per use - metered or measured service that can be provided through different pricing plans Web enabled - connected using internet based technologies TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 8. Service models translation Amazon EC2 BT Google Apps Cordys Force.com MS Azure Google docs Twitter Sales Force 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 9. Types of Clouds examples 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 10. Traditional versus On-demand Pricing Models TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Per Transaction Charging Per [Month] Subscription.. Renting Licenses Asset Ownership Traditional IT OPEX = operating expense (Variable Costs to Buyer) CAPEX = capital expenditure (Fixed Costs to Buyer) Cloud Computing
  • 11. Why is it not about cost? Cloud Computing will take care of elastic scalability what obvious bring cost-saving, the true significance isn't about saving cost, its about: Taking collaboration Sharing a common information and computational base Collective intelligence Business innovation TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 12. Why is Cloud Computing important Provides new business opportunities in the underlying financial model Try Cheap / Fail Cheap Growth costs related to business growth (revenue) Very short time to market Evolutionary growth model is well supported Low Cost commoditization of IT services TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 13. Testing-as-a-service, Cloud testing or is there more? Cloud Computing and testing
  • 14. Trends in testing The current keywords in the business are: Business is demanding earlier Time to Market (TTM). Traceability of the quality through the full process of software development. Lower cost of their IT and flexibility within workforce Increased complexity of the ICT ecosystem Maximize consumer value 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 15. How will Cloud Computing change testing? 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better Delivery of Cloud applications Use the Cloud as an enabler
  • 16. Use the Cloud as an enabler TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 17. New ways of testing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 18. Cloud testing Cloud testing is a form of software testing in which Web applications that leverage Cloud Computing environments (Cloud) seek to simulate real-world user traffic as a means of load testing and stress testing web sites. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 19. Cloud testing providers Companies are like SOASTA, LoadStorm, Browsermob are building their business on the philosophy Let's run it again Main business area: Performance testing Stress/Endurance testing Functional testing Regression testing 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 20. Crowd sourcing / testing Building a community that can be utilized to executed testing on a large scale with an actual income generation. 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 21. Two examples Flash Mob testing is delivering testers from the Software Testing Club community. Customer needs to deliver a environment. 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better User testing is specially focused on Usability testing. It gives you access to a large panel of users, on-demand. The users are not usability experts however real consumers.
  • 22. Testing-as-a-service ( TaaS) Testing-as-a-service is the ability to test local or in Cloud-delivered system using testing software and services that are remotely hosted. Within this you can see two key aspects: 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 23. TaaS (fixed cost) Testing as service started with only delivering the resources to the customer that where related to fixed cost. Hosting of specialized test infrastructure Hosting of test tooling Outsourcing of the test infrastructure to a third party hosting provider. This approach lowered the direct cost by reducing capex. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 24. Fully on-demand sourcing Testing as a Service offerings Providing the entire range of automated testing services, both on-site and offshore. Delivering customer-focused test labs for automated testing Building processes, procedures and methodology for, automated, testing Providing expertise/hosting in key areas such as Testing Tools, Test Methodology, Security Testing and Availability Testing. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 25. HP Testing-as-a-Service HP delivers application testing services in a highly available, consumable, pay-as-you-go model that provides flexibility in service and pricing. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 26. Testing as service (Crowd sourcing) A combination of TaaS and crowd testing. TaaS supplier delivers environment, tools etc. Human resources will be requested from their community and will be paid based on the number of defects that they find. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 27. Two examples uTest business model is pretty simple: clients post software to be tested and the community of testers at uTest will test the website. 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. The Mechanical Turk web service enables companies to programmatically access this marketplace and a diverse, on-demand workforce.
  • 28. Testing Service Aggregator Supplier who combines a number of Cloud (and potentially non-Cloud) services to form a complete solution on behalf of a customer or customers. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Environment provider Test management provider Resource provider Test level provider Customer Service integrator
  • 29. How can we make testing better for us? 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better
  • 30. TestNet Najaarsevenement, October 2010. Testing only gets better 息 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
  • 31. Test environment Analytics & Reporting Email, PC, Phone Track and record defects System integration test Acceptance test Regression test usability testing Load, performance test Disaster recovery testing Customer
  • 32. Remco Oostelaar Test manager Managing consultant: B63 TestForce Mobile: + 316 45690511 Papendorpseweg 100, 3528 BJ Utrecht, Netherlands