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Organization / Workplace
Chile Chile
Please check webpage: Nations & contributors represented in flipbook. Thank you.. Our goal of 100 countries achieved!
Finance / Banking / Insurance
Our marvelous publications will still be available as a tribute to colleagues & partners who joined our Initiative "Komatsu Cummins World Banknotes" as Our Linkedin campaign is over.
In recap, our success led us to collect 228 banknotes specimens (pieces in total) representing 125 countries of the world!!!
Thank you for your support to our "linkedin friends" throughout banknotes from 53 countries donated during 2016 complementarying the local Chilean campaign that captured international banknotes from 72 countries between Dec. 2014 & Dec 2016.
In effect, it was a great Idea to invite people from Cummins & Komatsu around the world; that led to bring us closer as a team and we li...
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