Ici presentationGoshen CollegeThe document discusses the challenges faced by a CIO at a college over several years, including four reorganizations, four bosses, budget cuts, and the need to implement numerous new systems. It describes how the CIO had to recalibrate the IT mission statement to focus on leveraging technology to deliver academic programs globally and improve the student experience. To cope with rapid changes and a faster pace, the CIO emphasizes team building, relationship building, technology innovation, process improvement, better data analysis, and seeking new partners and strategies. While change can be difficult, the need for visionary IT leadership in higher education has never been greater.
RiverWatch Weekly Newsletter 7-2016Shane PayneThis document summarizes the first leadership workshop held for the Memphis District's 2016 Leadership Development Program class. It provides details on the workshop including an overview of the class members and curriculum, a description of activities the instructors and students participated in, and quotes from students about their experiences. The workshop was held from March 21-25 and focused on improving communication skills, counseling techniques, team building, and an understanding of military rank structure through experiential learning exercises.
One weird tip to Improve Collaboration - Matt Heusser/DAVID HOPPEagileandbeyondThe document discusses pairing as a strange tip for improving collaboration. Pairing involves two people working together on a task such as coding. The document suggests pairing can improve productivity as people can help each other and defend against being overpowered. It also notes pairing allows people to keep each other warm and helps one another up if they fall down.
Google 3rd party brand hotelsEtienne ThomasThis short document discusses Google's relationship with third party brand hotels. It was written by Etienne Thomas and encourages sharing the presentation on Google's work with hotels through two website links. The document does not provide much other context or details about Google's third party relationships.
2. Что случилось с природой? Всѐ вокруг вдруг ожило, стало ярким,
словно кто-то раскрасил природу. Это потрудилась Художница-Весна. У
Весны есть свои краски, которые она подарила природе.
3. Своим любимым зелѐным цветом она раскрасила молодую травку.
Зелѐной дымкой покрыла лес, а берѐзке подарила зелѐные серѐжки
4. Кроме зелѐного цвета у Весны есть голубая и белая краска. Голубым
цветом она раскрасила неба, а белым – облака. Словно по голубому
озеру плывут белые лебеди – облака.
5. Не забыла Весна и жѐлтую краску. Она разбросала по зелѐному полю
жѐлтые огоньки. Это первые весенние цветы.
6. Но впереди у Весны ещѐ много работы. Разные краски понадобятся ей,
чтобы раскрасить цветущие сады и поля.