MR-F132-2007-05Tassos KarampinisMR-F132-2007-05
Μικρός Ρωμηός
(Περίοδος Δ'. Χρόνος 21ος, Φύλλο 132. Μάιος 2007)
(Σελίδες από το περιοδικό που έχουν σχέση με την περιοχή μας)
Θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε τον Πολιτιστικό Περιβαλλοντικό Σύλλογο Κέντρου Αμπελοκήπων για τα τεύχη του περιοδικού "Μικρός Ρωμηός" που παραχώρησε στη Συντακτική και Φωτογραφική Ομάδα Εργαστηρίου Πληροφορικής με σκοπό την υποστήριξη των εργασιών της σχετικά με την ευρύτερη περιοχή των Αμπελόκηπων Αθήνας.
Ιδιαίτερα δε να ευχαριστήσουμε τον κύριο Φαίδωνα Παπαθεοδώρου για την πολύ καλή συνεργασία που έχουμε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.
56ο Γυμνάσιο Αθήνας
Συντακτική και Φωτογραφική Ομάδα Εργαστηρίου Πληροφορικής
Σχολικό έτος: 2019-2020
MR-F133-2007-06Tassos KarampinisMR-F133-2007-06
Μικρός Ρωμηός
(Περίοδος Δ'. Χρόνος 21ος, Φύλλο 133. Ιούνιος 2007)
(Σελίδες από το περιοδικό που έχουν σχέση με την περιοχή μας)
Θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε τον Πολιτιστικό Περιβαλλοντικό Σύλλογο Κέντρου Αμπελοκήπων για τα τεύχη του περιοδικού "Μικρός Ρωμηός" που παραχώρησε στη Συντακτική και Φωτογραφική Ομάδα Εργαστηρίου Πληροφορικής με σκοπό την υποστήριξη των εργασιών της σχετικά με την ευρύτερη περιοχή των Αμπελόκηπων Αθήνας.
Ιδιαίτερα δε να ευχαριστήσουμε τον κύριο Φαίδωνα Παπαθεοδώρου για την πολύ καλή συνεργασία που έχουμε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.
56ο Γυμνάσιο Αθήνας
Συντακτική και Φωτογραφική Ομάδα Εργαστηρίου Πληροφορικής
Σχολικό έτος: 2019-2020
Deltio typou 7 enisxysi toy tourismou_21.05.14samostimes
Horario 3ª fase formativaElizeu Won AnckenO documento apresenta um cronograma de disciplinas do curso de Pedagogia para o semestre letivo de 2015/1. As disciplinas estão distribuídas por dia da semana e incluem siglas como PTMEE, ESEI, BRIE, TIC, CMMI e PTMA, que representam disciplinas como Pressupostos Teóricos e Metodológicos da Educação Especial, Estágio Curricular Supervisionado I, Brincadeiras e jogos, Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, Conteúdos e Metodologia da Matemática
What is an account?Subbu PullelaWith this PPT you may get a good knowledge over what is an Account? How may types are there? How they classified? etc...
Interpreting CES 2014What's NextThe document discusses key themes and technologies from CES 2014, including:
1. The lack of a single "big bang" product, but instead many incremental innovations around connectivity, sensors, social, and the cloud that point to the continued emergence of the Internet of Things.
2. Communications and media "best of" highlights included the first smart TV that isn't dumb, connected home technologies, 3D printing becoming more accessible, and wearables still being years away from mainstream adoption.
3. A generational gulf is emerging around technology with implications for how to educate and engage people across different ages, locations, and income levels.
4. The changing role of advertising is to take a more
2 - SynCH: The rationale behing an FPGA-based implementationSynCH - Synergically controlled handThis document discusses non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and its application to electromyography (EMG) sampled signals. NMF decomposes a non-negative data matrix into two non-negative matrices, approximating the original matrix. It has been used to extract muscle synergies from EMG data, with the data matrix representing EMG signals and the output matrices representing muscle synergies and their activations over time. The document also briefly compares FPGAs, microprocessors and microcontrollers for implementing NMF in real-time on hardware, noting that FPGAs allow real-time NMF with acceptable energy costs.
Brave New World CharactersSamBernard is described as a smaller, less physically imposing man, but some like Lenina find him cute. He has sandy hair and a misfit appearance. Currently in the novel, Bernard seems to play a big role as the one man with a different perspective trying to win Lenina's love in a proper manner.
Helmholtz is described as an attractive and intelligent man with a stalky, confident body. He has power but does not know what to do with it.
Lenina is pictured as an attractive yet rebellious woman who outwardly conforms to societal expectations but longs to do her own thing. Her role is extraordinary as she has the power to greatly change society if
Anomali ekonomi politik 2joaquimrohi "[Ringkasan] Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kinerja pemerintah dan dukungan terhadap partai berdasarkan survei nasional tahun 2012-2013. Survei menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara penilaian masyarakat terhadap kondisi ekonomi dengan dukungan terhadap partai penguasa."
Neglected Tendo-Achilles Rupture Repair by Fhl Augmentation Using Bio-Screw a...iosrjceIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences is one of the speciality Journal in Dental Science and Medical Science published by International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR). The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope work in all areas related to medical and dental science. The Journal welcome review articles, leading medical and clinical research articles, technical notes, case reports and others.
Sustaining Traction for your Start-UpHeinz Marketing IncThis document discusses keys to sustaining traction for startups. It emphasizes systematizing processes, quantifying goals, creating customer profiles, automating workflows, and establishing review cycles. It also stresses the importance of controlling costs, hiring slowly, continuously learning, and avoiding common mistakes like building sales teams too quickly. Metrics and assumptions for lead generation, opportunities, and sales pipelines are presented for planning purposes. Templates provided include custom messages by role and industry for prospect outreach. The overall message is that sustaining startup momentum requires establishing repeatable, scalable, and predictable systems rather than relying on serendipity.
44 joão 21 - pedro vc me amaIGREJA ADCP CAMPOS ELÍSEOSEste documento analisa o encontro entre Jesus e Pedro após a ressurreição, onde Jesus pergunta três vezes se Pedro o ama. Isso revela a importância do amor incondicional (ágape) para servir a Deus e como Pedro precisava crescer nesse amor para apascentar as ovelhas de Cristo.
Ey hot topic_roboticsEY PerúHay un nuevo tipo de robots que están transformando las TI: los “software robots”. Estos son un conjunto de comandos inteligentes que se comunican con los sistemas digitales y están programados para seguir reglas y completar tareas, sin embargo, en la actualidad están convirtiéndose en una fuerte alternativa en los servicios de tercerización de TI
Securing the SharePoint PlatformBert JohnsonBert Johnson, a SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Master, gave a presentation on securing the SharePoint platform. He discussed the importance of security given SharePoint's widespread use. He outlined several facets of SharePoint security including planning, authentication, content security, network security, application security, and database security. Johnson also provided resources on locking down SharePoint sites and discussed security best practices for custom development.
The simple-power-of-the-doodleslashdotManaging director Paul Benney started doodling in meetings as a way to visualize ideas and business strategies. He found diagrams to be a more effective way to outline plans compared to bullet point lists. Sunni Brown is leading a "doodle revolution" and argues that doodling and visual note-taking are effective learning and thinking tools. Visual note-takers like Mike Rohde capture details from meetings and conferences in sketches and make them available online. Researchers find that visual representations of ideas can be more memorable and engaging than text alone.
Hoja de vidaJohanna MarcatomaEsta hoja de vida contiene información personal de Esther Johanna Marcatoma Guacho, incluyendo su nombre, apellido, fecha de nacimiento, número de cédula, estado civil, escuela y colegio donde estudió, domicilio, correo electrónico y teléfono.
Ahmed Mohamed Maher ShafikAhmed ShafikAhmed Mohamed Maher Shafik has over 13 years of experience in civil engineering and project management. He has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Alexandria University and an MBA from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology. He is proficient in AutoCAD, MS Office, and MS Project. His career includes managing the construction of various commercial and residential buildings in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Key responsibilities included project planning, budgeting, scheduling, procurement, and ensuring timely completion. He aims to utilize his engineering and management skills to contribute to successful project delivery.
Sam fiorella senseimarketing_socialmediamasters_toronto_oct72011Sam FiorellaThe document discusses how corporations fail to achieve ROI from social media engagement because departments' social media strategies are not aligned with the overall corporate strategy. It argues that social media measurement at the corporate level can only be achieved when each department's goals are aligned with the business goals. The document presents models showing how social media goals for different departments can align to ultimately support broader business goals and metrics related to profits and ROI.
Horario 3ª fase formativaElizeu Won AnckenO documento apresenta um cronograma de disciplinas do curso de Pedagogia para o semestre letivo de 2015/1. As disciplinas estão distribuídas por dia da semana e incluem siglas como PTMEE, ESEI, BRIE, TIC, CMMI e PTMA, que representam disciplinas como Pressupostos Teóricos e Metodológicos da Educação Especial, Estágio Curricular Supervisionado I, Brincadeiras e jogos, Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, Conteúdos e Metodologia da Matemática
What is an account?Subbu PullelaWith this PPT you may get a good knowledge over what is an Account? How may types are there? How they classified? etc...
Interpreting CES 2014What's NextThe document discusses key themes and technologies from CES 2014, including:
1. The lack of a single "big bang" product, but instead many incremental innovations around connectivity, sensors, social, and the cloud that point to the continued emergence of the Internet of Things.
2. Communications and media "best of" highlights included the first smart TV that isn't dumb, connected home technologies, 3D printing becoming more accessible, and wearables still being years away from mainstream adoption.
3. A generational gulf is emerging around technology with implications for how to educate and engage people across different ages, locations, and income levels.
4. The changing role of advertising is to take a more
2 - SynCH: The rationale behing an FPGA-based implementationSynCH - Synergically controlled handThis document discusses non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and its application to electromyography (EMG) sampled signals. NMF decomposes a non-negative data matrix into two non-negative matrices, approximating the original matrix. It has been used to extract muscle synergies from EMG data, with the data matrix representing EMG signals and the output matrices representing muscle synergies and their activations over time. The document also briefly compares FPGAs, microprocessors and microcontrollers for implementing NMF in real-time on hardware, noting that FPGAs allow real-time NMF with acceptable energy costs.
Brave New World CharactersSamBernard is described as a smaller, less physically imposing man, but some like Lenina find him cute. He has sandy hair and a misfit appearance. Currently in the novel, Bernard seems to play a big role as the one man with a different perspective trying to win Lenina's love in a proper manner.
Helmholtz is described as an attractive and intelligent man with a stalky, confident body. He has power but does not know what to do with it.
Lenina is pictured as an attractive yet rebellious woman who outwardly conforms to societal expectations but longs to do her own thing. Her role is extraordinary as she has the power to greatly change society if
Anomali ekonomi politik 2joaquimrohi "[Ringkasan] Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kinerja pemerintah dan dukungan terhadap partai berdasarkan survei nasional tahun 2012-2013. Survei menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara penilaian masyarakat terhadap kondisi ekonomi dengan dukungan terhadap partai penguasa."
Neglected Tendo-Achilles Rupture Repair by Fhl Augmentation Using Bio-Screw a...iosrjceIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences is one of the speciality Journal in Dental Science and Medical Science published by International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR). The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope work in all areas related to medical and dental science. The Journal welcome review articles, leading medical and clinical research articles, technical notes, case reports and others.
Sustaining Traction for your Start-UpHeinz Marketing IncThis document discusses keys to sustaining traction for startups. It emphasizes systematizing processes, quantifying goals, creating customer profiles, automating workflows, and establishing review cycles. It also stresses the importance of controlling costs, hiring slowly, continuously learning, and avoiding common mistakes like building sales teams too quickly. Metrics and assumptions for lead generation, opportunities, and sales pipelines are presented for planning purposes. Templates provided include custom messages by role and industry for prospect outreach. The overall message is that sustaining startup momentum requires establishing repeatable, scalable, and predictable systems rather than relying on serendipity.
44 joão 21 - pedro vc me amaIGREJA ADCP CAMPOS ELÍSEOSEste documento analisa o encontro entre Jesus e Pedro após a ressurreição, onde Jesus pergunta três vezes se Pedro o ama. Isso revela a importância do amor incondicional (ágape) para servir a Deus e como Pedro precisava crescer nesse amor para apascentar as ovelhas de Cristo.
Ey hot topic_roboticsEY PerúHay un nuevo tipo de robots que están transformando las TI: los “software robots”. Estos son un conjunto de comandos inteligentes que se comunican con los sistemas digitales y están programados para seguir reglas y completar tareas, sin embargo, en la actualidad están convirtiéndose en una fuerte alternativa en los servicios de tercerización de TI
Securing the SharePoint PlatformBert JohnsonBert Johnson, a SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Master, gave a presentation on securing the SharePoint platform. He discussed the importance of security given SharePoint's widespread use. He outlined several facets of SharePoint security including planning, authentication, content security, network security, application security, and database security. Johnson also provided resources on locking down SharePoint sites and discussed security best practices for custom development.
The simple-power-of-the-doodleslashdotManaging director Paul Benney started doodling in meetings as a way to visualize ideas and business strategies. He found diagrams to be a more effective way to outline plans compared to bullet point lists. Sunni Brown is leading a "doodle revolution" and argues that doodling and visual note-taking are effective learning and thinking tools. Visual note-takers like Mike Rohde capture details from meetings and conferences in sketches and make them available online. Researchers find that visual representations of ideas can be more memorable and engaging than text alone.
Hoja de vidaJohanna MarcatomaEsta hoja de vida contiene información personal de Esther Johanna Marcatoma Guacho, incluyendo su nombre, apellido, fecha de nacimiento, número de cédula, estado civil, escuela y colegio donde estudió, domicilio, correo electrónico y teléfono.
Ahmed Mohamed Maher ShafikAhmed ShafikAhmed Mohamed Maher Shafik has over 13 years of experience in civil engineering and project management. He has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Alexandria University and an MBA from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology. He is proficient in AutoCAD, MS Office, and MS Project. His career includes managing the construction of various commercial and residential buildings in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Key responsibilities included project planning, budgeting, scheduling, procurement, and ensuring timely completion. He aims to utilize his engineering and management skills to contribute to successful project delivery.
Sam fiorella senseimarketing_socialmediamasters_toronto_oct72011Sam FiorellaThe document discusses how corporations fail to achieve ROI from social media engagement because departments' social media strategies are not aligned with the overall corporate strategy. It argues that social media measurement at the corporate level can only be achieved when each department's goals are aligned with the business goals. The document presents models showing how social media goals for different departments can align to ultimately support broader business goals and metrics related to profits and ROI.
Τ.Κ. 13341 ΤΗΛ. 2102483730 , 2102483732
2130269831 E-Mail
ΠΡΟΣ: ΔΗΜΟ ΚΩ ΚΩΣ 20-03-2007
κοινοποίηση προς
Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών Δημόσιας Διοίκησης
και Αποκέντρωσης
Κύριε Δήμαρχε,
Εδώ στην Συνοικία τα προβλήματα είναι πολλά και ποικίλα., φροντίστε ώστε το σημείο που
βρίσκεται αυτή την στιγμή ο καταυλισμός να αποκτήσει κατ ελάχιστον ρεύμα και νερό καθώς και
αποκομιδή απορριμμάτων. Ομοίως δίκτυο αποχέτευσης και ύδρευσης. Καιρός είναι τα σκουπίδια
να φύγουν από εκεί και να γίνει η συνοικία πιο ανθρώπινη.
Οι κάδοι των απορριμμάτων είναι ατάκτως ερριμένοι, χωρίς προγραμματισμό για πολυπληθείς
και πολύτεκνες οικογένειες, τα παιδιά παίζουν μέσα στους δρόμους, χωρίς παιδικές χαρές, χωρίς
βρεφονηπιακούς σταθμούς, χωρίς προστασία από τα διερχόμενα αυτοκίνητα., τα «σπίτια» είναι
ευπρόσβλητα από κάθε είδους περαστικούς, χωρίς ασφάλεια. Δεν υπάρχουν συστήματα οδικής
ασφάλειας ούτε πεζοδρόμια σωστά, ούτε σήματα και πινακίδες δρόμων για να ξέρει κάποιος πεζός
που βρίσκεται. Είναι η συνοικία ξεχασμένη και από τους Δημοτικούς άρχοντες; και έως πότε;
O ΔΚΚ ορίζει σαφώς σε αρκετά από τα άρθρα του την δυνατότητα που έχει ο δήμος να
βοηθήσει Άπορες και πολύτεκνες οικογένειες όπως και αθίγγανους. Ο ΔΗΜΟΣ ΚΩ ΤΟ ΚΑΝΕΙ;
Αναφέρω συγκεκριμένα άρθρα βάσει των οποίων θα μπορούσε το δημοτικό συμβούλιο να δείξει
την ευαισθησία του προς το μέρος εκείνο του πληθυσμού του που κατοικεί στην Δ΄ συνοικία.
ΔΚΚ άρθρο 187 εκποίηση οικοπέδων σε άστεγους δημότες .
Θα μπορούσε ο Δήμος να εκποιήσει Δημοτικά οικόπεδα προς τους Λήπτες των Στεγαστικών
Δανείων των Τσιγγάνων στο ¼ της αγοραίας αξίας τους πληρωτέο σε 5 ετήσιες δόσεις και τα
χρήματα να δαπανηθούν για να εκτελεστούν έργα μέσα στην Δ΄ Συνοικία.
ΔΚΚ άρθρο 185 Δωρεάν παραχώρηση κυριότητας και χρήσης δημοτικών και κοινοτικών
Θα μπορούσε ο Δήμος να παραχωρήσει την έκταση που του ανήκει προς τους τσιγγάνους που
έχουν εγκριθεί για να ενταχθούν στο πρόγραμμα για την επαγγελματική αποκατάσταση τους μέσω
Γ΄ ΚΠΣ που προκηρύχθηκε από τον ΕΟΜΜΕΧ, Για να δημιουργηθεί εκεί ένα σημείο εμπορικής
κίνησης για 50 συμπολίτες μας. Αφού αυτοί θα συμμετέχουν σε κοινοτικά προγράμματα που
χρηματοδοτούνται από το κράτος.
ΔΚΚ άρθρο 174 διαγραφή χρεών
Θα μπορούσε ο Δήμος να διαγράψει κάθε είδους χρέη ολόκληρα από τσιγγάνους που δεν έχουν
καθόλου περιουσία και η επιδίωξη της είσπραξης δεν έφερε κανένα αποτέλεσμα επί τρία χρόνια
αφ’ ότου έληξε η χρήση για την οποία βεβαιώθηκαν. Ομοίως να απαλλάξει τους τσιγγάνους
δημότες από τις προσαυξήσεις εκπρόθεσμης καταβολής αφού αυτή οφείλεται σε οικονομική
αδυναμία μόνιμη.
Μετά τιμής
Για τον
ΤΗΛ. 2102483730, 2102483732, 2130269831