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FOCUS      Childhood emergencies

Janice Charles
Helena Britt
Salma Fahridin

 In this analysis we used BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and

                                                                               Age/gender specific rates per 100 encounters
 Care of Health) encounters with children aged 014 years from
 January 2008 to December 2009. Croup was managed 276 times
 during that period (at 1.2% of 23 016 encounters with children in
 this age group). This suggests that croup is managed in general
 practice about 154 000 times per year nationally.                                                                            1

 Keywords: child health; emergencies; croup

                                                                                                                                  < 1 year   14       59            1014          Male          Female

                                                                                   Figure 1. Patient characteristics

     Children aged 14 years were significantly more likely to                Table 1. Treatments recorded at croup encounters
     be managed for croup than children in other age groups.                 Treatment                                                       Number Rate per 100                     Percentage of
     This was reflected in the age specific rate of 1.9 per 100                                                                                     croup                            medications/
     encounters for children of that age, compared with a rate                                                                                      problems                         other treatments
                                                                                                                                                    (n=276)                          for croup
     of 1.1 per 100 encounters with infants aged less than 1 year
     and children aged 59 years. Rates of croup among those                 Medications                                                       246        89.1                       
     aged 1014 years were low. Boys were managed for the                    Prednisolone oral                                                 204        73.9                       82.9
     condition 1.5 times more often than girls, with a rate of 1.4
                                                                             Amoxycillin                                                       9          3.3                        3.7
     per 100 encounters for boys and 0.9 for girls (Figure 1).
                                                                             Paracetamol                                                       9          3.3                        3.7
     The most common reasons given by the patient, or their carer, for       Other treatments                                                  100        36.2                       
     attending an encounter where croup was managed were cough and
     croup. Less frequently, fever, breathing problems and/or wheezing       Advice/counselling                                                83         26.2                       30.1
     were the reasons for the encounter. Croup was managed most often
     as a new problem, with 68% of croup diagnoses being the first
     presentation of the problem or the first presentation of a recurrence   Janice Charles, Helena Britt and Salma Fahridin, Australian GP
     of the problem for that patient. At most encounters, croup was the      Statistics & Classification Centre, University of Sydney, New
     only problem managed, although occasionally asthma, otitis media        South Wales.
     and/or upper respiratory tract infections were also managed.            Conflict of interest: none declared.

     Management                                                              Acknowledgments
     Medications were prescribed, supplied or advised at the high            The authors thank the GP participants in the BEACH program and all
                                                                             members of the BEACH team. Financial contributors to BEACH between
     rate of almost 90 per 100 croup problems managed. Systemic
                                                                             2008 and 2009: Australian Government Department of Health and
     corticosteroids accounted for about 90%, and penicillin made up 4%      Ageing; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; National Prescribing
     of these medications.                                                   Service; AstraZeneca Pty Ltd (Australia); Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd;
         Clinical treatments were often provided and usually involved        Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd; Pfizer Australia; Abbott
     advice and counselling about the problem and its treatment.             Australasia; Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty Ltd; Wyeth Australia Pty Ltd.
     Procedural treatments were rarely recorded, and investigations and
     referrals were not commonly ordered for croup (Table 1).

                                                                                                                                                     Reprinted from AUSTRALIAN FAMILy PHySICIAN VoL. 39, No. 5, MAy 2010 269

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Croup janice charles pedriatic

  • 1. FOCUS Childhood emergencies Croup Janice Charles Helena Britt Salma Fahridin In this analysis we used BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Age/gender specific rates per 100 encounters 2 Care of Health) encounters with children aged 014 years from January 2008 to December 2009. Croup was managed 276 times during that period (at 1.2% of 23 016 encounters with children in this age group). This suggests that croup is managed in general practice about 154 000 times per year nationally. 1 Keywords: child health; emergencies; croup 0 < 1 year 14 59 1014 Male Female Figure 1. Patient characteristics Children aged 14 years were significantly more likely to Table 1. Treatments recorded at croup encounters be managed for croup than children in other age groups. Treatment Number Rate per 100 Percentage of This was reflected in the age specific rate of 1.9 per 100 croup medications/ encounters for children of that age, compared with a rate problems other treatments (n=276) for croup of 1.1 per 100 encounters with infants aged less than 1 year and children aged 59 years. Rates of croup among those Medications 246 89.1 aged 1014 years were low. Boys were managed for the Prednisolone oral 204 73.9 82.9 condition 1.5 times more often than girls, with a rate of 1.4 Amoxycillin 9 3.3 3.7 per 100 encounters for boys and 0.9 for girls (Figure 1). Paracetamol 9 3.3 3.7 The most common reasons given by the patient, or their carer, for Other treatments 100 36.2 attending an encounter where croup was managed were cough and croup. Less frequently, fever, breathing problems and/or wheezing Advice/counselling 83 26.2 30.1 were the reasons for the encounter. Croup was managed most often as a new problem, with 68% of croup diagnoses being the first Authors presentation of the problem or the first presentation of a recurrence Janice Charles, Helena Britt and Salma Fahridin, Australian GP of the problem for that patient. At most encounters, croup was the Statistics & Classification Centre, University of Sydney, New only problem managed, although occasionally asthma, otitis media South Wales. and/or upper respiratory tract infections were also managed. Conflict of interest: none declared. Management Acknowledgments Medications were prescribed, supplied or advised at the high The authors thank the GP participants in the BEACH program and all members of the BEACH team. Financial contributors to BEACH between rate of almost 90 per 100 croup problems managed. Systemic 2008 and 2009: Australian Government Department of Health and corticosteroids accounted for about 90%, and penicillin made up 4% Ageing; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; National Prescribing of these medications. Service; AstraZeneca Pty Ltd (Australia); Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd; Clinical treatments were often provided and usually involved Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd; Pfizer Australia; Abbott advice and counselling about the problem and its treatment. Australasia; Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty Ltd; Wyeth Australia Pty Ltd. Procedural treatments were rarely recorded, and investigations and referrals were not commonly ordered for croup (Table 1). Reprinted from AUSTRALIAN FAMILy PHySICIAN VoL. 39, No. 5, MAy 2010 269