dear fesbukers
- tens for addingg aquh
- after add tu chat la ek jgn penuhkan friends aq je
ALERT for diz!
@ Lau aq eply late or ta layan korunk means aq men game
@ If aq chatting korunk ta balas maknenye ta lame lah tu
@ Lau nak block aq.. aq prefer unfriend aq je laa sebab aq takkan add balik
@ If nak tnye pape pasal aq go on aq open minded je so dun worry u deserve it
@ aq prefer chatbox sbnrnye but cause chatbox cam CB skunk so w2w je la ta pun mcg
@ Jgn add aq pastu diam.. mang aq banned/hack terus fesbuk ko
if der any objections sile sile lah blah ea =__="
P/S ;
i available to everyone who wanna friends or more with me.. mean ur w