Some tips on better connecting and communicating with others in networking settings, and as a presenter or public speaker. This presentation was originally delivered as a meet up and workshop hosted by startup/angels and Smart in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on October 19, 2018, with the support of Digital Ventures and Seedstars.
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How to Communicate Effectively for Networking & Public Speaking
2. Where you look
How quickly and loudly you speak
How well you listen
How you stand
How you gesture and point
Communication is about
more than just what you say
How you move around
4. He who fails to plan is planning to fail.
- Winston Churchill or Benjamin Franklin
Go away; cool kids
Want to join
our club?
Be inclusive: how you stand signals how welcoming you are
Direct, face-to-face stance leaves no opportunity
for someone to join the conversation
Angled stance with body pointed towards others
creates an opening for someone to join the group
8. He who fails to plan is planning to fail.
- Winston Churchill or Benjamin Franklin
Do you invest in [fintech/e-commerce/my
Dont give people the opportunity to say no; its easier to
ask for advice or ideas than for someones commitment
What sectors do you invest in?
Would you invest in my company? Do you know any investors who would have
an interest in investing in companies like mine?
May I pitch you my company [or give you
my pitch deck]?
Can you critique my pitch/deck?
Would you consider joining my company
as [COO/CTO/available position]?
Do you know anyone who would make a good
[COO/CTO/available position]?
May I follow up on our conversation with an email?
Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime and get
your advice?
10. Shoulder length apart, pointed out at
45 degree angle; strong, stable position
Im ready to kick butt!
Wide stance, feet pointed straight;
strains thighs & hips over long periods
Im doing martial arts kata!
Feet close together, pointed straight;
unstable stance, tiring over long periods
Im an Academy Award statuette!
Feet angled inward; bad for the knees
I really have to pee!
Back straight!
Dont slouch!
Posture: listen
to your mother!