This document provides an overview of New York State's new web accessibility policy and the relevant federal laws and standards it is based on. It summarizes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its four titles covering employment, state and local government activities, public accommodations, and telecommunications. It also discusses the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other federal laws. It then outlines New York State's history with web accessibility policies and standards, including its adoption of parts of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. It describes how people with disabilities use the web and principles of accessibility testing. Finally, it discusses emerging standards and laws and provides resources for further information.
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1. Complying with New York States
New Web Accessibility Policy
Debi Orton, IT Manager
NYS Governors Office of Employee Relations
2. What well cover
Applicable and related Federal laws
History of NYS accessibility policy
Standards and Guidelines
Overview of current landscape: new laws,
standards and guidelines
3. Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) 1990: Title I
Title I: Employment
Covers employers with >= 15 employees
Requires equal opportunity to full range of
employment-related opportunities available to others
Prohibits discrimination in recruitment, hiring,
promotion, training, pay, social activities, etc.
Requires reasonable accommodation for people with
disabilities, absent undue hardship
4. ADA: Title II
Title II: State and Local Government Activities
Regardless of size or receipt of Federal funding
Requires that people with disabilities have equal
opportunity to benefit from programs, services,
activities (e.g., public education, employment,
trasnportation, recreation, health care, social services,
courts, voting and town meetings)
Covers architectural barriers, fundamental alteration
5. ADA: Title III
Title III: Public Accommodations
Covers businesses and nonprofit service providers that
are public accommodations (private entities who
own, lease, lease to, or operate facilities such as
restaurants, retail stores, hotels, movie theaters,
private schools, convention centers, doctors offices,
homeless shelters, transportation depots, funeral
homes, zoos, day care centers, sports stadiums, etc.)
Prohibits exclusion, segregation, and unequal
6. ADA: Title IV
Title IV: Telecommunications Relay Services
Covers telephone and television access to people with
hearing and speech disabilities
Establishes telecommunications relay services 24/7
Requires closed captioning of Federally funded public
service announcements
7. Telecommunications Act
1934 & 1996
Requires manufacturers of telecommunications
equipment and providers of telecommunications
services to ensure that equipment and services
are usable people with disabilities
8. Other Applicable Federal Laws
Fair Housing Act
Air Carrier Access Act
Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
Handicapped Act
National Voter Registration Act
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
Architectural Barriers Act
9. Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA)
Requires public schools to provide a free,
appropriate public education in the least
restrictive environment appropriate to their
individual needs
10. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 501: Affirmative action and
nondiscrimination in agencies of the Executive
Section 503: Requires affirmative action and
prohibits employment discrimination by
contractors and subcontractors with contracts for
more than $10K.
11. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504: No qualified individual with a
disability in the United States shall be excluded
from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity that
receives Federal financial assistance or is
conducted by any Executive agency or the USPS
12. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 508: Establishes requirements for
electronic and information technologies
developed, maintained, procured or used by the
Federal government
Must be accessible to people with disabilities, including
employees and members of the general public
NYS Policy adopts two parts of Section 508 explicitly
and a third implicitly
13. Web Standards
Established and maintained by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Markup languages
Presentation language : CSS
Accessibility Standards : WCAG, ATAG, UAAG,
14. Accessibility Standards
Two major accessibility standards:
Section 508
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
損 1.0 May, 1999
損 2.0 December, 2008
損 2.0 last call issued in May, 2004
15. NYS Accessibility Policy
First policy published in 1996 required
reasonable accommodation for IT
Second policy published in 1999 required
conformance to WCAG 1.0 level A
June, 2004: Hybrid standard adopted,
amalgam of Section 508 and WCAG 1.0
Separated into policy document and standard
16. NYS Validation Tool
2008 NYS Forum developed customized
testing tool; provided tool free to state
agencies and contractors working for state
entities for one year
2009 CIO/OFT picked up tool for another
2010 No NYS validation tool available
17. NYS Accessibility Policy
Hybrid reviewed and adjusted every two years
2010 Policy changed to adopt Section 508
section 1194.22 (web standards, aligned with
WCAG 1.0) and 1194.31 (functional testing)
1194.22 requires web content to meet
provisions of 1194.21 (software applications
and operating systems)
18. NYS Accessibility Policy
Covers all state entities identified in
Executive Order 117
Covers all Internet, intranet, extranet sites and
web applications
Covers all content on state entities web sites
19. Section 508, 則1194.22
則 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet
information and applications.
(a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall
be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element
(b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia
presentation shall be synchronized with the
20. Section 508, 則1194.22
(c) Web pages shall be designed so that all
information conveyed with color is also available
without color, for example from context or
(d) Documents shall be organized so they are
readable without requiring an associated style
(e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each
active region of a server-side image map.
21. Section 508, 則1194.22
(f) Client-side image maps shall be provided
instead of server-side image maps except where
the regions cannot be defined with an available
geometric shape.
(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for
data tables.
(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells
and header cells for data tables that have two or
more logical levels of row or column headers.
22. Section 508, 則1194.22
(i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame
identification and navigation.
(j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen
to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower
than 55 Hz.
(k) A text-only page, with equivalent information or
functionality, shall be provided to make a web site
comply with the provisions of this part, when
compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way.
The content of the text-only page shall be updated
whenever the primary page changes.
23. Section 508, 則1194.22
(l) When pages utilize scripting languages to
display content, or to create interface elements,
the information provided by the script shall be
identified with functional text that can be read by
assistive technology.
(m) When a web page requires that an applet,
plug-in or other application be present on the
client system to interpret page content, the page
must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that
complies with 則1194.21(a) through (l).
24. Section 508, 則1194.22
(n) When electronic forms are designed to be
completed on-line, the form shall allow people using
assistive technology to access the information, field
elements, and functionality required for completion
and submission of the form, including all directions and
(o) A method shall be provided that permits users to
skip repetitive navigation links.
(p) When a timed response is required, the user shall
be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more
time is required.
25. Reference to 則1194.21
則 1194.21 Software applications and operating
Deals with the convergence of applications
and web sites
Applies to NYS sites by virtue of 則1194.22(m)
26. Section 508, 則1194.31
則 1194.31 Functional performance criteria.
(a) At least one mode of operation and
information retrieval that does not require user
vision shall be provided, or support for assistive
technology used by people who are blind or
visually impaired shall be provided.
27. Section 508, 則1194.31
(b) At least one mode of operation and
information retrieval that does not require visual
acuity greater than 20/70 shall be provided in
audio and enlarged print output working together
or independently, or support for assistive
technology used by people who are visually
impaired shall be provided.
28. Section 508, 則1194.31
(c) At least one mode of operation and
information retrieval that does not require user
hearing shall be provided, or support for assistive
technology used by people who are deaf or hard
of hearing shall be provided.
(d) Where audio information is important for the
use of a product, at least one mode of operation
and information retrieval shall be provided in an
enhanced auditory fashion, or support for
assistive hearing devices shall be provided.
29. Section 508, 則1194.31
(e) At least one mode of operation and
information retrieval that does not require user
speech shall be provided, or support for assistive
technology used by people with disabilities shall
be provided.
(f) At least one mode of operation and
information retrieval that does not require fine
motor control or simultaneous actions and that is
operable with limited reach and strength shall be
30. NYS Policy Requirements
New content must conform immediately
Any content developed by contractor must
Provides language to include in any
procurement involving web content
Policy requires annual validation and reporting
32. People who are blind access the web via:
Screen reading software
Refreshable Braille displays
CANNOT use pointing devices
People with low vision may use those tools or:
Screen magnification software
External (larger) displays
Blindness / Low Vision
33. Visual acuity also a factor for:
People using mobile devices
People using older equipment (smaller monitors,
lower resolutions)
Visuals need to be described using alt text
Videos or presentations containing instruction
needs to be audibly described
Blindness / Low Vision
40. Video or presentation content with audio
must be captioned
Elearning content cannot rely on audio cues
People whose computers do not support
Can be an issue for mobile device users
Deafness / Hearing Impairment
41. Cannot use mouse for navigation
Interaction through keyboard only
May have difficulty with timed responses
Mobility Impairments
42. Images are helpful for many with cognitive
Avoid Wall o Text
Use headlines and bullets
Attention to fog index
Cognitive Impairments
43. Principles of Accessibility
Users may require assistive technology to
effectively use technology or browse web
Provide information in more than one format
Navigation and layout should be consistent,
Alternate text should describe visual contents
purpose [not necessarily a literal description
of the content]
44. Testing for Accessibility
Three basic ways to evaluate
Automated testing
Manual review
Functional testing
45. Automated Testing
Automated testing tools dont usually fix
The best tools link error reports to the
standard being violated
Web developers will need a fairly
comprehensive understanding of HTML and
46. Automated Testing
Many free, but limited [e.g., can only test a
page at a time]
Many for-fee tools customizable and can do
batch testing
Most can select either of the two major
accessibility standards (Section 508 or WCAG)
Automated testing not all thats needed
47. Manual Evaluation
Look at alternate text for images
Turn off images and styles
Turn off scripting
Use keyboard to navigate
Data table markup
Look at use of color
Proprietary formats
48. Functional Testing
Have a user of assistive technology test site
while you watch
Test with one of each
User with visual impairments
User with hearing impairments (if sound on site)
User with cognitive impairments
49. The Short-Term Future
Web Standards
HTML & CSS Changing
HTML5 some backward compatibility, but would
deprecate some accessibility features available in
CSS3 little impact on accessibility
ARIA Might be used to mitigate some of the
accessibility problems currently existing in HTML5
50. The Short-Term Future
Accessibility Standards
WCAG 2.0
Now a recommendation
Support and implementation materials available
on the W3C site, WebAIM, etc.
51. The Short-Term Future U. S. Law
Section 508 about to undergo refresh
move to harmonize with WCAG 2.0
ADA is being modified to cover the web, both
public sector sites and private sector sites that
function as places of public accommodation
ADA changes also suggest harmonization with
WCAG 2.0
52. The Short-Term Future NYS Law
Assembly bill in the last session required NYS
to comply with Section 508 in toto
Working with sponsor to include supports
Outcome will depend upon election
53. Resources W3C
W3C site:
Scripting and AJAX support:
Mobile Web:
54. Resources W3C
List of web accessibility evaluation tools:
Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for
Your Organization:
Developing Organizational Policies on Web
55. Resources U. S. Government
Section 508 :
Section 508 draft changes:
Americans with Disabilities Act:
56. Resources NYS Government
Office of the Chief Information Officer/Office
for Technology:
Select the policy on Accessibility download in
Word or PDF format
NYS Forum:
57. Other Resources
National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM):