This document appears to be a class schedule for Jos¨¦ Guadalupe Contreras Soto in Nutrition for the 3rd semester group 2. It also includes an English III timeline listing major events from the 1980s such as the marketing of the first personal computer, the assassination of John Lennon, and the development of the World Wide Web.
2. 1980
? orcome the first card payphones
? December 8, 1980 John Lennon was
murdered in New York
? Ormarketing of the first personal
computer IBM PC
? Bob Marley or Die
3. 1982
? or R.K. Jarvik: performed the first implantation of
an artificial heart successfully., In U.S.
? Michael Jackson's Thriller album became the
best-selling history (over 140 million units).
? or assassination of Indira Gandhi, Prime
Minister of India.
? or First woman walks through space:
Svetlana Savitskaja.
4. 1985
? Detection hole or ozone in Antarctica.
? or an earthquake in Mexico City killed
over 35,000 people.
NASA launches or space probes Galileo and
or Timothy Berners-Lee: development of the
World Wide Web.