This is a presentation that I gave at the 2009 Travel and Tourism Research Association of Canada annual meeting.
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Mining the Web: How user-generated content can become a data source for tourism research
1. Mining the Web
how user-generated content (UGC) can become a data
source for tourism research
Peter A. Johnson and Dr. Renee Sieber, McGill University
TTRA Canada Annual Conference, Guelph Ontario
Thursday October 15, 2009
2. Outline
What is user generated content (UGC)?
Examples of tourism-related UGC
Tripadvisor study
Challenges to UGC
4. User-generated content is:
content made publicly available over
the Internet
re鍖ects creative effort
created outside of professional
routines and practices (OECD, 2007)
9. Tripadvisor study
A popular travel rating site
Determine the range and nature of reviews
of Nova Scotia
Start search queries using nova scotia and
halifax nova scotia
Web scrape as many reviews as possible
10. Web Scraping
Specialized computer software (robot or
Automated extraction of website data
Simulates clicks to drill down through a
web page
Outputs thousands of records in hours
25. Survey vs. UGC
Survey UGC
Controlled Uncontrolled
Question Open/Close Generally
Type Ended Open-Ended
Investigative Exploratory
34. Challenges with UGC
Quality varies widely
Vendetta/self promotion
Legal grey area
35. The Future
Data gathering and analysis:
geolocate reviewers
content analysis of reviews
Secondary UGC: reviews of reviews
Instant feedback: iPhone effect
38. Take home points
UGC is an emerging source of data for
tourism research
getting and using UGC
how to use results at larger scales
39. Thank You!
Further Reading
Girardin, F., Dal Fiore, F., Rattic, C, and Blatt, J. (2008) Leveraging explicitly
disclosed location information to understand tourist dynamics: a case study.
Journal of Location Based Services 2(1), 41-56.
Goodchild, M.F. (2007). Citizens as Sensors: The World of Volunteered
Geography. Geo Journal 69, 211-221.
Gorman S P, (2007), Is academia missing the boat for the Geo Web
revolution? A response to Harveys commentary. Environment and Planning
B: Planning and Design 34(6), 949 950
Haklay, Muki, Alex Singleton and Chris Parker, (2008). Web Mapping 2.0: The
Neogeography of the GeoWeb. Geography Compass 2(6), 2011-2039.
Editor's Notes
#3: Outline, what to expect from the next 15 minutes