Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
San Fernando, Pampanga
i'm not the easiest person to love... i'm often the one let things go unresolved...
HoNeY & LiLy
HoNeY oR SwEEt tHey wOulD cAll mE
iT wAs tHe nAmE gIvEn bY mY pArentS
hIdEs mY tRuE fEEliNGs aNd A pEOplE wAthcHeR
tHe wOrLd nEvEr fAILs tO aMaZe mE
HoNeSt aNd GiVes gOOd aDvIcEs
AnD tReAsUrEs oLd fRiEnDs LiKe GoLd
a LoVeD oNe, a SwEEt OnE
a BeAuTiFuL LilY i wAs
sTrOng, swEEt, FrAgrAnt LilY
vErY DeLicAtE iN NaTuRe aNd YeT
sO BeAuTiFuL LiKe A bLOssOmInG TuLiP
i MaY Be stROng In ChArAcTEr
bUt dEEP iNsIde mE, I fEEl wEAk aLsO
a nAmE tHaT wOUld AlWaYs bE wITh mE
nO MaTTeR wHeRe i gO oR beCOme iN tHe fUtUre
sImPly Me!!!
Users following Phampie Dino