I jus live a cmple lyf but I do wat I tink is ryt
No one can dict8 me wat 2 do, not even my fwndsz, not even.
I'm vry hedstrong, I gve it my best shot.
I dnt rily cmpete.
My cmpetitor is myslf.
Da standrds I set 4 myslf is my cmpetition gauge.
So, pipol may percve me as a cmpetitve prson only bec. pipol try to compit wid me.
I dnt cmpit wid dem.
Why do I say dis? Bec. da efort I exert in trying to c wat ur doing, trying 2 catch up wid u or orders is a waste of my tym and energy>
I wud rader focus my energy 2wards making me ma better prson.,,. a mor productve prson..,loves to gain weight but doesnt know how to (?!?!?)...AHAHAHA! I use my hed but im a vry compasion8 p