The TrEE project aims to develop a European network of environmental educators and recycling practitioners to improve environmental education programs. It will provide training tools and facilitate an exchange of experiences and practices between partner countries. Activities will include researching policies and programs, identifying best practices, and organizing local exhibitions of artifacts produced through workshops. The results will be documented in instructional videos and a photo catalogue to spread awareness of recycling methods and promote sustainable development.
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Teaching recycling and Environmental Education
Newsletter 1
November 2013
TrEE Newsletter 1
TrEE Newsletter 1 dedicated to the project TrEE Teaching recycling
and Environmental Education, a Grundtvig Learning Partnership
promoted by:
Ulixes scs (IT) - coordinator
Association "Social center Burgas" (BG)
The Environmental Academy Ltd (UK)
MONTE, Desenvolvimento Alentejo Central ACE (PT)
Scoala cu calsele I-VIII Nicolae VeleaCepari (RO)
Syddansk Erhvervsskole (DK)
Malatya Province Directorate of National Education (TR)
Program 1
Summary 2
Objectvies 2
Partners 3
Work Plan 5
kick-off meeting 6
Next Steps 7
Grundtvig Learning Partnership is a reference project for cooperation
activities on a small scale among institutions that deal with adult
education, in its widest meaning.
In a Grundtvig Learning Partnership, trainers and trainees, at least
from three of the countries that join the LLP Programme, work
together on one or more topics of common interest.
Through the exchange of experiences, practices and methods, this project
contributes to increase sensibility, in all the subjects involved, to
European culture, society and economy. Furthermore, it fosters a better
comprehension of the areas of common interest in adult education.
This line of financing is included into Grundtvig, which is the EU-funding
programme focused on teaching and on the learning needs of people
involved in adult education and alternative forms of education. This
programme does not include formal teaching institutions only, but also
cultural organisations, local bodies that deal with information,
communication and citizen consciousness, etc.
This is fully in line with Lifelong Learning Programme background and
objectives. The programme supports learning opportunities, from
childhood to old age, in every step of one's life, including those activities
that help improving a persons skills, abilities and competencies during
everyday life, such as theoretical, practical and social knowledge,
communication skills, logical abilities, etc.
2. 2
As expected from the EU's growth strategy for the next decade, "Europe 2020", the
environmental issue is one of the global challenges that European Union is facing. In fact,
environmental protection is a priority for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in order to
promote a sustainable economy, which would limit the negative effects on the environment.
The project TrEE aims to help the fulfillment of this strategy through the development of a
European network of trainers, teachers and practitioners of environmental education and
recycling. Furthermore, it intends to provide them with the necessary tools for an effective
training, to establish a virtuous circle of exchange of experiences and good practice
between different countries, in order to create a flexible and shared programme of
environmental education to be used in schools.
The partnership wants to bring about an exchange of experiences and opportunities through
transnational meetings of teachers, trainers and learners. In addition, it intends to establish
a network of local museums of environmental education and recycling that collect the
artefacts produced in each country through competitions and local projects. The results will
conflate into a series of instructional videos as tools for training in recycling methods in
order to improve the implementation of environmental education programmes, and into a final
photo catalogue that will document the activities of the countries involved.
The general objectives of the project are:
To develop training programmes in collaboration with institutions and other local
To identify assessment tools in order to compare the methods differently used, to
create an analytical study and a comparison among different practices;
To make students responsible for the realisation of the change, in line with the needs
of sustainability of our world, involving them in action-oriented learning activities
The operative objectives of the project are:
1. Research of:
national and local policies of environmental education and sustainable development,
programmes of learning and training, didactic methods in use;
2. Selection of:
best practices, methods and innovative tools in order to improve environmental education;
3. Activation of:
Local activities through the involvement of schools and other educational bodies as means to
realise workshops and activities of environmental didactics and/or recycle. The products
resulted from these activities and workshops will be exposed in a local exhibition (within the
European Recycling Festival, an event that will link all local exhibitions). Subsequently the
products will be included in a local museum of environmental didactics and recycle. A photo
catalogue will gather the experiences of all participants.
4 . Dissemination:
A blog, a Facebook account, 3 Newsletters, meetings with local stakeholders, media press, a
Video Collection and a photo catalogue will be the instruments of distribution and advertising
of the activities.
3. 3
Ulixes scs
A no profit organisation that deals with environmental education: Ulixes organises
educational and consciousness campaigns, addressed to students and their parents,
meetings and workshops. Moreover, it has supervised studies, researches and didactics
books on this topic.
Association "Social center Burgas"
A no profit association with the purpose to promote and support sustainable cultural
and socio-economic development and social inclusion of people with special needs,
training and supporting them during their activities and in social life. These people are
involved in what is the main activity of the association, which is the creative workshop,
where they are taught sustainable development, environmental protection, waste
management, recycle, re-use, etc
The Environmental Academy Ltd
A centre of excellence for environmental training, particularly vocational accredited
courses and e - learning.
The centre has experience in the fields of research, environmental education, studies on
recycle and waste minimisation, environmental seminars and event organisation.
MONTE, Desenvolvimento Alentejo Central ACE
Monte is no profit private entity responsible for the implementation of the Programme
LEADER in Arraiolos, Alentejo Central, South of Portugal. It has experience in rural,
environmental and training projects, with the purpose to promote an integrated and
sustainable development.
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Scoala cu calsele I-VIII Nicolae VeleaCepari
It is a school situated in a rural area, in the Cepari town, that provides education for
students of pre-primary, and secondary level.
Among various activities organised by the school (cultural, sports, adult education)
many of them are ecologic and concern the area of Topolog river. In addition, it is
involved in awareness activities about the necessity of selective collection,
environmental protection, health education, evaluation of folk traditions and customs.
It is an association founded in 2001, by people interested in saving natural values of the
North Matra Mountain and motivated in environmental protection activities.
Its main activities are: analysis of environmental conditions, assessment of water
quality, organisation of actions and contests in order to improve life conditions, waste
collection and the implementation of trees in the city.
Syddansk Erhvervsskole
It is the biggest VET provider in Denmark. It offers initial and continuing vocational
education for young people and adults. The college offers 45 different professional
programmes clustered in ten areas (media, IT, services, health, construction,
production, automation, food and catering, transports and automotive). Furthermore,
the college has a senior high school that offers academic courses for young people.
Malatya Province Directorate of National Education
Its a provincal directorate of National Eductaion which is responsible for
providing education to 120.000 students with its about 10.000 teachers in Malatya, a
province in the Middle East of Anatolia (OTADOU ANADOLU) region . Along with its
responsibility for delivering any kind of education to any age groups, it also organizes
some kinds of activities and/or training courses for awarness-raising about environment
and recycling, aiming at creating responsible citizens.
5. 5
1 . Initial research:
Each partner will collect data and materials on:
National / regional / local framework of Environmental Education;
All the projects carried out locally and proposed as Best Practices (innovative tools,
training methods or experimental activities, etc.).
2 . Selection of best practices:
All the selected projects will be presents in a publication (electronic format), realised with
materials provided by all partners.
3 . Implementation of innovative training activities:
3.1 . Each partner will make a local informal announcement (invitation) in order to realise
innovative training activities, environmental education and/or recycle.
First convocation from January 2014 to May 2014;
Second convocation from September 2014 to March 2015;
3.2 . The participants (be they classrooms and/or other groups) will be able to realise:
Tools and/or Products of environmental didactics, of environmental phenomena
knowledge or of environmental decay, recycle practices and/or re-use.
Didactic videos on environmental phenomena, or on environmental decay, recycle
practices and/or re-use.
3.3 . . The participants (be they classrooms or other groups) will realise a local exhibition
supported by the partner organisation as means to expose the results of the training activity;
such exhibition will be a local stop of the European Festival Recycling. The partner
organisations will also realise a photo gallery of this exhibition, and the products will be
exposed permanently at the headquarters of the partner organisations as environmental
didactics and recycling local museums.
4 . Distribution and evaluation of the results
4.1 . The activities of the project will be distributed, during and after its term, through a
blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter and a YouTube account created ad hoc.
4.2 . Three newsletters will be realised:
Presentation of the project TrEE, with its purposes and objectives and a presentation of
the partner organisations;
Presentation of the selected Best Practices;
Presentation of the output of TrEE.
4.3 . Local Exhibitions:
Each partner will realise a local exhibition.
At the end of the project, a final photo catalogue and a Video Collection will be created in order
to collect materials from each partner.
4.4 . Daily articles, local magazines and local meetings with the interested parties.
4.5 . Dissemination plan in order to export the experience.
5. International meetings
I. Meeting in Italy: 28th
October 2013 Kick-off meeting;
II. Meeting in UK: 7th
April 2014 Presentation of national researches;
III. Meeting in Bulgaria: 1st
July 2014 Presentation of the Best Practices;
IV. Meeting in Turkey: 13th
October 2014 Report of the first step of Local
V. Meeting in Portugal: 20th
April 2015 Report of the second step of Local
1. Meeting in Italy: 3rd
June 2015 Finale Event.
6. 6
The project TrEE - Teaching
recycling and
environmental education
officially started with the first
meeting on 28th
to 31st
October that gathered 15
among teachers and trainers.
The meeting was in Bitonto at
Officine Culturali.
Methods, activities and
environmental didactic
programmes, teaching
practices, playful participation
and involvement on re-use
topics, such as recycle and
garbage disposal. These,
briefly, were the topics
discussed during the first of
six meetings planned for the
project TrEE. On the first day the partners were introduced.
On the second day,
the next step was an
analysis of the
project "Green
classrooms in
Italian schools. An
project with the
purpose to
investigate the
aspect of
presented by Prof.
Alberto Fornasari,
of University of
Bari, and the project
"Ri-crea Festival",
presented by the
Association Fatti
In the afternoon, the partners visited the cooperative
Artelier in Bari, where they could observe methods and materials to dye fabrics and realise
dresses in a sustainable and ecologic way.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.