First steps how create first application on Samsung Smart TV platform. Presentation preparing fo my first speech at WarsawJS - new organization about JavaScript.
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First app on Samsung Smart TV - WarsawJS Meetup #1
2. S達V達棚属棚属達
1. Remote controller (without mouse and keyboard)
2. Limited space for all view port of application (not infinity longest page)
3. Not everywhere WebKit (in old platforms Maple4)
4. Low internet connection (application should always waiting for long
5. Lazy user? (with beer and remote controller in hand on sofa)
4. (短棚達棚棚
1. TV: Price: +600pln or Blu-Ray: Price: +300pln
2. Register account: develop
3. Installation on workstation Samsung Smart TV SDK?
4. Pair device with workstation by set IP Address
5. Synchronize
12. =村棚達短属即棚達棚叩属
Remember ignore node_modules directory
Warning! Packing files, not parent directory!
The smaller size of file is better
13. Z足属短属即達
Permission of files. Be readable for `others`!
Disable firewall
Application name
14. Z足属達達
1. Device requesting for file widgetlist.xml
2. Next, device read that file, and download defined inside packages
3. After completion shows popup with success message
16. +達
Communicator using audio, video
Voice control application
Gesture. Use your hand to control device!
Convergence with mobile
18. G棚誰属棚属達
WebWorkers, WebSocket, WebGL, Canvas
Connection with social media
HTML5: tags, localStorage, video tag (only VOD)
21. (則誰棚達
1. Browser - Develop app for TV, but try keep running on browser
2. Gulp - Tasking, ex. create zip package with command: $ gulp zip
3. Weinre - Web Inspector Remote
4. Network Link Conditioner - Manage your down / up net limits
5. Emulator?
22. V達誰達
Samsung Development Guide
Browser Specifications
Tizen SDK
Weinre - Web Inspector Remote