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              Workshop on

  3D Knowledge Technologies
for Cultural Heritage Applications
    Vienna, Austria, 12th September 2009
welcome !

     FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts

               3D content & knowledge

and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge
             management tools in

           shape-intensive applications

    12th, Sept. 2009
welcome !

     FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts

               3D content & knowledge

and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge
             management tools in

           shape-intensive applications

    12th, Sept. 2009
welcome !

     FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts

               3D content & knowledge

and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge
             management tools in

           shape-intensive applications

    12th, Sept. 2009
welcome !

     FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts

               3D content & knowledge

and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge
             management tools in

           shape-intensive applications

    12th, Sept. 2009

present ongoing initiatives related to the
main areas of interest of FOCUS K3D
give an overview of results achieved in 3D
content management with an integrated
view of geometric, semantic and contextual
promote an active exchange of opinions
with the application users

   12th, Sept. 2009
09:00 - 09:20 Introduction to the workshop : the FOCUS K3D initiative
       M. Spagnuolo, B. Falcidieno, IMATI-CNR
09:20 - 9:40 3D-COFORM - Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation
       F. Niccolucci, University of Florence
09:40 - 10:20 Serious Games in Cultural Heritage Field
       F. Bellotti, R. Berta and A. De Gloria, ELIOS Lab, University of Genoa
10:20 - 10:40 Invited talk: The e-documentation of the Past in 3D: A Challenge and a
     Risk for the Present and the Future
       M. Ioannidis
10:40 - 10:55 Coffee Break
10:55 - 11:15 Virtual Humans in Cultural Heritage projects
       Patrick Salamin, EPFL
11:15 - 11:35 Integrating 3D digital technologies for CH: issues and perspectives
       A. D'Andrea, F. Niccolucci
11:35 - 12:05 A semantic-based framework for managing, searching and retrieving 3D
       M. Pitikakis, CERETETH, C. Catalano, IMATI-CNR
12:05 - 12:20 Knowledge technologies in Cultural Heritage (position statements)
            M. Vavalis, Univ. of Thessaly
12:20 - 13:00 Open discussion
              12th, Sept. 2009
FOster the Comprehension and USe of
   Knowledge intensive technologies for
   coding and sharing 3D media content

                   Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno
                               CNR IMATI Genova Italy

12th, Sept. 2009
3D media: what do we mean

digital representations of either physically existing
objects or virtual objects that can be processed by
computer applications

created by design or acquisition

   12th, Sept. 2009
3D media : what do we mean

digital representations of either physically existing
objects or virtual objects that can be processed by
computer applications

created by design or acquisition

  12th, Sept. 2009
Explosion of 3D technology

the reduction of 3D hardware costs makes it possible to think now of
3D on the desktop
computer networks may now rely on fast connections at low cost
3D acquisition devices are becoming more and more commonplace
(laser scanning, photogrammetry)
3D TV displays
3D printers are now able to produce not only mockups but even end

   rendering, acquiring, transmitting, materializing
      3D data is now feasible in specialized and
                unspecialized contexts

     12th, Sept. 2009
shift of paradigm & users

gradual shift of paradigm in science from physical
prototypes and experience to virtual prototypes and
    Cultural Heritage
users in these disciplines are experienced scientists or
professionals but their expertise is neither in the
computer graphics domain nor in semantic web
technologies (media professionals, enterprise designers,
doctors, publishers/dealers,.)
   12th, Sept. 2009
the data grave !

How to organize, process, share,
 use and re-use, navigate, this
   large amount of complex
           content ?

data and knowledge expressed
  by 3D media is useless if it
cannot be accessed, retrieved
  and easily re-used and re-

   Embedding 3D into the
      Semantic Web

      12th, Sept. 2009

FOCUS K3D : FOster the Comprehension and USe of Knowledge
intensive technologies for coding and sharing 3D media

Coordination Action funded in the Call 1 of the FP7 ICT Work
Programme, Objective: Intelligent Content and Semantics

Duration: March 2008 - February 2010

Funding: 1.2 Mio 

Coordinator: Bianca Falcidieno, CNR-IMATI-GE


    12th, Sept. 2009

12th, Sept. 2009
FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts

                3D shapes & knowledge

and wants to promote the adoption of the semantic
      multimedia paradigm to 3D content- and
      knowledge-intensive application domains

         shape-intensive applications

      12th, Sept. 2009
what is knowledge related to 3D content ?

                      knowledge related to the type of
                      geometric representation used to
                      model the shape, eg:

                               triangle mesh vs point cloud
                               triangle, vertex, edge count
                               topological properties

12th, Sept. 2009
what is knowledge related to 3D content ?

                           knowledge related to the
                           meaning of the shape
                           represented by the geometric
                                 class, category
                                 features, characteristic
                                 parts of the shape

12th, Sept. 2009
what is knowledge related to 3D content ?

                           knowledge related to the
                           way the model was produced,
                           analysed processed

                                   acquisition process


                                   manipulation of the
                                   geometric model

12th, Sept. 2009

emergence of 3D in traditional multimedia scenario

     first effort to establish a methodology for documenting digital shapes,
     tools and processes, with emphasis on 3D, with structured metadata
     about the geometry, and semantic annotation (meaning and context
     of use)

technological and infrastructural support
     DSW: the Digital Shape Workbench
     Ontologies for shapes
     Ontologies for specific domains
     Semantic search engine
     3D search engine (shape similarity)


     12th, Sept. 2009
3D Geometry & Semantics

 to model not only the visual appearance of objects but
 also their meaning in a given knowledge domain

 integration of Computer Graphics and Vision with
 Knowledge Technologies

geometry                structure         semantics

     12th, Sept. 2009

   properties of the representation          geometric
   properties of the
   surface/volume that defines the

   simpler parts of the model and
   their configuration and/or

   Interpret the geometry and/or
   structure in a context to
   annotate high-level features            context-driven
   (semantics)                               knowledge
      12th, Sept. 2009
FOCUS K3D goals

Requirements of the user communities
    how and why they create and process 3D content
    how they deal with 3D content knowledge
Current practices and analysis of the needs for advanced 3D content
modelling and processing
    building up on previous FP6 R&D, evaluate how usable/useful
     semantics-oriented techniques can be in the different applied domains
    what kind of services users need to handle the 3D knowledge workflow
Research roadmaps
    which research problems are still open in 3D content and knowledge
     modelling and processing
    how to personalise solutions in the application domains
Openness to a larger audience

     12th, Sept. 2009

Application Working Groups (AWGs)
     Users communities, one for each application area
     questionnaires to better understand and evaluate the current methods
     and practices in 3D modelling and knowledge capture
     meetings and workshops to present and discuss open problems in
     terms of 3D modelling and analysis as well as knowledge capturing and

Methodological Working Group (MWG)
     assessment of the current practices and proposals for research
     To set up ad hoc strategies for a profitable collaboration with the
     different communities

    12th, Sept. 2009
Application Working Groups (AWG)
Medicine & Bioinformatics      CAD/CAE & Virtual Product Modelling

  Gaming & Simulation           Archaeology & Cultural Heritage

    12th, Sept. 2009
 hypothesis on the key role of
 semantics/knowledge for 3D                            Validation/verification
         processing                                  with users via meetings,
                                                    interviews, questionnaires
       computer graphics
     knowledge technologies

thematic workshops                                      of

         position papers

             12th, Sept. 2009
key problems

documenting for sharing

   12th, Sept. 2009
key problems

understanding the meaning

   12th, Sept. 2009
key problems

annotation & markup

   12th, Sept. 2009
key problems

shape similarity assessment
    content-based retrieval and delivery

                      part correspondence

   12th, Sept. 2009
Results so far

Active collaboration with 86 community members in the 4
application domains
Input from the Users Communities: report on the
assessment of questionnaires
Resources gathered:
    more than 120 links to related projects, initiatives, domain
    new 3D shapes uploaded by community members
STARs about the usage of KT in the 4 domains (available
on the portal)
Web portal, regular newsletters
Dissemination Events
    ICT Networking Session, Lyon 2008
5 Thematic Workshops
    12th, Sept. 2009
Thematic Workshops
Workshop on Flexibility in Biological Recognition (18-20 March 2009),
organized by INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranee, France,
Workshop on Anatomical Models, organized by INRIA and IMATI at INRIA
Sophia-Antipolis, France (16-17 June 2009),
Workshop on 3D Advanced Media in Gaming and Simulation
(3AMIGAS), in conjunction with CASA, organized by UU June 16 2009,
Go-3D  Workshop on challenges in 3D content for Virtual Product
Modeling (31 August, 1 September 2009), organized by Fraunhofer IGD
Rostock (http://www.go-3d.de/veranstaltungen/go-3d-2009/call-for-paper.html
Workshop on 3D knowledge technologies for Cultural Heritage
Applications, organized by CERETETH (Manolis Vavalis, Marios Pitikakis,
Michela Spagnuolo), in Vienna, week 9-12 September 2009

      12th, Sept. 2009

How to join:
  Contact us through the web portal
  or mail to
        The AWG leaders:
                 Med&Bio:            Frederic.Cazals@sophia.inria.fr
                 CAD/CAE/PM:         Andre.Stork@igd.fhg.de
                 G&S:                Wolfgang.Huerst@cs.uu.nl
                 CH:                 Marios.Pitikakis@cereteth.gr

        The Project Coordinator:

    12th, Sept. 2009
why to join the project activities

Workshops and ad hoc meetings

Questionnaires by AWGs to analyse users requirements
for various users profiles

Demos to the user communities on the use of advanced
tools and services for 3D content creation and
manipulation (geometry & knowledge)

Research roadmaps for the scientific communities involved

                join the discussion sessions !!

    12th, Sept. 2009

More Related Content

FOCUS K3D project presentation

  • 1. 閣皆珂珂09 Workshop on 3D Knowledge Technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications Vienna, Austria, 12th September 2009
  • 2. welcome ! FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts 3D content & knowledge and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge management tools in shape-intensive applications 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 3. welcome ! FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts 3D content & knowledge and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge management tools in shape-intensive applications 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 4. welcome ! FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts 3D content & knowledge and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge management tools in shape-intensive applications 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 5. welcome ! FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts 3D content & knowledge and wants to promote the adoption of knowledge management tools in shape-intensive applications 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 6. objectives present ongoing initiatives related to the main areas of interest of FOCUS K3D give an overview of results achieved in 3D content management with an integrated view of geometric, semantic and contextual information promote an active exchange of opinions with the application users 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 7. programme 09:00 - 09:20 Introduction to the workshop : the FOCUS K3D initiative M. Spagnuolo, B. Falcidieno, IMATI-CNR 09:20 - 9:40 3D-COFORM - Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation F. Niccolucci, University of Florence 09:40 - 10:20 Serious Games in Cultural Heritage Field F. Bellotti, R. Berta and A. De Gloria, ELIOS Lab, University of Genoa 10:20 - 10:40 Invited talk: The e-documentation of the Past in 3D: A Challenge and a Risk for the Present and the Future M. Ioannidis 10:40 - 10:55 Coffee Break 10:55 - 11:15 Virtual Humans in Cultural Heritage projects Patrick Salamin, EPFL 11:15 - 11:35 Integrating 3D digital technologies for CH: issues and perspectives A. D'Andrea, F. Niccolucci 11:35 - 12:05 A semantic-based framework for managing, searching and retrieving 3D resources M. Pitikakis, CERETETH, C. Catalano, IMATI-CNR 12:05 - 12:20 Knowledge technologies in Cultural Heritage (position statements) M. Vavalis, Univ. of Thessaly 12:20 - 13:00 Open discussion 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 8. FOster the Comprehension and USe of Knowledge intensive technologies for coding and sharing 3D media content Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno CNR IMATI Genova Italy 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 9. 3D media: what do we mean digital representations of either physically existing objects or virtual objects that can be processed by computer applications created by design or acquisition 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 10. 3D media : what do we mean digital representations of either physically existing objects or virtual objects that can be processed by computer applications created by design or acquisition 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 11. Explosion of 3D technology the reduction of 3D hardware costs makes it possible to think now of 3D on the desktop computer networks may now rely on fast connections at low cost 3D acquisition devices are becoming more and more commonplace (laser scanning, photogrammetry) 3D TV displays 3D printers are now able to produce not only mockups but even end products rendering, acquiring, transmitting, materializing 3D data is now feasible in specialized and unspecialized contexts 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 12. shift of paradigm & users gradual shift of paradigm in science from physical prototypes and experience to virtual prototypes and simulation CAD/PLM Bioinformatics Medicine Cultural Heritage users in these disciplines are experienced scientists or professionals but their expertise is neither in the computer graphics domain nor in semantic web technologies (media professionals, enterprise designers, doctors, publishers/dealers,.) 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 13. the data grave ! How to organize, process, share, use and re-use, navigate, this large amount of complex content ? data and knowledge expressed by 3D media is useless if it cannot be accessed, retrieved and easily re-used and re- purposed Embedding 3D into the Semantic Web 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 14. FOCUS K3D FOCUS K3D : FOster the Comprehension and USe of Knowledge intensive technologies for coding and sharing 3D media content Coordination Action funded in the Call 1 of the FP7 ICT Work Programme, Objective: Intelligent Content and Semantics Duration: March 2008 - February 2010 Funding: 1.2 Mio Coordinator: Bianca Falcidieno, CNR-IMATI-GE www.focusk3d.eu 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 16. FOCUS K3D bridges two key concepts 3D shapes & knowledge and wants to promote the adoption of the semantic multimedia paradigm to 3D content- and knowledge-intensive application domains shape-intensive applications 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 17. what is knowledge related to 3D content ? knowledge related to the type of geometric representation used to model the shape, eg: triangle mesh vs point cloud triangle, vertex, edge count topological properties smoothness 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 18. what is knowledge related to 3D content ? knowledge related to the meaning of the shape represented by the geometric model: class, category features, characteristic parts of the shape 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 19. what is knowledge related to 3D content ? knowledge related to the way the model was produced, analysed processed acquisition process domain-specific workflows domain-specific manipulation of the geometric model 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 20. FOCUS K3D builds on AIM@SHAPE emergence of 3D in traditional multimedia scenario first effort to establish a methodology for documenting digital shapes, tools and processes, with emphasis on 3D, with structured metadata about the geometry, and semantic annotation (meaning and context of use) technological and infrastructural support DSW: the Digital Shape Workbench Ontologies for shapes Ontologies for specific domains Semantic search engine 3D search engine (shape similarity) http://www.aimatshape.net/ 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 21. 3D Geometry & Semantics to model not only the visual appearance of objects but also their meaning in a given knowledge domain integration of Computer Graphics and Vision with Knowledge Technologies geometry structure semantics 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 22. FOCUS K3D builds on AIM@SHAPE Geometry properties of the representation geometric model properties of the knowledge surface/volume that defines the model Structure simpler parts of the model and their configuration and/or composition Context Interpret the geometry and/or structure in a context to annotate high-level features context-driven (semantics) knowledge 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 23. FOCUS K3D goals Requirements of the user communities how and why they create and process 3D content how they deal with 3D content knowledge Current practices and analysis of the needs for advanced 3D content modelling and processing building up on previous FP6 R&D, evaluate how usable/useful semantics-oriented techniques can be in the different applied domains what kind of services users need to handle the 3D knowledge workflow pipeline Research roadmaps which research problems are still open in 3D content and knowledge modelling and processing how to personalise solutions in the application domains Openness to a larger audience 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 24. Strategy Application Working Groups (AWGs) Users communities, one for each application area questionnaires to better understand and evaluate the current methods and practices in 3D modelling and knowledge capture meetings and workshops to present and discuss open problems in terms of 3D modelling and analysis as well as knowledge capturing and management Methodological Working Group (MWG) assessment of the current practices and proposals for research roadmaps To set up ad hoc strategies for a profitable collaboration with the different communities 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 25. Application Working Groups (AWG) Medicine & Bioinformatics CAD/CAE & Virtual Product Modelling Gaming & Simulation Archaeology & Cultural Heritage 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 26. FOCUS K3D hypothesis on the key role of semantics/knowledge for 3D Validation/verification processing with users via meetings, interviews, questionnaires computer graphics & knowledge technologies research roadmap communities thematic workshops of users position papers STARs 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 27. key problems documenting for sharing 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 28. key problems understanding the meaning 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 29. key problems annotation & markup 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 30. key problems shape similarity assessment content-based retrieval and delivery classification part correspondence 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 31. Results so far Active collaboration with 86 community members in the 4 application domains Input from the Users Communities: report on the assessment of questionnaires Resources gathered: more than 120 links to related projects, initiatives, domain ontologies,.. new 3D shapes uploaded by community members STARs about the usage of KT in the 4 domains (available on the portal) Web portal, regular newsletters Dissemination Events ICT Networking Session, Lyon 2008 5 Thematic Workshops 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 32. Thematic Workshops Workshop on Flexibility in Biological Recognition (18-20 March 2009), organized by INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranee, France, http://www-sop.inria.fr/manifestations/fmr2009/index_en.shtml. Workshop on Anatomical Models, organized by INRIA and IMATI at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France (16-17 June 2009), http://www-sop.inria.fr/geometrica/events/wam. Workshop on 3D Advanced Media in Gaming and Simulation (3AMIGAS), in conjunction with CASA, organized by UU June 16 2009, http://www.cs.uu.nl/events/3amigas/ Go-3D Workshop on challenges in 3D content for Virtual Product Modeling (31 August, 1 September 2009), organized by Fraunhofer IGD Rostock (http://www.go-3d.de/veranstaltungen/go-3d-2009/call-for-paper.html Workshop on 3D knowledge technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications, organized by CERETETH (Manolis Vavalis, Marios Pitikakis, Michela Spagnuolo), in Vienna, week 9-12 September 2009 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 33. Join FOCUS K3D How to join: Contact us through the web portal www.focusk3d.eu or mail to The AWG leaders: Med&Bio: Frederic.Cazals@sophia.inria.fr CAD/CAE/PM: Andre.Stork@igd.fhg.de G&S: Wolfgang.Huerst@cs.uu.nl CH: Marios.Pitikakis@cereteth.gr The Project Coordinator: Bianca.Falcidieno@ge.imati.cnr.it 12th, Sept. 2009
  • 34. why to join the project activities Workshops and ad hoc meetings Questionnaires by AWGs to analyse users requirements for various users profiles Demos to the user communities on the use of advanced tools and services for 3D content creation and manipulation (geometry & knowledge) Research roadmaps for the scientific communities involved join the discussion sessions !! 12th, Sept. 2009