Microblogues s?o uma forma mais simples de blogar que permite atualiza??es via SMS, mensagens instant?neas ou email. Candidatos presidenciais dos EUA usam microblogues como o Twitter para manter eleitores informados. Em Portugal, microblogues est?o come?ando a ser usados, como pelo jornal Expresso.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de patolog¨ªa mamaria, incluyendo enfermedades benignas como la enfermedad fibroqu¨ªstica mamaria y el fibroadenoma, y c¨¢nceres de mama como carcinomas in situ y carcinomas invasivos. Tambi¨¦n discute factores de riesgo para c¨¢ncer de mama y categor¨ªas BI-RADS para clasificar hallazgos mamogr¨¢ficos. Finalmente, menciona criterios para solicitar mamograf¨ªas de detecci¨®n en el CESFAM, incluyendo mujeres mayores de 50 a?os o con antecedentes familiares de c¨¢n
The document provides instructions for organizing a response to an essay prompt. It recommends:
1) Familiarizing yourself with the answer document format used by the State of Ohio.
2) Using the prewriting section, even though it says it won't be scored, to outline arguments with a central position in a green circle and four supporting ideas in pink circles.
3) Practicing these skills by responding to additional essay prompts and outlines the response before writing the full essay.
The document provides instructions for analyzing writing prompts on standardized tests. It advises the reader to:
1) Highlight in green what the prompt is asking them to do.
2) Highlight in pink how the prompt is asking them to do it.
3) Determine that the sample prompt is asking them to decide if field trips are a good use of taxpayer money and to write a letter explaining their decision while considering past experiences and lessons learned from field trips.
Microblogues s?o uma forma mais simples de blogar que permite atualiza??es via SMS, mensagens instant?neas ou email. Candidatos presidenciais dos EUA usam microblogues como o Twitter para manter eleitores informados. Em Portugal, microblogues est?o come?ando a ser usados, como pelo jornal Expresso.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de patolog¨ªa mamaria, incluyendo enfermedades benignas como la enfermedad fibroqu¨ªstica mamaria y el fibroadenoma, y c¨¢nceres de mama como carcinomas in situ y carcinomas invasivos. Tambi¨¦n discute factores de riesgo para c¨¢ncer de mama y categor¨ªas BI-RADS para clasificar hallazgos mamogr¨¢ficos. Finalmente, menciona criterios para solicitar mamograf¨ªas de detecci¨®n en el CESFAM, incluyendo mujeres mayores de 50 a?os o con antecedentes familiares de c¨¢n
The document provides instructions for organizing a response to an essay prompt. It recommends:
1) Familiarizing yourself with the answer document format used by the State of Ohio.
2) Using the prewriting section, even though it says it won't be scored, to outline arguments with a central position in a green circle and four supporting ideas in pink circles.
3) Practicing these skills by responding to additional essay prompts and outlines the response before writing the full essay.
The document provides instructions for analyzing writing prompts on standardized tests. It advises the reader to:
1) Highlight in green what the prompt is asking them to do.
2) Highlight in pink how the prompt is asking them to do it.
3) Determine that the sample prompt is asking them to decide if field trips are a good use of taxpayer money and to write a letter explaining their decision while considering past experiences and lessons learned from field trips.
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