Getting started with Sylius, an open source e-commerce platform built on Symfony2. Sylius provides standalone bundles and a full-featured application. It offers modern and testable code through proper object-oriented PHP and dependency injection. Key features include products, carts, orders, taxation, shipping and inventory management. Sylius uses Behavior Driven Development with Behat and Phpspec to ensure code quality. Documentation is available at to help developers get started with individual components or installing the full Sylius application.
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Getting started with Sylius
1. Getting started with Sylius
Pawe Jdrzejewski
eZ International Days, 3rd June 2014 in Oslo, Norway
2. Who am I?
Pawe Jdrzejewski
Huge beliver in Open Source
Creator of Sylius
BDD evangelist
14. What is sylius
E-Commerce framework for PHP
Set of bundles for Symfony2
Platform based on Symfony2
15. e-commerce framework for php
Collection of decoupled components
Usable with any PHP project
Common E-Commerce patterns and domain
models implemented in raw PHP code
Loosely integrated with other libraries
16. Set of bundles for symfony2
Standalone Symfony2 bundles
Every E-Commerce feature lives in a separate
package available through Composer
Can be integrated into existing application
Bundles as integration layers for Symfony
17. e-commerce symfony2 app
Online-selling platform
Can be used as a base for project or as is
Integration with other Symfony2 app is possible and
Consists of two main bundles containing Core and
Web interface
No singletons and static access all over the place
Testable code
Lack of magic
DependencyInjection and many other design
27. vendors managed using composer
All Sylius components, bundles and distributions
are available through Composer
Sylius uses Composer to manage its dependencies
No NIH allowed
A lot of community libraries
28. Symfony as framework
Sylius, just like eZ Publish, is built on top of full-
stack Symfony2
Based on Standard Edition, should be familiar for
any Symfony developer
Does not reinvent the wheel and shares part of
29. Doctrine as orm
No ActiveRecord
Fully featured ORM as the foundation for data
Whole data persistence hidden behind elegant
Potentially supports MongoDB and other platforms
StoryBDD with Behat maintains high level of
communication quality among the community
We communicate using examples
Behat scenarios are executed as acceptance tests
automatically on every change
SpecBDD using phpspec punishes us for any bad design
36. Require a single component
$ composer require sylius/product:v0.10.0
$product = new Product();
->setDescription(Really cool t-shirt)
37. Install symfony2 bundle
$ composer require sylius/cart-bundle:v0.10.0
class FooController extends Controller
public function barAction()
$cart = $this->get(sylius.cart_provider)->getCart();
And follow the installation instructions from the documentation
41. Resource Layer
Lives on top of Doctrine
Extends and uses Doctrine Common Persistence
Contains basic interfaces, like
SoftDeleteableInterface etc.
Integrated through SyliusResourceBundle
42. Products Attributes and variations
Options and Variants
Component and bundle for common entity
Attributes handling
Processing of object variations using options
Product integrates both Attributes and Variants
43. Orders and Carts
Sales and Shopping Cart
Cart is an Order with appropriate state checkout
Support of Adjustments for discounts and fees
Order items can contain any type of object or plain
text, quantity and price
44. Other components and bundles
We have few of them
Taxation with categorization and different calculators support
Complex shipping management with different shipping methods
and cost calculators
Inventory tracking with backorders support
Promotions system with coupons, actions and custom rules
Addresses management with geographical zones for precise
shipping and taxation rates
Payum integration for payments
45. Okay, a bit more than few
More fun
Work鍖ows, checkouts, installation wizards and multistep
Pricing component with customizable price calculators
(volume, regional, per custom group etc.)
Settings system for easy con鍖guration via GUI
Taxonomies for categorization of products
Theming, Plugins, Reviews, Subscriptions, Multi-Channel
(coming soon)
46. What about content management?
Symfony CMF Integration
Very basic integration with the CMF
Simple content types and blocks
Big plans to take this integration even further