Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area United States
Country home and Food/Maia Organics-Owner/ Maia Essential oils
1979-2010-Buck Stop -Multi positions ( marketing/sales,purchasing,customer service ) I excel at customer service and sales. (Company sold in 2010)
Nov 2012-Aug 2014, sales inside store and MRO outside sales- Greenville True Value,Greenville Michigan.
1997-Present,Owner Maia Organics-Greenhouse grown, flowers and vegetables.
1980-2011-Vice President Buck Stop Lure Co.-Purchasing,Marketing,Credit/collections,Customer Service,Product Development,Legal-Trademarks/Patents.
Specialties: Sales and Purchasing experience 20+ years,Montcalm county 911 Board member 2006-2011-Township Liaison.Marketing Experience-Sporting Goods Industry,Gift Industry, Pet Industry,Farming,Plant Industry. Rotarian f...
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