This document is a worksheet to gather input for a communication plan for an unnamed program. It provides a template to identify different stakeholder groups, what issues each group cares about, the key messages to share with each group, and the best channels to use to communicate with each stakeholder group. The goal is to help develop a communication plan that effectively engages various stakeholders.
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Communication stakeholder groups
1. Communication Stakeholder Groups Worksheet
Purpose: Input to Communication Plan
Stakeholder Group
What does this group care about?
(issues, concerns, opportunities)
Key Messages
Stakeholder Group
What does this group care about?
(issues, concerns, opportunities)
Key Messages
Stakeholder Group
What does this group care about?
(issues, concerns, opportunities)
Key Messages
Stakeholder Group
What does this group care about? o
(issues, concerns, opportunities)
Key Messages
Stakeholder Group
What does this group care about? o
(issues, concerns, opportunities)
Key Messages
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