3. _No one ever listens to me.
_My mother-in-law is so
_I always have to pick up
after him.
_That meal was too salty.
_ I cant go because I have
nothing to wear.
_My house is way too small.
_Our car is too old.
_ He watches too much
_That preacher is boring.
_Blah, blah, blah
What do you say to yourself? Do you ever grumble, gripe, or complain? These thoughts are all about Me, Myself, and I. Many times than not, complaining to ourselves like this is out of habit. It could be from a pessimistic personality or from our upbringing. Why do we do this? It really makes us more MISERABLE!
Remember, we were told that if we are the CENTER of our thought closets, with no room for GOD, we will become miserable. Like this plants roots, it is hidden, where no one can see. The outward appearance is beautiful, but when we live a life that is focused on self-centeredness, it shows a heart problem. Complaining reveals a lack of humility. Folks, our grumbling shows our self-focus much like the Israelites did. {who she called the miserabilites. Philippians 2: 3 NEXT SLIDE
When we grumble, we are really telling ourself that we are entitled to something, or we deserve it. It is a haughty attitude, not one of gratefulness. Much like our society thinks today! 7 deadly sins is found in Proverbs 6:16-19
We need to be the light of Christ! His shining starsblameless and pure! Love how she puts itwhen we cram our thought closet full of me, myself, and I, the outfit never fits well; it is uncomfortable and very unattractive.
Challenge: We need to help each other turn our grumbling to gratefulness! God is the one to whom we gripe! HE deserves our gratefulness.
What you REALLY love, we focus on. What we REALLY exalt, our thoughts always turn to. On page 118, she shares symptoms to help u see if we are in the center.
Build a throne with praise for God to reign in your thought closet. What are some praises we can say about God, starting with YOU?
We need to ask, Is what Im saying right now making me or God grow bigger in my thought closet?
It is fitting for the upright to praise Him!
Girl-to-girl temple talk! Our bodies are the temple where God dwells! We were bought with a price! We are not our OWN! What you say about your body
The purpose of our temple is to worship GOD, and glorify HIM! He doesnt want us too focused on fixing up the temple, more than honoring him (who dwells in the temple) and obeying him.
We need a healthy balance in our temples, Too inflated or deflated views of ourselves can dishonor God. Only GOD deserve the throne in our temple!
Pray for Wisdom & Balance!