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Organization / Workplace
i beliv in myslf 2 d depth of bein me ,i kno in my hrt whn d goin gets slow stil my faith in myslf wil continue 2 grow, i wnt 4feit ambition ven others may doubt ts my lyf to liv n ill liv it thruout , ill learn frm my errors n wnt dwell in d past.
well im a person who believes in d concept of slf acctualization ..lyfs meant 4 sum bettr reasons to b livd .though m very frndly bt i respect my share f freedom n personal space ... m maverick , obstinate may act obscure at tyms ...m nonchalant. basically i liv my lyf on my terms n i don want sum1 2 intervene n tell me if m goin ryt or wrng coz i prefer learnin by actual experiencin n i care a damn if ive 2 loose sumthin in dis process coz d e
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