爲項爲 爲爲爲鉦爲鉦 爲爻爲- 爲 爲爲鉦萎 爲朽爲項爲 爲爻,爲爲鉦 爲迦爲朽鉦爻爲 爲爻 爲む爲爻 爲爻爲 爲爻?
爲爻爲 爲爲逗爻爲爻 爲爻 爲爲爲萎爻 爲爲 爲爲ム,爲謹爲 爲爲爻 爲爻爲迦 爲爲朽鉦爻 爲爻爲 爲爻?
爲爻爲爲 爲爲爲爲爻爲爻 爲爲爻 爲爻爲爻 爲爲,爲爲鉦迦 爲爲鉦迦 爲爲逗爲爲爻爲爻 爲爻爲萎爲 爲爻....
爲 爲 爲爻爲爻 爲爲鉦爲 爲爲朽鉦爻爲爻 爲爲ム,爲爲爲爲 爲爲爲 爲爻爲萎爻爲爻 爲萎項爲 爲爻.
It is nice to be important, but it is important to be nice.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then y