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Organization / Workplace
Tbilisi, Georgia
is listening to music
m PrAtheEsH!!
dOin mA BDS frm nOorul ISlam coLlege for dEntal scIencE
hmmm,,,...wEL i kNw for a fAct dAt lIfe iS fuLl oF uPs nD doWns!,..,,bT i guesS slOWly nD steadilY m cliMpinG uP,,,Ol says am kInDa laZy ghOose!!,,bT wEn iT coMes to mUsiQ,conCerts,pArtY nD dJ i'm fiRst!!i cAhn siT in mA rOom nD b glUed On ma bed wRitiNg pOems,coMposinG dEm nD pResEntiNg iT iN frNt oF ma dEar oNEs,nD geT der eNcoUragemNt is jst aweSome fOe mE!!,,m a gUy hu mAselF bliVs daT i wiL neve gEt a thing dAt i drEam foE,evn iF itz the cASe oF a lOving sis,a lOving gUrl,a trstful frnD,eTC,,,,i alwYs thInk am been
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