Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Bangalore, India
Bangalore, India
Very generous.....
kind, fun luving,
rocking, cute,
good at heart...
luvs 2 b in company w/ brainy ppl...
I am vErY ReAl ;oRiGiNaL ...n I HaTe DoUbLe fAcEd PeOpLe.........!
I aM hOnEsT;& tRuStWoRtHy...i hAtE ReStRicTiOnS..........I DnT LiKe nE KiNd of ImPeDiMeNt In My pAtH.!!
I Am VeRy tHoRouGh In aL My lIfE MaTtErS N I HaTe nE KiNd oF SlOpPInEsS......................
ppL sAy dAt m PUrE 4M heArT & nOt PrEtEnDiNg! I jus tk d LiFe d way it cumz in front of me.....................!!. . . .
I HaVe mY owN wOrLd oF My dReAmS Bt i tOo BeLiEvE iN AcTiOnS....
Music Lover~~~