The document discusses research on the future of learning and the educational process. A survey found that many employees experience information overload and a lack of knowledge sharing. The research also looked at implementing a new way of working and learning. For learning, a pilot program reduced required classroom hours and used social media and online tools. This led to reductions in travel and facility usage. The results were expected to significantly reduce the number of university buildings and increase online and blended course offerings. The future of education is discussed as moving away from traditional models.
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Icmgl13 future of learning and edu process
1. The Future of
Learning and the Educational Process
International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance
Bangkok, Thailand - 2013
Pascal Ravesteyn & Adri Kohler
Research Centre for Process Innovation
HU University of Applied Science Utrecht
The Netherlands
2. Outline
Research Approach
Results New Way of Working
Results New Way of Learning
The Future of our University
6. Work changes
Survey MKB Servicedesk & HU:
27% of people in organizations experience
information overload
73% find there is a lack in knowledge sharing
87% losing time due to rush hour
40% experiences a lack of space at the office
33% is spending to much time searching for
Similar outcomes in research done by Telewerkforum,
Taskforce Mobiliteitsmanagement, MKB-Nederland,
7. New Way of Work
Work whenever and wherever you want
Office functions as meeting place
Different workspaces/places depending on the
task at hand
Management by results
Free access to knowledge, information and
8. New-Way-of-Working
and Learning
The future of Higher Education in the Netherlands:
Aging population of lecturers
More part-time students (life-long-learning)
Less government money
We should change the way we are organized / work
Implement different forms of education (from classroom to
blended learning to .)
10. NWOW within the University
Staff employees experience a social pressure to be physically present at the University
during working hours
Obligatory presence during lectures
To travel less and/or outside rush hour would be perfect
Not all roles and tasks can be performed from home
Management by results together with trust and support are essential
I am familiar with the new possibilities with weblectures and such. However I dont like
it, I want to be able to look my students in the eyes
I like to come to the University because of the contact I have with my collegeaus
I Have different functions and have both a shared desk and my own office
People claim shared workspaces as if it is their own!
The Uiversity doesnt provide laptops, smartphones, tablets etc.
There are information systems / applications that only work if youre on premises
11. Results NWOW within the University
Based on the interviews we find that:
Employees do like to be able to schedule their own working hours / days
both at the University and at home
The amount of lectures where students are obliged to participate is rising
instead of declining
The Universities strategy on Sustainability is of no significance
12. Pilot New Way of Learning
Minor Virtual & Social Networks
Less lectures that require students presence in the classroom
After 2 very intensive weeks (>50 hours) at the start of the semester an average of 4
hours a week at the University
All courses via weblectures, youtube, SL/Opensim
- Communication through social
media (Twitter, Facebook)
- Filesharing via Dropbox
- Use of Mail is not allowed
14. Results New Way of Learning
Number of hours on premises reduced by 134 to 162.
Based on a regular semester program (300 hours).
During the minor Virtual & Social Networks 138 hours of
mandatory lectures & a maximum of 28 extra hours based
on electives.
This results in less travel (CO2 reduction) and a lower
occupancy rate of University facilities.
Added benefit of WQM / use of social media: reduction of e-
mail messages by 60 70 % (after compensating for posting
on social media: 45%)
15. Future
The results of this (and other) project(s) have a major impact:
25% reduction of University buildings (10 -> 5 buildings)
Investment: 92 ml. euro in 10 yrs
1 workspace per 2fte
>50% part-time courses will be redesigned (blended learning) by 2017
Implementation of Sustainability Strategy intensified