This document outlines the details of the Psychology 3561: Autism Pre-Practicum course. It provides the meeting times, course managers, required materials, attendance policy, grading breakdown, academic dishonesty policy, and directions to practicum sites. The course consists of weekly seminars that include reviews, quizzes, activities, and discussions. Students must also complete four observation visits to WoodsEdge Learning Center and have the option to visit the Kalamazoo Autism Center. The pre-practicum trains students with relevant information to prepare them for the practicum experience.
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Syllabus spring 11
1. Psychology 3561: Autism Pre-Practicum
Meeting Times:
WoodsEdge Visits: TBA
Seminar: Mondays 6-7:30pm, Sangren Hall 2209 or Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, Sangren Hall 2219
Office Hours: By Appointment
Julie Sanchez Pre-Practicum Senior System Manager
Wendy Comba Pre-Practicum Junior System Manager
Taylor Babcock Pre-Practicum Undergraduate Assistant
Alex Forton Pre-Practicum Undergraduate Assistant
Course description: The pre-practicum training course is a supplement to the practicum PSY 3570
that provides the opportunity to obtain relevant information about the practicum, to observe current
practicum students, and to work with children in the ECDD classroom at WoodsEdge Learning
Required materials: You must purchase a $5 copy card from the bookstore. If you do not bring this
into class the second week of class, you will lose participation points each week that it is not brought
Absences: Because the seminar only runs for seven weeks, it is very important that each student
attend all meetings. You may have 1 excused absence without lowering your grade. Any absence
that I am not notified about either in advance or shortly after class will result in loss of 遜 a letter
grade. So, any unexcused absence results in your grade lowered from an A to a BA. Whenever
possible, you should make up your absence by attending one of the other sections of the course that
week. Otherwise you will miss out on pertinent information you will be expected to know upon
entering the practicum.
Grades: There will be five components to your final grade.
o Attendance
Each seminar is worth 20 pts.
o Quizzes
A quiz will be given in each seminar and will be worth 20 points each.
o Homework/Activities
Each assignment will be worth 20 points, and these points will be factored
in your participation grade.
o Participation
Each seminar is worth 20 participation points. There will be activities and
discussion in each seminar. Failure to participate in these activities (role
playing, group activities, etc.) or discussion will result in points lost from
your participation grade.
2. o WoodsEdge Visits
You will be required to visit WoodsEdge for four one-hour sessions during
the semester. Each visit is worth 20 points. If you fail to cancel your visit at
least one hour in advance via email, you will lose your points for that visit.
All four visits must be completed prior to enrollment in the practicum. You
may also opt to come for a fifth visit to the Kalamazoo Autism Center
(KAC) if you are interested in signing up for the practicum there. You will
be getting a tour and going over the differences between KAC and
WoodsEdge. Maps and directions to both KAC and WoodsEdge can be
found following the syllabus.
Below is the grading matrix for this course.
Pre-Prac Lowest % of Points in ANY of the Remaining Areas (Homework, Attendance,
Matrix Participation)
Quizzes or WoodsEdge VisitsLowest % of Points in either
Min. % of Quiz
Points 92 87 82 77 72 67 62 <62
82 B CB C DC D E
77 CB C DC D E
72 C DC D E
67 DC D E
62 D E
<62 E
3. Academic Dishonesty
You are responsible for making yourself aware of and understanding the policies and procedures in
the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs that pertain to Academic Honesty. These policies include
cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and
computer misuse. [The policies can be found at
<> under Academic Policies, Student Rights and Responsibilities.] If
there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the
Office of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s). If you believe
you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with your
instructor if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an
assignment or test.
To sign up for the Basic Practicum
1) Go to Add/Drop classes
2) Select class search
3) Select psychology as the subject
4) Select All as the campus.
5) Select Psychology, Course number 3570
If you cant sign up on your own, we will sign you up at the end of the course. Dont worry;
the class will never fill up!
4. Week One Seminar:
Introduction to the Pre-Practicum
Fill out late add forms
Go over basics of Discrete Trial
Learn the prompt hierarchy
Week Two Seminar:
Review Reading #1 and complete Homework #1
Quiz #1
Role Play
Homework: Complete Discrete Trial Workshow and Quiz BEFORE class
Week Three Seminar:
Review Reading #2 and complete Homework #2
Quiz #2
Role Play
Week Four Seminar:
Review Reading #3 and complete Homework #3
Quiz #3
PECS Introduction
PECS Role Play
Week Five Seminar:
Review Reading #4 and complete Homework #4
Quiz #4
Token Economies
Role Play
Week Six Seminar:
Review Reading #5 and complete Homework #5
Quiz #5
Role Play
Week Seven Seminar:
Review Reading #6 and complete Homework #6
Quiz #6
Playing Role Play
5. WoodsEdge Learning Center
1501 E. Milham Ave. | Portage, MI 49002
Coming from Western Michigan University, turn left onto Howard St, turn right onto South Westnedge Ave,
turn left onto East Milham Ave, turn left into WoodsEdge. You should park in the visitors parking lot, to the
left of the school (the lot closest to Milham and Lovers Lane).
6. Kalamazoo Autism Center
110 W Cork St, Kalamazoo, MI 49001-4754 (Child Development Center)
Coming from Western Michigan University, turn left onto Howard St., turn right onto South Westnedge Ave,
turn right onto West Cork St, and turn left into the Child Development Center.