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Organization / Workplace
Amritsar, Punjab India
FirStLy I aM a HumAn & afTeR thAt aN EngInEEriNg sTuDeNt peRsuiNg mY GrAduAtiOn iN Electronics & Communication.
I aM a toO vErsAtiLe peRsoN, pErFecTly fiT iN aNy sTatE iN mY OwN stYLE, nOboDy cAn juDgE mE oNcE.
I cAn amAzE u wItH mY mAgnIFicieNt sKiLL oF oBseRvAtiOn.
I LovE sTudYiNg, chaTTiNg aND iNtErActiNg wiTh nEw peOpLE..
If yOu ArE GoInG tO B mAh frNd.....I waNnA b A ReAsOn 4 UR sMiLeS :) :) TiLL tHE mOmEnT YOu sTaY CoNNeCtED..
u wiLL dEFiNitEly uNderStaND mE..emm sUgaR,,sPICe and mUch moRe thAn EverYthiNg NiCe BuT BeFore yOu EveR MeSs wiTh mE..
BeTTer thiNk
I mAkE mY lOvEd oNeS fEeL sPeciAL whEn thEy aRe wiTh mE.
SomEthiNg mOsT dEaR to mE iS mY sElF rEspEct wHicH
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Users being followed by Priya Mahajan