I believe the entire so called "Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures from Genesis to Malachi) known as the Tanach, (Books of Moses) and the (Books of the Prophets.).
I believe in only ONE Savior, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Yaakov, whose Name is pronounced Yah-oo-ay. He is the only true Mighty One, creator of the heavens and the earth.
I observe the Sabbath as commanded by Yahoay beginning on the 7th day of the week beginning on the six day at evening. (From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.)
I observe all of the Holy Days commanded by Yahoay i.e. Passover, Feast of Unleavened bread, Feast of Weeks, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, Feast of Booths and Shenni Atzeret.
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