This presentation was given by Tiffany Robinson, The RBA Group, at the 2010 APA-NJ Planning Conference on November 5, 2010. It is the overview for the conference session titled "Dipping Your Bicycle Wheel into the Melting Pot." The session was one of a series of sessions put together by the APA-NJ's Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Committee (ECDC) in an effort to highlight the need for more diversity in the field of Planning.
25. Planners can continue to make a positive impact on bricks and
mortar design issues, but we must also become well-versed in
matters of race and culture so that our plans and
implementation programs can ensure equityAnd maybe one
day, well stop referring to struggling areas as those
communities but insteadour communities. APA-NJ
President-Elect Charles Latini, Jersey Planner Newsletter, September
October 2010
26. Need more diverse images in our image
libraries and in our plans
Diversity should be seen as the norm,
not a special tag
Complete Streets for ALL users
Programs designed for inclusion and
outreach to the underserved
populations, especially non-English
speaking residents