ใบงานที่ 9 16rcnkThis document contains a long list of links to various blogs and websites on a variety of topics such as recycling milk boxes, tourism in Chiang Mai province, and technology. It also includes tables with numerical data and references to e-books and CD formats. The document seems to be compiling external resources on different subject matters without much cohesion or narrative summary.
ใบงานที่ 9 16rcnkThis document contains a long list of links to various blogs and websites on a variety of topics such as recycling milk boxes, tourism in Chiang Mai province, and technology. It also includes tables with numerical data and sections that appear to be from online textbooks or manuals about e-books and CD formats. The document collects disparate information from different online sources without much cohesion or narrative between the various sections.
ใบงานที่ 9 16rcnkThis document contains a long list of links to various blogs and websites on a variety of topics such as recycling milk boxes, tourism in Chiang Mai province, and technology. It also includes tables with numerical data and references to e-books and CD formats. The document seems to be compiling external resources on different subject matters without much cohesion or narrative summary.
ใบงานที่ 9 16rcnkThis document contains a long list of links to various blogs and websites on a variety of topics such as recycling milk boxes, tourism in Chiang Mai province, and technology. It also includes tables with numerical data and sections that appear to be from online textbooks or manuals about e-books and CD formats. The document collects disparate information from different online sources without much cohesion or narrative between the various sections.
TIMEKok Meng TchunTime is the only true resource man owns. People use time to exchange physical (materials) and abstract (spiritual) returns. How do you want to invest your time? How can you be sure if you're living a meaningful life?
Figuras de linguagemJulianne Rodrigues PitaEste slide tem como propósito esclarecer dúvidas sobre o conceito e uso de algumas das figuras de linguagem.
Scoring in basketballJester Paquera1) The document provides instructions for scoring a basketball game using an official FIBA scoresheet. It details how to prepare the scoresheet before the game including entering team and player names.
2) During the game, the scorer records points, fouls, timeouts and team fouls on the scoresheet. Points are recorded with slashes or circles by player number. Fouls are indicated with letters by type and player.
3) At the end of each period and the game, the scorer summarizes points scored, draws lines on the scoresheet, and records final scores before getting signatures to approve the official scoresheet.
Persidangan organisasi islamdepaislanggaPersidangan organisasi Islam adalah forum bagi organisasi Islam untuk membahas berbagai masalah dan mengambil keputusan bersama. Persidangan perlu diselenggarakan dengan baik agar dapat menghasilkan keputusan yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi. Hal-hal penting dalam penyelenggaraan persidangan antara lain persiapan materi dan agenda, pelaksanaan sesuai tata tertib, serta pengambilan keputusan yang sesuai nilai-nilai Islam.
Classes de palavrasJulianne Rodrigues PitaO documento descreve as dez classes de palavras da língua portuguesa: substantivo, artigo, adjetivo, pronome, numeral, verbo, advérbio, preposição, conjunção e interjeição. Cada classe é definida e classificada em subtipos.
Bahan Ajar PPL 2depaislanggaReformasi 1998 di Indonesia diawali oleh berbagai krisis selama pemerintahan Orde Baru, seperti ketidakadilan ekonomi dan hukum, politik, serta kepercayaan masyarakat. Gerakan reformasi dipimpin mahasiswa dan tokoh masyarakat dengan tuntutan mundurnya Soeharto. Setelah Soeharto mundur pada Mei 1998, Indonesia melakukan reformasi dengan pemilihan umum 1999 dan mengubah konstitusi.
ADVANTAGES AND DIS-ADVANTAGES OF COMPUTERJester PaqueraThis document summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of computers. It discusses how computers can positively impact various fields such as education, home, medicine, business, entertainment, government, law, and industry. However, it also notes some disadvantages such as potential health issues from overuse, distraction, and privacy/security risks. The document provides an overview of how computers have revolutionized and will continue transforming the processing of data and information.